Chapter 1: Introduction
1Class Introduction
02:03Chapter 2: Importing, Organizing and Filtering
08:04 3Organizing with Collections
06:52 4Rating, Flagging, and Filtering
07:24 5Face Tagging
02:33 6Quiz: Importing, Organizing and Filtering
Chapter 3: Editing Your Photos - The Develop Module
7Crop and Rotate in Lightroom Classic CC
05:10 8White Balance in Lightroom Classic CC
07:53 9Exposure in Lightroom Classic CC
06:17 10Color and Saturation in Lightroom Classic CC
08:37 11Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Lightroom Classic CC
06:39 12Vignettes, Grain and Dehaze in Lightroom Classic CC
05:31 13Exporting in Lightroom Classic CC
09:37 14Lens Corrections in Lightroom Classic CC
04:58 15Split Tone in Lightroom Classic CC
05:12 16Removing Blemishes with the Heal and Clone Tools in Lightroom Classic CC
07:39 17Graduated, Radial and Brush Adjustments in Lightroom Classic CC
09:53 18Adjustment Brush Presets in Lightroom Classic CC
03:02 19Range Masks in Lightroom Classic CC
05:26 20Quiz: Editing Your Photos - The Develop Module
Chapter 4: Editing Your Photos - Advanced Tips & Techniques
21Using, Creating, and Importing Presets
05:24 22Color Profiles
04:14 23Speed Up Your Editing Workflow
04:04 24Panorama
03:33 25HDR
02:43 26Automatically Fix Exposure & White Balance
01:40 27CC 2020 Updates
04:25 28Quiz: Editing Your Photos - Advanced Tips & Techniques
Chapter 5: Advanced Portrait Editing Techniques
29Enhance Eyes and Change Eye Color
08:20 30Whitening Teeth
02:47 31Smoothing Skin
02:16 32Removing Wrinkles
04:31 33Enhancing Lips & Changing Lipstick Color
03:05 34Enhancing Cheeks & Face Contouring
07:42 35Full Portrait Edit
06:58 36Quiz: Advanced Portrait Editing Techniques
Chapter 6: Full Photo Editing Sessions
37Portrait of a Woman
19:37 38Night Edit
14:36 39Long Exposure
14:04 40Product Photo
11:56 41Nature
09:01 42Action
08:06 43Landscape
12:11 44Travel
12:33 45Couples Portrait
17:37 46Architecture Photo
18:12 47Aerial Photo
09:04 48Street Photo
14:04 49Macro Photo
09:54 50Pet Photo
09:45 51Maternity Couple Photo
12:27 52Interior Nursery
13:07 53Portrait of a Man
18:35 54Sports Photo
09:32 55Quiz: Full Photo Editing Sessions
Chapter 7:Map, Book, Slideshow, Print & Web Modules
56The Map Module
04:19 57The Book Module
09:45 58The Slideshow Module
10:21 59The Print Module
08:14 60The Web Module
05:56 61Quiz: Map, Book, Slideshow, Print & Web Modules
Chapter 8: Conclusion
62Conclusion and Thank You
01:39Final Quiz
63Final Quiz
Lesson Info
The Map Module
Welcome to this new section of the course. In this section, we're going to be looking at the other modules that Lightroom has to offer. Now these modules are important because they do have a number of features that are really cool but they're not really what the photo editing aspect of this course is about. Let's start with map though because the map feature is pretty cool. Now I've gone out to the collection that we created earlier on in this course when we were learning about organization. So I wanted to do that so that you can see all the photos. What happens when all the photos are selected or if you just choose all photographs, that's fine too. And then go to the map module. Well with the photos that I've shot and I've shared with you and the ones that were using from online. Not much happens, but we do get this map and there are a few photos that are tagged to the map. Now, you can navigate the map by clicking around double clicking to zoom in. You can also use the zoom slider do...
wn here or you can click on the photos and if you click on them twice, you can actually see the photos from these different locations. If your camera has the GPS mode turned on and a lot of new cameras have some sort of GPS, like smart phones or drones or even mirror. Listen, D SLR cameras, they have a capability of geo tagging where the photo was taken. So if I zoom in here really far to pismo beach where I was flying the drone taking a couple of shots for this class that we use in this class, you can actually see exactly where the photos were taken, which is pretty incredible. This photo right here was taken over here on this side of the pier, looking back at the pier. This one right here was taken on the other side of the pier, looking that other way. So that's cool because we can automatically see photos tagged to the map and it's great if you have that feature on, on your camera so it automatically happens if you don't have it on automatically, you can actually tagged photos to the map. For example, this photo right here was taken in SAn luis Obispo. Now I can go in here very far and find the specific address where it was shot, but I'm just going to tag it right in downtown right there and now we have a new pin on the map with that photo. You can also adjust the style of the map if you don't like this sort of hybrid terrain. Look, you can choose something like light or dark, maybe that's easier for you to see or just roadmap or just terrain, Something like that. I actually like the terrain myself. So here in Los Angeles, I'm living out in SAN dimas and so a few of these photos are from SAN dimaS. So if I take these multiple photos at the same time and drag them onto right around SAn dimas. Now all three of these photos are tagged to SAN dimas. So you can do multiple photos at the same time if you want you can choose this sync metadata option which will save the metadata of the location you're adding the photo to on the map to the metadata of the camera. So basically just leave all of this information as is it has the gps coordinates there and choose synchronize. And now these photos will have that data on on that photo file itself. You can also save specific locations. So for example on this trip where we went to SAn luis Obispo and pismo beach, I might want to save this as a specific trip by choosing save location, clicking the plus button. We can move the radius in or out and we can choose pismo trip, choose create. And now this trip right here has the three photos that are tagged on this map anyways and if I had all my photos tagged on this map but they were all over central California where we went, we would easily be able to find these locations right through this option over here. So you can imagine if we have lots and lots of trips, we can quickly go from trip to trip just with that. So it's kind of more of a presentation thing. It's not really for sharing or anything like that, but it's just another way that Lightroom gives you the ability to organize and view your photos.
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase