Chapter 1: Introduction
1Class Introduction
01:41 2Starting a New Project and Premiere Pro Orientation
12:33 3Importing and Organizing
07:24 4Quick Win - Stablize Your Videos
02:40 5CC 2020 Updates
02:31 6Quiz: Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Editing Your Video
Starting a New Sequence and Understanding the Timeline
05:55 8Adding Clips to the Timeline, Syncing Footage, and Making Selects
12:17 9Exercise Syncing Video and Audio
01:03 10Exercise Review Syncing Video and Audio
03:09 11Editing Tools
16:14 12Adding bRoll Footage to Your Video
10:42 13Adjusting Clip Size and Position
04:01 14REVIEW Adjusting Clip Size and Position
02:25 15Bonus - Editing Down an Interview
34:47 16Editing a Narrative Scene
11:00 17Update CC 2018 - Opening Multiple Projects in Premiere Pro CC 2018
03:49 18Update CC 2018 - Close Gaps in Premiere Pro CC 2018
01:36 19CC 2020 Update - Auto Reframe
05:42 20Quiz: Chapter 2: Editing Your Video
Chapter 3: Adding Video and Audio Transitions
21Class Check In
00:51 22Adding Video Transitions and EXERCISE
08:25 23Exercise Review Video Transitions
02:27 24Adding Audio Transitions
03:36 25Exercise - Create a Custom Blur Transition
07:18 26Trouble with Transitions
06:36 27Quiz: Chapter 3: Adding Video and Audio Transitions
Chapter 4: Creating Titles (Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017.1 and newer)
28Update CC 2018 - New Titles in Premiere Pro CC 2017.1 - the Essential Graphics
16:05 29Update CC 2018 - Animating Your Title Cards
05:44 30Update CC 2018 - Saving Titles as Preset Graphics
02:16 31Update CC 2018 - Essential Graphics Updates
10:27 32CC 2020 Update - Underlining and Renaming Shape Layers
01:56 33Quiz: Chapter 4: Creating Titles (Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017.1 and newer)
Chapter 5: Editing Audio
34Adjusting Audio Levels in Premiere Pro
10:16 35Adjusting Audio Channels
05:05 36Update CC 2017 - Editing Audio with the Essential Sound Panel
07:57 37Fixing Audio with the Low and High Pass Filters
04:17 38Improving Audio with EQ (Equalization)
39Adjusting Audio Tracks with Effects
02:14 40Exercise - Fixing Bad Audio
00:41 41Exercise Review - Remove Bad Background Noise
04:32 42Adding Music to Your Project and Making a Song Shorter
11:24 43Easily Removing Background Noise with Audacity
05:17 44Update CC 2019 - Reduce Reverb and Reduce Noise Sliders
02:47 45Parametric EQ Tutorial in Premiere Pro
05:01 46Remove Echo in Premiere Pro with Parametric Equalizer
05:40 47Quiz: Chapter 5: Editing Audio
Chapter 6: Color Correction and Grading
48Color Correction with Lumetri Basics
08:43 49Exercise - Fix White Balance UPDATE
00:38 50Exercise Review - Fix White Balance UPDATE
02:30 51Creative Tab - Lumetri Color
05:30 52Curves Tab - Lumetri Color
03:50 53Color Wheels - Lumetri Color
01:51 54HSL Secondary - Lumetri Color
03:40 55Vignette - Lumetri Color
02:49 56Exercise - Matching Exposure
00:55 57Exercise Review - Matching Exposure
04:43 58Color Correction with Adjustment Layers
06:08 59Update CC 2018 - Adding Multiple Lumetri Color Effects
03:42 60Update CC 2019 - Selective Color Grading
05:47 61Applying Color Effects to Specific Parts of Video with Mask Tracking
04:16 62Quiz: Chapter 6: Color Correction and Grading
Chapter 7: Motion in Premiere Pre
63Adding Motion to Title Graphics
04:37 64Add the Ken Burns Effect to Photos
02:22 65Exercise - Add Motion to Video to Make it More Dynamic
01:14 66Exercise Review - Add Motion to Video to Make it More Dynamic
06:14 67OPTIONAL Adding Motion to Screenshots
08:05 68Quiz: Chapter 7: Motion in Premiere Pre
Chapter 8: Exporting Your Video
69Exporting a High-Quality, Small File-Size Video
05:32 70OPTIONAL - Export Settings - In Depth Review
12:02 71Export a Full Resolution Video
01:28 72Exporting Small File-Size Preview Video
01:45 73Practice Exercise - Finish Class Project
01:03 74Quiz: Chapter 8: Exporting Your Video
Chapter 9: Visual Effects and Advanced Premiere Pro Tips
75Adding and Adjusting Effects to Your Video Clips
06:55 76Adjusting Effects with Keyframes
04:42 77Using Lumetri Color Presets
03:35 78Stabilize Shaky Footage with Warp Stabilizer
05:21 79Exercise - Stabilize Shaky Video
00:36 80Exercise Review - Stabilize Shaky Video
02:46 81Make Footage More Cinematic with Overlays
06:44 82Capture Still Images from Video
01:41 83EXERCISE - Remove Noise and Grain from Video Clip
06:46 84Quiz: Chapter 9: Visual Effects and Advanced Premiere Pro Tips
Chapter 10: Video Speed in Premiere Pro
85Adjusting Clip Speed
05:10 86Time Remapping and Speed Ramps
03:54 87CC 2020 Update - Time Remapping up to 20,000%
02:20 88Slow Motion Video By Interpreting Frame Rates
01:56 89Exercise - Speed Ramps
01:28 90Exercise Review - Speed Ramps
00:57 91Quiz: Chapter 10: Video Speed in Premiere Pro
Chapter 11: Green Screen Editing - Chromakeying in Premiere Pro
92Green Screen Tutorial (ChromaKeying) in Premiere Pro
07:37 93Adding a Background to Green Screen Video
05:45 94Quiz: Chapter 11: Green Screen Editing - Chromakeying in Premiere Pro
Chapter 12: Conclusion
00:55Final Quiz
96Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Bonus - Editing Down an Interview
