How to Bend a Logo onto an Image Realistically in Photoshop
Lesson 53 from: Adobe Photoshop FundamentalsDaniel Walter Scott

How to Bend a Logo onto an Image Realistically in Photoshop
Lesson 53 from: Adobe Photoshop FundamentalsDaniel Walter Scott
Lesson Info
53. How to Bend a Logo onto an Image Realistically in Photoshop
Getting Started
1Class Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CC
02:36 2Before you Start this Adobe Photoshop CC Tutorial
3How to Use Layers in Adobe Photoshop CC
09:56 4Basic Navigation & How to Combine Images in Photoshop
07:37 5Layers - Quiz
Color & Adjustment Layers
How to Fix an Image Using Levels in Photoshop CC
04:03 7How to Enhance Colors in Photoshop Using Vibrance
03:28 8How to Change the Color of Something in Photoshop Using Hue
02:52 9How to Change Just One Color in Adobe Photoshop CC
01:57 10How to Make an Image Black & White in Photoshop CC
04:35 11How to Add a Gradient to an Image & Text in Photoshop
10:57 12Color & Adjustment Layers - Quiz
13Creating a Specific Sized Document Adobe Photoshop CC
04:10 14How to Draw Star Square Circle Shape in Photoshop CC
12:01 15Stealing Colors & Adobe Color Themes
06:39 16Shapes - Quiz
17How to Create Text in Adobe Photoshop CC
08:09 18How to Warp Text in Adobe Photoshop CC
01:57 19How to Get Text to Follow a Line or Circle in Photoshop
13:04 20Text - Quiz
Layer Styles
21How to Add a Line Around the Outside of Type in Photoshop
08:17 22How to a Bevel or Emboss to Text in Photoshop CC
02:19 23How to Add a Drop Shadow to Text in Photoshop CC
03:02 24Presenting your Photoshop Work for your Portfolio
06:35 25Project 1 - Creating your own Postcard
26How to Crop an Image in Adobe Photoshop CC
03:40 27How to Crop an Image for a Frame in Adobe Photoshop CC
06:11 28How to Straighten the Horizon Line Using Photoshop CC
01:55Selections & Masking
29How to Copy from One Image to Another in Photoshop CC
06:20 30How to Crop Images Inside of Text
09:35 31How to Remove the Background in Adobe Photoshop CC
10:11 32Class Project - Quick Select Tool
00:37 33How to put Text Behind a Person in Adobe Photoshop CC
07:01 34How to Create a Layer Mask in Adobe Photoshop CC
04:47 35Class Project - Cut a Person out & put them into Another Image in Photoshop
08:57 36How to Blend Fade one Image into Another in Photoshop CC
04:36 37How to Weave Text in and out of a Photoshop Image
03:18 38How to Select Hair in Adobe Photoshop CC
16:24 39Class Project - Selecting Hair
01:21 40How to Select Things with Straight Edges in Adobe Photoshop CC
03:41 41How to get Text to Interact with Ink & Plants in Photoshop CC
13:15 42Class Project - Text & Image Interaction
01:41 43Selection & Masking - Quiz
44How to Add Filters & Effects in Adobe Photoshop
04:14 45How to Turn an Image into a Painting in Adobe Photoshop
03:12 46Class Project – Oil Painting
00:31 47How to Create the Dotted Halftone Poster Effect in Photoshop
06:42 48Class exercise - Halftone
00:23 49How to fake Realistic Motion Blur in Adobe Photoshop CC
04:28 50The Lens Flare Right of Passage in Adobe Photoshop
03:31 51Filters - Quiz
Smart Objects
52What is a Smart Object in Adobe Photoshop CC
09:03Transform & Distort
53How to Bend a Logo onto an Image Realistically in Photoshop
07:49 54How to make a Sky Peeling like Fabric Revealing Background in Photoshop
03:13 55Class Project - Peeling Sky
00:49 56How to Shrink Body Parts in Adobe Photoshop CC Using Liquify
05:44 57How to Create Dripping Paint Text Effect in Photoshop CC
09:17 58Class Project - Drippy Paint Text
59How to Remove People & Text from a Picture in Photoshop
06:56 60Use Google Images to find your Image Before Retouching
02:38 61How to Remove Red Eye from Photographs in Photoshop
00:53 62How to Retouch Skin in Adobe Photoshop CC
05:22 63Class Project - Retouching
00:47 64Enhancing Eyes in Adobe Photoshop CC
06:46 65How to Fix Teeth in Adobe Photoshop CC
04:33 66Retouching
Blending Modes
67How to Instantly Remove the White Background of a Logo in Photoshop
04:15 68Using Blending Modes as Color Accents in Photoshop
07:10 69How to put Images Inside a Bottle Using Photoshop
15:14 70Class Project - Boat in a Bottle
02:15Visual Styles
71How to Create the Spotify Duotone Effect in Adobe Photoshop
05:43 72Class Project - Duotones
00:20 73How to Create the 3D Glasses Anaglyph Effect in Adobe Photoshop
06:14 74Class Project - Anaglyph Effect
00:36 75How to Create a Vintage Instagram Matte Photo in Photoshop
08:40 76Class Project - Vintage Matte Photo
00:49 77How to Create the Paper Cut Effect in Adobe Photoshop CC
12:07 78Class Project - Paper Cut Effect
79How to Use an Artboard in Adobe Photoshop CC
20:14Color Modes & Resolution
80What is the Difference Between RGB and CMYK in Adobe Photoshop CC
07:12 81How do you Change the Resolution to 300dpi in Photoshop CC
10:38 82Color Modes & Resulotion - Quiz
83Basic Introduction to Using a Wacom Tablet with Photoshop
12:22 84How to Create Splatter Paint Effects in Adobe Photoshop CC
08:11 8577. Class Project - Ink Splats
00:54 86How to Create Dripping Paint Ink Effect in Photoshop
06:46 87Class Project - Dripping Paint Brush
00:55 88How to Create Smoke with an Image Inside it using Photoshop CC
05:50 89Class Project - Smoke Effect
90How to Make a Long Vector Hard Shadow in Photoshop
05:26 91How to Cast a Realistic Shadow on the Ground in Photoshop
07:16 92Bending or Curved Shadow Under an Image in Photoshop
93How to Export Images from Photoshop for Print Web & Social Media
10:18What Next
94What Next after your Photoshop Essentials Class
01:15Final Quiz
95Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How to Bend a Logo onto an Image Realistically in Photoshop
Hi there, this video, we are going to look at kind of bending and distorting and skewing. We're going to try and lay it down on the ground and then kind of morph around the shoe here so it looks like it's kind of following the curve. Let's do that. Now using adobe Photoshop is transformed tools. Alright, let's open up the file. We're going to be working with the file open And we're working in the exercise files in this folder, court 08 Transform open the one called transform. Great. So we want to mock up this logo on this. Let's look at the basics for transforming first. Then we'll go and add the logo. So to bring in the image, I can open it copy and paste it, which we've been doing for a lot of this course, I'm going to show you another way file. There's one that says place embedded. Okay, and go to that same folder and open up logo. Ai click place. It's going to put it into a smart object automatically because it knows it's an Ai file and it goes your vector U should be smart object ...
and we're totally down with smart objects. Now, what we need to do is give it a size and then hit return because it's kind of stuck in this kind of like limbo mode. Can you see none of these things work? Hold down, shift. Okay, and we can scale it down. Let's go down to something appropriate like that. Hit enter and what we're going to do is we'll start with one copy just up here. We're going to duplicate the logo. Right click duplicate layer. This is gonna be called logo too. And we'll move it down and let's look at the basics for transforming. Let's go to edit, transform and we've dealt with scale before and rotate before. And some of the other easy ones that you might use is rotate clockwise counterclockwise. We'll go back the other way you can flip it 180, which flips it completely upside down. Another one in there you might use is flip horizontal and vertical. It's not going to really work in this case if I go horizontal, backwards logo. But it's good to know where that's kept under. Now the next thing I wanna do is I want to kind of bend it down the bottom here, like we saw in the intro on the floor and under edit transform, you can see a bunch of these are grayed out. Remember in the last video where we talked about smart objects and most things work with it except for the very first thing we're going to do in this course after we've learned convert everything to a smart object because distort perspective and warp don't work. And those are the ones we want to learn. So remembering how to convert it from a smart object back to regular layer is right click logo and say I would like you to be a rust arised layer. Nothing much changes except that little icons gone and magically edit transform these things appear now I never use Q I'll save you the trouble of testing it because it just does this, I'm not sure when you use that or at least I don't use it. So I'm gonna hit. Escape is the kind of, I didn't mean it button escape on my keyboard, but the ones that I do use, we're gonna use say distort first. Love this one. It's really good for mocking up like signs that you've made onto real objects. Um so this one here, I'm just gonna kind of, I'm clicking anywhere about the center, moving it down here and all you do is grab the corners and it's it's kind of like in this weird flat plane that you can start manipulating now, it's not going to match the background automatically. Okay, so there's a lot of just you having a look. I'm doing it right now by I kind of got, I don't know why I close one eye when I'm doing, it seems to help with my perspective, does that look like it's on the ground? It's good enough when I'm ready. Hit enter, you can fake a sign for a billboard or say you've mocked up a cover of a magazine, you can have a picture of a magazine bringing your say in design cover ideas and mock it up using that