Special Features For Typekit & Open Type Fonts
Lesson 5 from: Adobe InDesign MasteryDaniel Walter Scott

Special Features For Typekit & Open Type Fonts
Lesson 5 from: Adobe InDesign MasteryDaniel Walter Scott
Lesson Info
5. Special Features For Typekit & Open Type Fonts
1Introduction To Adobe InDesign CC Advanced
02:24 2Getting Started With The Adobe InDesign CC Advanced Class
02:38 3Adjusting Your Workspace For Maximum Amazingness
4Setting The Default Font Size For New Documents Adobe InDesign
01:14 5Special Features For Typekit & Open Type Fonts
07:43 6Where To Get Great Free Fonts For Use In InDesign
03:34Mastering Your Fonts In Adobe InDesign CC
03:39 8What The Font - Font Guess In Adobe InDesign CC
06:20 9How To Pick Beautiful Font Pairings In Adobe InDesign CC
02:27 10Quiz - Fonts
Creative Cloud APP
11Free Icons Using Adobe Market In InDesign CC
12How To Use The Color Theme Tool In Adobe InDesign CC
03:13 13Using Color Modes In Adobe InDesign CC
02:37 14Importing Colors & Setting Default Colors In Adobe InDesign CC
06:58 15Finding Great Colours Using Adobe Color For Use In Adobe InDesign CC
01:11 16Appearance Of Black & Proofing Colours
07:59 17Draw Lot Of Shapes At Once InDesign Gridify Live Distribute
13:15 18Quiz - Color
19How To Make Arrows In Adobe InDesign CC
04:13 20How To Draw Complex Flowers In Adobe InDesign CC
07:25 21Quiz - Drawing
Paragraph Goodness
22How Text Boxes Can Auto-Expand In Adobe InDesign CC With Auto Size
04:41 23Placeholder Text Alternatives In Adobe InDesign CC
05:43 24How To Add Paragraph Borders & Shading In Adobe InDesign CC
09:57 25Paragraph Vs Single Line Composer In Adobe InDesign CC
02:17 26How To Make Paragraphs Span 2 Columns In Adobe InDesign CC
03:00 27Mastering Justification In Adobe InDesign CC
04:42 28Mastering Hyphenation Options Using Adobe InDesign CC
06:54 29Optical Margin Alignment In Adobe InDesign CC
02:25 30The Secret Power Of Keep Options In Adobe InDesign CC
05:00 31Advanced Anchored Objects In Adobe InDesign CC
04:27 32How To Use Conditional Text In Adobe InDesign CC
07:23 33Quiz - Paragraph Goodness
Charts & Infographics
34How To Create Pie Charts & Bar Graphs In Adobe InDesign CC
09:37 35Quiz - Charts & Infographics
Interactive Documents
36The Pros & Cons Of The Various Interactive Types In InDesign CC
08:46 37How To Create An Interactive PDF In Adobe InDesign CC
08:48 38How To Add Interactive Page Transitions In Adobe InDesign CC
03:58 39How To Add Navigation To An Interactive PDF In Adobe InDesign CC
06:01 40What Is Publish Online In Adobe InDesign CC
06:39 41How To Publish Your Adobe InDesign Publish Online Documents
03:37 42How To Add Video To Adobe InDesign CC Documents
06:56 43How To Create Interactive Button Triggered Animations In InDesign CC
05:53 44How To Make A Multi State Object In Adobe InDesign CC
03:36 45How To Add Adobe Animate CC To InDesign CC Files
03:39 46Adding Maps & Calendars To Interactive Documents In InDesign CC
02:52 47How To Create QR Codes In Adobe InDesign CC
02:49 48Quiz - Interactive Documents
Keyboard Shortcuts
49Keyboard Shortcuts In Adobe InDesign CC That Will Change Your Life
11:04 50Keyboard Shortcuts
Long Documents
51How To Automatically Place Lots Of Text Onto Multiple Pages In InDesign CC
08:07 52How To Make A Cross Reference In Adobe InDesign CC
06:33 53How To Create An Index In Adobe InDesign CC
05:21 54Add Document Name Automatically To The Page In InDesign Using Text Variables
05:47 55How To Use The Adobe InDesign CC Book Feature
06:38 56Quiz - Long Documents
57Changing Preferences For Advanced InDesign Users
05:24Workflow Speed Tips
58How To Speed Up Your Workflow For Advanced InDesign CC Users Styles
59Why Should I Use Character Styles In Adobe InDesign CC
04:09 60Advanced Paragraph Styles In Adobe InDesign CC
01:57 61How To Use & Map Word Styles In With Adobe InDesign Styles
03:18 62How To Create Nested Styles In Adobe InDesign CC
04:08 63How To Create A Grep Style In Adobe InDesign CC
05:58 64How To Use A Next Style In Adobe InDesign CC
05:27 65Advanced Object Styles In Adobe InDesign CC
07:51 66Quiz - Styles
Multiple Documents
67Best Practices For Working Across Multiple Documents In Adobe InDesign
68How To Use Adobe Stock With Adobe InDesign CC
03:16 69How To Crop Images Inside Of Text In Adobe InDesign CC
04:11 70Using Adobe Comp CC To Make InDesign Layouts On Your Mobile Phone Or Ipad
03:47 71Quiz - Images
CC Libraries
72Advanced Use Of CC Libraries In Adobe InDesign CC
09:40Photoshop & Illustrator
73How To Get The Most Of Photoshop & Illustrator In Adobe InDesign CC
74How To Create A PDF Form Using Adobe InDesign CC
21:17 75Quiz - Forms
76Advanced Use Of The Pages Panel In Adobe InDesign CC
08:22 77How To Place InDesign Documents Inside Of Each Other
01:55 78Quiz - Pages
79How To Use And Install Scripts In Adobe InDesign CC