Welcome to this longer lesson where I'm going to be actually editing this interview down to one minute. So thank you for all of you watching this. If you're jumping from the previous lesson earlier in the class or if you've gone through the entire class and just wanted some extra lessons, then welcome. So what I'm going to do is just expand this timeline a bit so that I can see and have more space. Then I'm literally just going to walk through this this video how I would myself and going, I'm going to walk and talk through it. There might be a couple of places where I'm just kind of listening to it. So there might be a little bit more pauses in this video than in other ones. So let's just get to it. So my sequence is set up. I have my audio from a camera up, I like having the waveform up so I can see where Anthony is talking. I can also tell where I'm talking and answering questions because that's where there are audio waveforms but they're a little bit lower. So anyways let's just go ...
through it. The first part is where I'm asking questions so I can almost just skip through to about this point where not only can I see him talking up here in the video clip, but I can also see the voice right here pop up right here for the very first time. So when I'm dealing with multiple layers, instead of using the slip edit tools, I typically use the razer blade tool, just pressing C on my keyboard and trimming that first part. So I'm just going to trim right there. I'm going to select this clip, delete it, select the space, press delete on my keyboard which is back space for pC users. And it just makes this part of the interview at the very beginning now I'm gonna just listen through the entire interview and cut out parts that I like and now I'm doing this after I've already created the sample video for this course. So I already know where I'm going to make edits but let's just listen through it and we'll see what I like and why I like those parts. The same year I was diagnosed that summer, the whole a less ice bucket challenge phenomenon went viral. I like that line. So I'm going to make my minute long clip about the ice bucket challenge. That's what this whole six minute clip is about. We did a two hour long interview. So we talked about a lot of other things and who knows by the time you take this class, the short documentary might be out. We're having a a music composer do the score for it right now. Um and so anyways I like that clip. So I just make that edit some things sometimes what I will do to mark where if I like a clip or not, I'll just move this a camera shot up to track three just for now. So I know that that's the clip that I like. And it was insane to see because LS has been in my family and I've been around it for such a long time but nobody spoke of this disease, nobody knew what it was. And here I like that those clips a lot. I I like that he's talking about a less has been in his family which isn't explained in the final cut that I did before. I'm not going to select it now just because I'm trying to replicate what I did before. But there's so much good stuff and that's why this is so hard to cut down to a minute because there's so much good content. My newsfeed was filled with everyone that I knew and there was there mama's baby's mama doing the Ls ice bucket challenge, dumping ice water over their head. And um so I like this part of this line because it explains what the Ls but ice bucket challenge was see how it starts. My newsfeed was filled with everyone. My news feed was filled with everyone and their baby's mama, I think that's what he said goes on to say. We can trim out the first part of that sentence. So it's just everybody hold with everyone. Everyone everyone and a cool trick that you can do while playing through your edits is playing with the J. K. And L buttons on your keyboard. L will make your you're video play J. Goes backwards and you can press L L twice to do double speed and JJ twice to go backwards double speed and then K pauses it. So if I need to find specifically where it is, I can press L feed was filled with everyone and I see it's right in there instead of using my mouse to move it right there. I could use J to go backwards and I could also use my keyboard to go frame it at a time. I know it's right there. I want to start before he says everything. This little peek right there is where he starts to say everything. So I'm taking my razor blade tool and cutting it there. Everyone that I knew and there was there mama's baby's mama doing the Ls ice bucket challenge, dumping ice water over their head. Okay, I'm going to edit right there after he says head trim using the razer blade tool, move this up. So that's the selection now. So if I zoom out you can see I have one selection, two selections and um not everybody knew or understood what this disease was but I didn't care if they are saying the words or the letters A. L. S and bringing attention to it. I was happy, you know. So I was just sitting back watching all that happen since I did this interview. I know that there's other lines that I like better that show his emotion and show what this meant to him. So I'm going to not choose that line even though it was a good line. But if you're an editor and you didn't shoot your own project sometimes you have to listen