Class Introduction
02:09 2Not-so-obvious Automation: Presets
10:10 3Keyboard Shortcuts
10:15 4Adjustment Layer Presets
04:17 5Brush Presets
04:42 6Recording an Action (Refresher)
14:14 7Conditional Actions
05:53 8One-step Actions
05:01Lesson Info
Brush Presets
now the other type of priest. I'm not gonna talk about very much today, but just mentioned, the fact is that you can turn anything you want into a brush. So I have brushes that say, like copyright and my signature and all those things, though instead of me always going looking for Where did I say that file? I just have in my library of brushes all kinds of things, like different looks and copyright notices and things like this, where if I just want to add it, I can just now click and I've got it. There are two type my texts and that sort things, So that's a little beyond what we won't talk about today. But just to mention that, I'm sure you can find tutorial somewhere on creating brushes. Except I will say one thing. Most of them are wrong, So I probably should tell you. And I say that because I watched two tours where they go through this whole complicated thing about making a brush, and it's really not that hard at all. I always like to make my brush is much bigger than I think I'll ...
ever need it because I'd rather have a brush that I scaled down versus have it too small, and the key to making a brush is very simple. And that is whatever's black is your brush. Whatever's white is see through. So if you want 100% opaque brush, make sure when you're creating something like Type that it's pure 100% black. So I take my type tool. It's black, It's not black. It's white silk shorts black, and then I type something and whatever it is, so probably make it a little bigger than that. But basically, that's it. I've got type on there, and I, whatever reason, want that to be a brush. That's all I have to do. You'll see two tours to say. Now hide this or select that. No, you just go the edit menu and choose defined brush preset. That's it. Simple is that now, if that's great out, it's because your brush is too big, depending your version of photo shop. There was a limit as to how big your brush could be in earlier versions, that was 2500 pixels. Now I think it's 5000 pixels, so we tried to make a brush out of something too big. It might be great out, so just make a little smaller. But once I do that now, I have a new brush that I could use that in point. Personally, I would stick it on a layer. Normally, take the brush tool. There we go being now, I can't edit that because it's not type anymore. But for things where you know, that's my address. That's my whatever it is. Logo done. Simple, really easy. The other thing. That's a really nice benefit if you're working with the last few versions of the Creative cloud version of Photo Shop is for things like logos where in the past I would save a logo and I'd save it on transparent background. I would save it in some folders. Every time I want to use it, I'd have to think. OK, go on, open that logo and drop it on top of my photograph. The library's panel in photo shop is a really useful function because it builds things right in to photo shop without you having to go look for them. So let's make a a new library for today created, and then I just say you know this layer right here. I just want that to be in my document. I've already done that. Hold on one second. Actually. Do this too. This demonstrated should use a different ones. Every done this before, so that's kind of throwing things off a little bit. Okay, so you click and drag now, my layer or my logo is in there. So from now on, any document have open and Photoshopped. If I want my logo, I just go to the correct library and just drag it on and it's done and I hit. Enter now my locals on there now I used to file open or place and say, Where did I say that again? And so building things into your library and your library can contain color schemes like swatches taking the train logos. It can contain brushes. Bryan Hughes was showing earlier and earlier class how to use some of the new adobe after, like capture things with your phone that automatically get added to your library through creative cloud. It's really quite remarkable where you can walk around and see a nice color scheme. An office building used the app called capture to say I love that color scheme, and in about 30 seconds you look in photo shop and there's six watches that are based on what you just saw in that person's office. So that's another example of where this library thing is providing a nice benefit because we don't have to go looking for things they're just built in. They become photo shop, built in elements as the things post the things you have to go looking for.
Ratings and Reviews
Emily Bristor
Dave Cross really knows his stuff, and his knowledge is up to date. I didn't know there's a Photoshop "mail-merge" kind of capability - now I know how to use it! He gives clear instructions on how to save time in Photoshop in various ways. I highly recommend this course.