How to Blend Fade one Image into Another in Photoshop CC
Lesson 36 from: Adobe Photoshop FundamentalsDaniel Walter Scott

How to Blend Fade one Image into Another in Photoshop CC
Lesson 36 from: Adobe Photoshop FundamentalsDaniel Walter Scott
Lesson Info
36. How to Blend Fade one Image into Another in Photoshop CC
Getting Started
1Class Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CC
02:36 2Before you Start this Adobe Photoshop CC Tutorial
3How to Use Layers in Adobe Photoshop CC
09:56 4Basic Navigation & How to Combine Images in Photoshop
07:37 5Layers - Quiz
Color & Adjustment Layers
How to Fix an Image Using Levels in Photoshop CC
04:03 7How to Enhance Colors in Photoshop Using Vibrance
03:28 8How to Change the Color of Something in Photoshop Using Hue
02:52 9How to Change Just One Color in Adobe Photoshop CC
01:57 10How to Make an Image Black & White in Photoshop CC
04:35 11How to Add a Gradient to an Image & Text in Photoshop
10:57 12Color & Adjustment Layers - Quiz
13Creating a Specific Sized Document Adobe Photoshop CC
04:10 14How to Draw Star Square Circle Shape in Photoshop CC
12:01 15Stealing Colors & Adobe Color Themes
06:39 16Shapes - Quiz
17How to Create Text in Adobe Photoshop CC
08:09 18How to Warp Text in Adobe Photoshop CC
01:57 19How to Get Text to Follow a Line or Circle in Photoshop
13:04 20Text - Quiz
Layer Styles
21How to Add a Line Around the Outside of Type in Photoshop
08:17 22How to a Bevel or Emboss to Text in Photoshop CC
02:19 23How to Add a Drop Shadow to Text in Photoshop CC
03:02 24Presenting your Photoshop Work for your Portfolio
06:35 25Project 1 - Creating your own Postcard
26How to Crop an Image in Adobe Photoshop CC
03:40 27How to Crop an Image for a Frame in Adobe Photoshop CC
06:11 28How to Straighten the Horizon Line Using Photoshop CC
01:55Selections & Masking
29How to Copy from One Image to Another in Photoshop CC
06:20 30How to Crop Images Inside of Text
09:35 31How to Remove the Background in Adobe Photoshop CC
10:11 32Class Project - Quick Select Tool
00:37 33How to put Text Behind a Person in Adobe Photoshop CC
07:01 34How to Create a Layer Mask in Adobe Photoshop CC
04:47 35Class Project - Cut a Person out & put them into Another Image in Photoshop
08:57 36How to Blend Fade one Image into Another in Photoshop CC
04:36 37How to Weave Text in and out of a Photoshop Image
03:18 38How to Select Hair in Adobe Photoshop CC
16:24 39Class Project - Selecting Hair
01:21 40How to Select Things with Straight Edges in Adobe Photoshop CC
03:41 41How to get Text to Interact with Ink & Plants in Photoshop CC
13:15 42Class Project - Text & Image Interaction
01:41 43Selection & Masking - Quiz
44How to Add Filters & Effects in Adobe Photoshop
04:14 45How to Turn an Image into a Painting in Adobe Photoshop
03:12 46Class Project – Oil Painting
00:31 47How to Create the Dotted Halftone Poster Effect in Photoshop
06:42 48Class exercise - Halftone
00:23 49How to fake Realistic Motion Blur in Adobe Photoshop CC
04:28 50The Lens Flare Right of Passage in Adobe Photoshop
03:31 51Filters - Quiz
Smart Objects
52What is a Smart Object in Adobe Photoshop CC
09:03Transform & Distort
53How to Bend a Logo onto an Image Realistically in Photoshop
07:49 54How to make a Sky Peeling like Fabric Revealing Background in Photoshop
03:13 55Class Project - Peeling Sky
00:49 56How to Shrink Body Parts in Adobe Photoshop CC Using Liquify
05:44 57How to Create Dripping Paint Text Effect in Photoshop CC
09:17 58Class Project - Drippy Paint Text
59How to Remove People & Text from a Picture in Photoshop
06:56 60Use Google Images to find your Image Before Retouching
02:38 61How to Remove Red Eye from Photographs in Photoshop
00:53 62How to Retouch Skin in Adobe Photoshop CC
05:22 63Class Project - Retouching
00:47 64Enhancing Eyes in Adobe Photoshop CC
06:46 65How to Fix Teeth in Adobe Photoshop CC
04:33 66Retouching
Blending Modes
67How to Instantly Remove the White Background of a Logo in Photoshop
04:15 68Using Blending Modes as Color Accents in Photoshop
07:10 69How to put Images Inside a Bottle Using Photoshop
15:14 70Class Project - Boat in a Bottle
02:15Visual Styles
71How to Create the Spotify Duotone Effect in Adobe Photoshop
05:43 72Class Project - Duotones
00:20 73How to Create the 3D Glasses Anaglyph Effect in Adobe Photoshop
06:14 74Class Project - Anaglyph Effect
00:36 75How to Create a Vintage Instagram Matte Photo in Photoshop
08:40 76Class Project - Vintage Matte Photo
00:49 77How to Create the Paper Cut Effect in Adobe Photoshop CC
12:07 78Class Project - Paper Cut Effect
79How to Use an Artboard in Adobe Photoshop CC
20:14Color Modes & Resolution
80What is the Difference Between RGB and CMYK in Adobe Photoshop CC
07:12 81How do you Change the Resolution to 300dpi in Photoshop CC
10:38 82Color Modes & Resulotion - Quiz
83Basic Introduction to Using a Wacom Tablet with Photoshop
12:22 84How to Create Splatter Paint Effects in Adobe Photoshop CC
08:11 8577. Class Project - Ink Splats
00:54 86How to Create Dripping Paint Ink Effect in Photoshop
06:46 87Class Project - Dripping Paint Brush
00:55 88How to Create Smoke with an Image Inside it using Photoshop CC
05:50 89Class Project - Smoke Effect
90How to Make a Long Vector Hard Shadow in Photoshop
05:26 91How to Cast a Realistic Shadow on the Ground in Photoshop
07:16 92Bending or Curved Shadow Under an Image in Photoshop
93How to Export Images from Photoshop for Print Web & Social Media