through an interview multiple times so that you know where a good part is or a or not good part is. And eventually it came to a point where people will be became frustrated and didn't and this is a section that I didn't use in my own edit. So this is where he starts to talk about his frustration with it, how people became frustrated with the LS but ice bucket challenge and it's a very powerful part of the interview. It's just something that I didn't select. So hopefully some of you might choose this one. And we're annoyed from the challenge. And um, and then a lot of people didn't really understand the realities of this disease either. They were smiling dumping water on their head because it was, I don't for all kinds of reasons. And um, but so I had someone that made a very negative post that I read that motivated me to make my ice bucket challenge. He's a friend of mine, a mutual friend of mine told me that I wrote on his wall or on the status saying that if somebody does the ice bucket challenge again use gasoline and light yourself on fire instead or something like that. And I was just like, you know who I am? You know I have this disease and my mom has it. Why would you say that? So this is a completely different set of part of the interview that I didn't select at all for my video. I thought I wanted to give a kind of overview of what he's talking about, but maybe you might want to dive into just this part of the video. Just this part about how someone made this offensive comment. And um, so a lot of, a lot of my motivation and making that video is out of frustrations and, and frustrations that I've been keeping inside and they wouldn't even voice to my own family about. And so I did all the fun part. You know, I, I jumped into a bikini and I washed my car and I did all that fun thing because that's why the ice bucket challenge was successful. I thought, you know, because it was fun. Nobody talks about this disease because it's okay. So he talks about doing the ice bucket challenge. I think I'm going to keep that part. I might edit it out later. So I did all the fun part. You know, I, I jumped into it and you can see that while I'm playing, I can still take the razer blade tool and make edits. And that's another thing you can do once you start to become a more efficient editor is you can be playing through listening, but also being making edits on the timeline. I jumped into a bikini and I washed my car and I did all that fun thing because that's why the ice bucket challenge was successful. And I thought, you know, because it was fun. Nobody talks about this disease because it's ugly. You know, that doesn't go viral. But as soon as somebody does something random and fun, it goes viral. And so that's what I did. And then I, and that was funny, I guess. And so, and then at the end I was like, I'm gonna talk to the camera. Okay. So I'm going to just cut it somewhere in here. I'm going to have to make some more minute edits a little bit later on when I start cutting this down and that was funny I guess. So I'm just going to select this, move it up as a selection. I'm going to talk to the camera. I turned on the camera when nobody was in my house and I just talked to her, I didn't know what was going to say and it became emotional hysterical almost because I was, I was listening to myself and realizing how unfair this was and then it went viral and blew up. I got the first day I got 100,000 views. Okay, so I want to keep this part about going viral and then it went viral and blew up. I got the first day I got 100,000 views and then the next day I got a million, okay, gonna keep that part And then went and by the end of that day it was like 5:10, it was going viral and it was crazy. My phone was dinging 10 times a second. No exaggeration, All these little moments, I could have chosen this part vs that part and to me it's more of just like a gut feeling of this is what I want to choose, but um I could be wrong and that's why it's important to get second opinions on your edit to see Ok, is this line that he's saying powerful enough? Maybe I should have used this other line and I'm sure some of you have feedback or maybe you're listening to this interview now and you're like wow, Phil why didn't you use this clip? This is so much better, and that's what's great about video making, it's an art and it's a personal way to tell a story. No exaggeration. It was going I never get notifications ever. And um and my phone was going berserk and I turned off all my notifications like what is this? All my family came to the house, what is going on and getting all these views are getting all the support we're getting all this love and encouragement, all these words of effort, like it was just insane. It was crazy going viral is weird, it's like crazy. So I want to keep this little part about where it's insane. He says it's insane. We're getting all this love and encouragement, all these, these words of africa like it's just insane. I like that little part because it kind of wraps up. He says it went viral and then he says it was insane and that's kind of like a conclusion to that thought it was crazy going viral is is weird, it's like a crazy thing and um that was