distort. Now, the next one I want is I'm going to duplicate logo again and we're gonna look at warp, right clicking it, duplicate layer. There we go. three, remember right click it and say you have to be a rust arise later. Sorry buddy, I'm gonna move it down to kind of roughly where I want it. I'm gonna get it down to a rough size. I'm using edit transform, scale. Okay, yeah, now we're going to use the edit transform and we're gonna use this one called whoop zoom in a bit and show you how it works. It's a little weird. Okay, grab one of the corners, click hold and just give it a wiggle. It kind of turns it more like fabric, whereas the last one made it like a block, like a sheep that you can kind of manipulate. Okay, this one here is a lot more warp here is a lot more kind of elastic. Okay, it's more like a sheet of paper so I can move it around. So there's two parts to it. There's this these corners, they're called anchor points. Okay, so the edge of this image has to go to that anchor point wherever it is. These other little things here called handles are the way that the line gets influenced. Okay, you can see it doesn't nothing actually has to pass through this little black dot, but it kinda like gravity kind of like distorts the line before it hits the anchor point. So just know every anchor point here has two handles. There's a top one. Okay, in the bottom one, and now it's the same principle again, there's a lot of just kind of like dragging it around saying, okay, I feel like that's the bottom, trying to get the perspective lining with the bottom of that shoe there, and then see these two little handles here, just trying to disorder to make it feel like it was following the kind of path. I have it up a little bit there, some of these little wavy lines to follow, but same with this one here, you can see it kind of double back on itself, so I wanted about there, but then I'm gonna have to adjust these lines, there's a lot of messing around just getting a feel for it and the bottom line here, it's a little hard to see some of these dots. I shouldn't have picked a stripey shoe. If you're practicing with me, you're cursing the stripe issue, probably cursing the shoe theme throughout this whole course. I hope you're not getting too bored of it, but I went with a shoe theme. Okay, so what am I doing now? I'm just kind of messing around trying to get it to flow. Now, can you see the lines in the center here, kind of a bit weird, you can actually just click and drag these as well, any of these points in here because we kind of fixed the outside. Now, we just need to kind of drag the inside and make it feel like it was part of it. Good. It's okay. All right. I'm gonna stop there because you're just watching me do this and I could be at it for awhile, hit return when you're ready, zoom out and you've got something kind of bent around the shape. I haven't done a great job. One of the things that make it super obvious is that the colors are just super strong and don't have any of this kind of, they're not interacting with the background very much so we've looked at this before, remember blending modes. So on my logo three. Okay, it's this layer here to the eyeball on and off up where it says normal. Remember we've played around with a few of these we're gonna look at multiply and that kind of works. It's kind of cool and maybe a bit strong. So you just work your way through all these options to find one that you feel works good with your shoe and your image and your background color. I was playing around with this what looked good linear light. I think it did kind of like the linear light changed the color quite a bit of my graphics so maybe that's not what I want. Headlight, maybe that's a bit closer and I really want to go back and fix this because it doesn't look very realistic. Cool. So I hope you got an understanding of some of those transform tools. I don't use them all. Some of them are just a bit weird like perspective. Just use distort quicker and easier in my opinion. Last little things I'll throw in at the end here our image and sometimes image rotation instead of doing it per layer, you can do the whole thing. Remember we looked at rotating it clockwise, just the particular layer. This is the whole graphic saying with flipping it so if you want to flip this across, Okay, the whole thing rather than just a particular layer. Plus it was rotating their image image rotation and there's a few little things in there to work with that's where they're hiding. All right. I will see you in the next video.
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Ratings and Reviews
Adobe Photoshop Fundamentals is very useful for a photo editor. I learned very important tricks from this course.