10:18What Next
94What Next after your Photoshop Essentials Class
01:15Final Quiz
95Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How to Blend Fade one Image into Another in Photoshop CC
Hey there. Welcome to this video. I'm going to show you how to do this. We were just kind of paint in an image so we can do it kind of a cool. Before and after. It's pretty simple with a layer mask and a brush. Let's jump in now to find out how. All right. So let's open our two images that we're going to be blending. Let's go to file. Open and in your exercise files go to 05 selections and masking. We're gonna open up these two layer mask one and two. It's a before and after renovation. Okay, So first of all, let's be on, Oh, to the finished version, let's grab the move tool, click hold, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag up to this tab. Wait, wait, wait, drag it down and line it up. Okay, let's be all serious about this. And name the layers. I've double clicked the word layer one and let's call this one new double click the background and call it old. Let's have the new layer selected now for this blend. We're using a layer mask. But what we've done in the past is we've used something like ...
the selection tool. Okay. The rectangle marquee tool to make a selection or the quick mask selection or the quick selection tool. We made a selection first and then clicked on this button here. Okay. And that's not always necessary. Especially in this case it's gonna file. Deselect so you don't have to have anything selected. I'm back on my move tool. Okay. And all I'm gonna do is make sure the new layer is selected and just click on this without a selection and nothing happens except we've got this new layer mask here. And because it's all white it does nothing. We need some black bits in it to start masking. Let's have a look at one of the previous examples we've got. This is the project from the last video. Okay? You can see the black bits hide the background. The white bits show it through. Let's not worry too much about that. But let's get back into here. So we need to do two things. We need to make sure we're on the mask, you can be on the actual image or the mask. I want to work on the mask. I'm going to grab my brush tool. It's this guy here. Okay, click on that. He is that many down Came with the selected pick a brush size. We're gonna use something quite big in this case. Okay, so I've got mine up to about 400 ish. And in this drop down here I've got the hardness down to zero. Now the two main important things for this is we've got our mask selected and down here we've got black is our foreground color you see at the moment mine is white. So to switch these two around, you can click on this double arrow. If you also kind of like shades of gray and it's not completely black, click on this little option that just kind of like resets it to full white. Full black and then click the little arrow just means my foreground color is black. Okay, because we've got white. If we paint it with black, we know things that are black on the mask get hidden. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to start down the bottom here and click hold and start painting come on. Okay, so it's just kind of before and after remote. You saw the intro? How much do I want to go? I always kind of like, I'm like yeah that looks kind of good and then I go too far and then it's looking a bit weird. Okay, the big thing to note is can you see down here the black that I've painted on this mask is hiding this current layer, the white bits are still showing through. So if I want to show things through again, I just switch white is my foreground and watch, watch this and watch where I'm painting. Can you see if I paint on that? It starts bringing things back through. It's just a really easy way to kind of decide on what you want through and what you don't. I kinda like that. I might switch to black again and just paint out that bit there. That's a really easy way to blend two images together, make sure they're on top of each other. The top one at a layer mask with no selection and then just paint on it with black. If you need to bring stuff back pain on with white, I hope it's not too nerdy for you this earlier in the course. Okay. But it's a really handy thing just to blend images. And one thing that might catch you out though is you can see this kind of like white box around the mask. Now it's on the image now, it's on the mask now it's on the image. So when I'm working on my layer mask, it's going to work perfectly. But when you say save this document and reopen it up, it's probably going to be back over here on the layer. Now if I'm on my layer and I use my brush tool and I make sure it's on black. Okay, guess Well this is going to happen. Okay, you're like, I'm painting and painting out. I'm just going to switch it back, paint it with white. You're just you can see my little lay there. You've actually just painted black and white on top of it. And you really need to hope you've got an edit step backwards. It it's the backwards it is still backwards. Maybe one too many step forwards. All right. That is how to blend images, one across the other. Let's get into the next video
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Ratings and Reviews
Adobe Photoshop Fundamentals is very useful for a photo editor. I learned very important tricks from this course.