like a week long process and I challenged Ellen degeneres because Ellen brought so much hope to my mom and and laughter and fun. She watches her show every day. So this is the part that I didn't include either. He went on the Ellen show, there's actually photos, screenshots of him on the Ellen show that you can go through and I don't have the rights to um distribute these commercially. So just educationally we can use these for our own personal use but know that we can't post these and and try to sell these videos or anything because I didn't get the rights to using these screenshots. But for for this fun little project you can play around with using this story about going on Ellen because it's another one that I think is really cool. You can make it all about the whole minute piece about going on Ellen laughter and fun, She watches her show every day. My mom's in bed laying there every day because she's immobilized, she's paralyzed almost completely and you know, she watches the show and got a lot of joy out of it, you know, and her it's been her dream to go to the show, let alone like you know her doing a less ice book challenge for us. So I challenged Allen in a week after I made the video, we got a call from the Ellen show and we got invited. So I'm not going to do it now, but sometimes when I'm playing through an interview, I'll listen to it in double speed just by pressing L twice. So it's hard for you to be listening to that throughout this lesson. But if I was doing this on my own, sometimes I listen too long interviews at double speed so that I can get through it a little bit longer or a bit faster. This is crazy, this is no way this is happening. And so my mom like got to go to the show, her show and also see her son sitting in that chair right next to her and it was such an incredible experience. Ellen gave her a hug wave. My mom waved to her with her foot and um my mom, I think Ellen loves my mom more than she loves me. My mom is a beautiful soul, you're gonna have to meet her one of these days. But um so yeah, that was the whole thing. It just blew up and that was incredible to see and it brought a lot of needed attention and awareness to this this horrible disease, okay I'm going to take this clip for now because I think that's a good another good wrap up. So yeah that was the whole thing. It just blew up and that was incredible. So I'll just take from and that's incredible and so that and so you know in a weird way I think that's why I talk about this disease and always a very hopeful way, you know, always a very positive way because I know that's gonna translate better to everyone. You know, I'm gonna say yes here is what I'm going through, but also here's what you can do to help. You know, there's there's plenty of call to actions that will help promote research and fund research and development and insurance and just anyways. Yeah, so you can see that during this interview which I was actually doing myself, I let him just kind of ramble on and I think that's that's good when you're going for sort of an emotional story like this one where I just want him to get deep I want him to say what feels right, if you're doing more of a P. S. A a corporate video and need someone to stick to a certain line as an interviewer, don't be afraid to jump in and you know ask the question again or say I really like what you said, can you say it in this way or that way? Um So that was a long part of this interview where I just let him go and then here I ask another question. Mhm. So what I mean, what kind of support came from the ice challenge for you? And was there other people? Sure. Yeah. So um I think I think the Ice book, the video going viral, the biggest thing to me meant that I wasn't alone. I really like that line. So I'm going to take it now. I know I'm selecting more than I have in my final piece, so I'm going to have to edit it down, but we'll do that later. And it meant that there are a lot of other families going through this disease and they're realizing that they're not going alone to they're not going through this alone and that they are allowed to be vulnerable. Not only are they allowed to be vulnerable, but they should be vulnerable. Because how else is everyone is everyone going to understand the devastation this disease brings, not just to one person, but to the entire family. All of this is really good stuff. Um but I'm not selecting it just because I'm trying to replicate my my initial cut, but all really good stuff, you know? And and so I always encourage families because it's really hard to do, but to to be open to share your your journey with this disease because we need change, we need support and we can't get it without you voicing it, you know, you can't keep that in the house. Um so the biggest thing that a less ice bucket challenge brought was hope and awareness and advocacy and a voice. Okay, I'm going to take that. The biggest thing for a disease that takes literally will take away my voice, you know, and for a demographic of people that is small and underserved and has never gotten the level of awareness that it's ever needed. This was huge for us, you know, So, okay, I'm gonna take that whole clip. I I know I have to