Making a Social Post in Adobe Spark
Lesson 4 from: Adobe Spark: Create Engaging Social Media Posts In a SnapKhara Plicanic

Making a Social Post in Adobe Spark
Lesson 4 from: Adobe Spark: Create Engaging Social Media Posts In a SnapKhara Plicanic
Lesson Info
Making a Social Post in Adobe Spark
Now we're ready to start our campaign. So we're gonna create this cocktail post. So let's go back to our brand, manage brand and we'll see what might be a good jumping off point. And you can see how easy it is to change stuff so we don't have to worry about it really but let's just, I guess we can start with this Facebook Ad maybe. So we'll load this and we're gonna click to change the picture in here. So I'll select it and double click it and we'll use free photos and this time we'll type cocktail. There we are. So we can scroll through and look at all these different cocktail images. The one that I made in the example is this one that comes from Unsplash. And I just feel like it's so colorful and geometric and it looks like Party Panache. So, I'll select this and then we can come over here. Pick one of these, we'll delete one and keep the other. So, I'll delete this. This one already has that backing shape applied to it so I'm gonna go with this and I'll double click and we'll just a...
dd how to make the perfect cocktail. Done. Maybe we wanna right align this. So with the type selected, we are just here in our type menu. I'll just click to right align it. Oh my gosh this is just such a, I wish that Illustrator and InDesign would be this responsive. I mean it's just this time I would save. It would be amazing. Okay, so that looks good. Let's change the colors a little bit. So I've got the type active. I'll click over here to select the color and let's see what we have. I'm really just digging the yellow here and with the pink, is fun. So maybe something like this. Alright, so let's say that's perfect for a Facebook Ad so we'll click to download it, and then now we need to resize it for a different output. So we'll click the resize button and let's say we wanna put it for Pinterest of course. So we'll click select Pinterest and check that out. It just automatically... Now we may wanna change it a little bit but we're already starting from a really good point and I don't have to worry about, "what size is a good Pinterest size?" like it just figures it out and we can forget about it. So maybe something like this would be nice for Pinterest. So we just kind of drag, rearrange things around and when we're happy with it, boom. Download that. Let's see, we'll do one more I guess. So I'm clicking away to deselect everything. That gets us back to the, sort of, overall design attributes where we have the resize option. So what else might be good and also different? So we have horizontal, vertical, I guess we can do Instagram. So then we'll take it into a square and maybe we don't even need a pink box. Maybe we just select it and delete it. And you'll notice it just fills in with the image so we don't even have to jockey stuff around. It just works. And let's take our colors here for the type and maybe we shuffle that. Works for me. Alright we've got this design, we'll hit download, boom. So we downloaded three different versions. If I pop open my finder, we can just see, we can see right here. And that was so easy and I can tell you that if you were doing this in Photoshop, even someone who is well-versed in Photoshop, it would take longer than this no matter how good you are at Photoshop. It's just the amount of jockeying that you have to do would be time consuming.
Class Materials
Adobe Spark: Create Engaging Social Media Posts in a Snap - Adobe Stock Contributor Tutorial
Adobe Spark: Create Engaging Social Media Posts in a Snap - Course Files
Ratings and Reviews
Khara is an upbeat presenter with a fantastic overview of Spark that showed me just how useful this program will be for my business!