edit this down, I can just tell from the timeline right here, that's 25 seconds right there and there's no way I can keep the entire line with all of my previous selections, but for this I think it's good, you know, that's bigger than getting on the that's bigger than anything that's bigger than getting on any other news program or anything. But it's just the fact that yeah, just that. But um so yeah, a lot of money, I made a cut right there. I think I gave you a clip or these two clips have a couple edits in there just to shorten it down right there, a lot of money was raised for our cause essentially. Um but we still need a lot more support and I just I love this last line because it wraps everything up together. The LS ice bucket challenge was great but you know it's still, we have to live with a L. S. I know it was it was one summer fun but this disease is every day for us, you know and it's still here and there's still no cure and so we need continued support until this beast is gone, you know? Okay, I'm gonna cut right before he says you know, Going to move this interview clip up to track three. I'm going to zoom out and now I can see all of my selections easy. Right all of my selections. I want to just mention another way to do this. If you're just shooting with one camera, say I just had interview and this was the only camera instead of putting it on my timeline like this. I could just listen to it through my source monitor, make selections with my in and out points and then drag it down to my timeline. That's totally fine. If you want to do it that way. But with a two camera interview you have to put them down on your timeline first and sync them up. So if this was actually a documentary, I was working on, what I would do is name this sequence. I'll call this. Um selects selects okay Or you know what I would call a sink interview then I would duplicate this just by selecting it copying it and pasting it in that folder. Calling this selects double clicking this and opening it up. So now I have the selects timeline open. Then I'm going to get rid of all of the non slacks just by selecting them deleting them. See that pretty easy. Then I'm going to delete all of the space in between the selects. We'll see how much time I have selected. So I have just a minute and a half of selects. That's going to be too long. So I have to edit this down. So then before I start editing this down though, I'm going to I'm first going to move the interview a camera down to track two for video. Then I'm going to take the selects copy it and paste it again and call this Anthony V one or whatever you wanna call it. Uh but V one for the first version and then I'm just going to close these tabs for selects and B roll edits and sink interviews. One thing that we haven't done is turn on our auto save and you saw that. It did do an auto save right there if you haven't done. So already go up to premiere pro CC. Go to preferences. Go to auto save. This, opens up your auto save options. You definitely want auto save on this, check mark right here And depending on how fast you edit, you might want to save it every five minutes every three minutes every 10 minutes. I do five minutes because I think that's a pretty good amount of time. Um sometimes I do a lot of edits within five minutes but five minutes is usually fairly safe. And then if you choose the maximum project versions. So it will save 20 versions and then it will start replacing those after say you did this for over minutes, then it would start replacing those first versions that you say auto saved and these will save in the same place where your project is. So see here we talked about those capture scratch settings. Um in the very beginning when we open up the new project here we have adobe premiere pro auto save folder and we have all of these auto save files And you can see 1111 saved at 11:17, And if for some reason your project crashes or you want to go back to how the project was at the start of the day, you can do that with these auto saves anyways. That's just a quick note, let's continue with editing this down. So now we have our Anthony version one sequence. We can make all these edits and not be afraid that we can't go back because we can go back to our selects timeline and I'm just gonna play through this and trim stuff down the same year. I was diagnosed that summer. The whole a less ice bucket challenge phenomenon went viral. Everyone that I knew and there was so I could just to save time edit out this phenomenon word. So if I take this phenomenon word out, it goes from, let me just bunch these together, the whole a less ice bucket challenge went viral. So that's a complete sentence. The problem is now I have to cover this cut, see there's like a very minute cut, we have to cover that with B roll unless you don't mind there being jump cuts in your video. So that's something to keep in mind as you're cutting down these sentences. So I'm just going to undo that and leave him saying phenomenon went viral viral. Everyone that I knew and there was there mama's baby's mama doing the Ls ice bucket challenge, dumping ice water over their head. So I did all the fun part, you know, I I jumped into a bikini and I washed my car and I did all that fun thing because that's why the ice bucket challenge was successful and I thought you know, because it was fun, nobody talks about this disease because it's ugly. You know, it's gonna start from, nobody talks about challenge dumping ice water over their head. Nobody talks about this because that's a complete thought, I'm not, I don't want to get to his video yet. I want to just go from the L S ice bucket challenge and went viral, nobody talks about it and nobody talks about this disease because it's ugly, that doesn't go viral, But as soon as somebody does something random and fun, it goes viral, and so that's what I did, and and then he says, and that's what I did. And I and that was funny, I guess to save time, I'm going to really get in here and slice it up viral. And so that's what I did, and so that's what I did, and I'm just using my keys to get to that point and delete this part. So that's what I did. And then it went viral and blew up. I got the first day I got 100,000 views. Okay, so it went viral viral, blew up. I got the first day I got see how he says, it blew up. It got first day, first day I got 100, views, I can just trim out this middle part right here. It got because then he restarts his sentence saying first day, and that just saves half a second. It went viral and blew up the first day I got 100, views and then the next day I got a million, we're getting all this love and encouragement. Okay, so this is good. But see here when this clip starts and we're getting all see that weird sound, he's making, I'm going to cut that out and for now I'm just going to cut out the audio and not the video. So I'm going to press option on my keyboard, click just the audio and drag it in million for getting all this love and encouragement. Like it was just insane. And that was incredible to see. And it brought a lot of needed attention and awareness to this, this horrible disease, the biggest thing. So he says this line, I'm actually going to get rid of this line because he says it's just insane. It was just insane. And that was incredible. And then he says it was incredible. He's kind of repeating himself. I'm just going to delete this entire clip, See where I'm at with my minutes. So I still have to cut out 15 seconds. It's insane. The biggest thing to me meant that I wasn't alone. Um, so the biggest thing that a less ice bucket challenge brought was hope and and awareness and advocacy and a voice for a disease. Okay, so these again are kind of repetitive. He says the biggest thing for me, the biggest thing to me meant that I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. And then he says that again and I like this part about the voice and awareness and advocacy and a voice and a voice. But then he goes on to explain what that voices for a disease that takes literally will take away my voice. Okay, so I'm just going to start from there for a disease delete that. So it goes from me meant that I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. These that takes literally will take away my voice you know and for a demographic of people that is small and underserved. And then I'm just going to cut from Italy will take away my voice literally will take away my voice and then cut straight to for a popular or demographic is small for a democrat. Another way instead of selecting these. Deleting, selecting this and then deleting another way to do that basically same thing is press a on your keyboard a brings up this track select forward tool and if I select or click on my timeline it chooses all the layers to the right, see that to the right of where I click. If I want a single layer I can press the shift button and it will just click a single layer and whatever audio is attached to it. But I can use this to select everything to the right and just drag it over the left, literally will take away my and while that's selected I can also move or nudge these clips to nudge your selected clips just press the command key on your keyboard and press the left or right arrow keys and or the shift command left or right arrow keys and control if you're on a pc. So for any clip I have selected I can press command left or right on my keyboard and it nudges it to the left or right. That's a good thing to know. So that you can make those minute edits take away my voice for a demographic of people that is small and underserved and has never gotten the level of awareness that it's ever needed. This was huge for us, but we still need a lot more support, you know? Um I know it was it was one summer. So I already see a couple of things I want to get rid of to make an interview sound smoother, I get rid of those um zor that errors right here. He says, you know, uh so I'm just going to get rid of these with the a select all of it to the right, just drag over a lot more support. I know it was it was one summer and then he says, I know it was one summer, I know it was he says, I know it was, it was just one summer, he repeats himself. So I'm just going to make that cut, Drag the selections to the left. So he just starts with the 2nd 1. It was one summer fun. But this disease is every day for us, you know, and it's still here and there's still no cure and so we need continued support until this beast is gone. So he has another, you know in here which is just something that english speakers say. So I'm going to get rid of that and it's still here and there's still no cure and so I like this whole end but we are still over a minute and I'm very strict with that minute length. We have to get this under a minute. So I have to cut down about two seconds. So I'm just gonna listen to this one more time and see wherever I could cut it down. The same year. I was diagnosed that summer. The whole ALs ice bucket challenge phenomenon went viral. Everyone is so maybe that phenomenon part could be a bit to cut out. And there was there mama's baby's mama doing the ALs ice bucket. Here's a little bit and I know that for some of these parts, I'm going to cover it with B roll because I know what B roll I have and that's a good thing to look through what B roll do you have? What photos do you have? I've got some social media posts. These are things I can put over this part so that we don't see any cuts that I actually make in the interview. Everyone that I knew and there was there mama's baby's mama do. And so I'm just gonna cut out this reputation of and there's and there's there mom and their mom that I knew. So I'm just going to make this selection. Nudge it over to where my timeline indicator is that I knew and their mama's baby's mama. So that's good. There's an audio cut right there that we're going to have to add a transition to to smooth it out. We'll do that later one that I knew and their mama's baby's mama doing the als ice bucket challenge, dumping ice water over their head. Nobody talks about this disease because it's ugly, you know, that doesn't go viral, but as soon as somebody does something random and fun, it goes viral and so that's what I did and then it went viral and blew up the first day I got 100,000, okay, he keeps saying viral, it went viral. So I'm going to get rid of this. It went viral and see what the interview sounds like. As soon as somebody does something random and fun, it goes viral. And so that's what I did. First day I got 100,000 views and then the next day I got a million for getting all this love and encourage. Okay, so I think that's pretty good and we still got Half a second left, but that's good because we don't need him to repeat himself and went viral. It went viral 100,000 views. And then the next day I got a million for getting all this love and encouragement. All these words of like, it's just insane. The biggest thing to me. I think that part because he doesn't complete his sentence was love and encouragement. All these words of like, it's just he's he's about to say and all these words of affirmation, but then he cuts himself off and he says it was just insane. Justin go Justin it was just insane. So I'm just gonna say it's it was just insane. Start with getting all this love and encouragement. We were getting all this love and encouragement. It was just insane. Love and encouragement. It's a little bit too much. You can see that. I can select multiple clips, drag and do a trim, edit, encouragement, selecting, nudging everything. Encouragement was just insane. Encouragement is just insane. The biggest thing, something like that I think will work with a little audio transition for a disease that takes literally will take away my boy. That's another part part for a disease that that takes literally will take takes and then he says literally will take literally so I'll just go that takes for a disease that literally takes for a disease that literally will take away my voice. So that's a more complete normal sentence for a demographic of people that is small and underserved and has never gotten. And I think we're under a minute but I'm just gonna watch through this but we still need a lot more support. It was one summer fun but this disease is every day for us and it's still here and there's still no cure. And so we need continued support until this beast is gone and that's fine that ends there. We have one second left. This allows us to let a few of these lines breathe a little bit more if we want to add some space in between the lines. So it's not just what I call wall to wall audio just from zero seconds to 60 seconds. He's just saying saying same stuff sometimes in our videos, it's good to let moments breathe, especially when you want to add emotion to something. Just let something sink in there for a minute pause for a few seconds. We don't have that much time to do that with just a minute long video, but for a longer piece, that's something thing to think about. So we have our project now. Thank you for watching. I don't know if anyone is watching this entire lesson, but if you are congrats and kudos to you, it's time for you to do the same thing. Find your selections, edit it down to a minute and we'll go back to the section previously that you are on and we'll start to add b roll to this footage.
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I really like his course. I completed 2 course one is after effect and another is premiere pro. He designed his course very well and teach every single section. That very easy to understand. I love this course.