08:42Speed Up InDesign
80How To Speed Up InDesign When It’s Running Really Slow
07:34 81Quiz - Speed Up InDesign
Exporting & Printing Tricks
82Advanced Exporting & Printing Tricks For Adobe InDesign CC
08:17 83Quiz - Exporting & Printing Tricks
Next Steps
84BONUS: Software Updates
14:58 85What To Do Once You’ve Finished Your Advanced InDesign CC Training Class
01:04Final Quiz
86Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Special Features For Typekit & Open Type Fonts
Hey there in this video, we're going to look at type kit and open type fonts and how awesome they are because they let us do things like this where this is a font. We've downloaded free from type kit, but because it's an open type font, it allows us to do things like this, you can see the s there's an alternative s with a bit of a softer edge. You can see this G here is different from the one at the top. There's a is kind of more like we draw hand drawn this, our look at the descend er and also you can go bananas and just throw them all in and make a mess. Let's go now into in design to learn how to make that beautiful fonts or like this one a beautiful mess. Okay, first up let's make a new document and we're going to use us half letter. So we're gonna go to print and we'll go down to later half. If you can't see some of these options, you can see view all presets, it'll drop down some other ones. Okay, so we're gonna use later half and I'm going to make it portrait. I'm going to set t...
he margins to zero and bleed zero and that is all going to be good. I'm going to turn off facing pages, click create, Let's bring in an image. So let's go to file and go to place and I want to find in your exercise files under 01 Spring, there's one called modern kitchen, white, yellow background. Okay. And I'm going to drag it from the top all the way across and it's going to be a little bit bigger than I need to use the black arrow just to lift it up so it fits there. It was him out a little bit. Okay. I'm going to work in my little passport area over here. I'm gonna grab the type tool, drag out a nice big box and type in spring sam. Now, type kit. Type kit is a service provided by adobe. It's free. We're kind of free. It's part of your creative cloud license. If you're paying for a license, you've got this, you've got access to it to get to it. All you need to do is have your type tool on your character formatting controls and up here where you pick fonts, let's go and pick add fonts from type kit. Okay. And this is where you end up. Type kit is just fonts. There's commercial use, they're just really nice fonts. You can get funds from free sites and that's fine. But type kit has some really kind of versatile fonts and open type fonts, which we're going to explore the kind of benefits for in a second. Now, when it comes to type kit, not everybody can use it, mainly because of things like firewalls and bigger companies. So when I'm teaching students, about 80% of them can do type kit. Fine. But there are 20% of the people who are working at big large corporations who don't allow this kind of like fonts sinking thing to work. So if you can't make yours work talk to I. T. Department and they'll probably tell you no, you can't do it. But for the people that can you want to go to browse and along the top here you can type in, you can see I can type in anything I like. Okay, get a sense of the font before you start working over here on the right is a nice little way of saying actually I wanna look at only script fonts please or handwritten fonts. Okay, just a really nice way of reordering and finding the font you want. So the one I want. I know I want lust. Okay, I'm going to use lust And you can click on Sync. Okay. Already sink mine. What'll happen is it'll take probably 30 seconds to a minute and then the funds will just start working in in design. There's nothing else you need to do. It's a really cool little system. So let's jump back into in design. So I'm going to select my text and up here I'm going to pick lust and I'll pick this lust regular. I'm gonna make mine a lot bigger, 72, is too big enough that I can see both of those words side by side. Now, why did I pick a type kit fonts? It's because it's an open type font. How do I know it's an open type font is because pretty much all of them that I've got from. Type kit are open type fonts and open type fonts are just a kind of more complex font. And you've got if I go to my font menu here, so I go to my type tool and I dropped down all my fonts. So see these ones that say T T next to them. Okay, these are fonts but they're quite simple. They don't have these ligatures and glyphs that I want to show you and impress you with. Next. So if you are picking a font, try and pick ones that either have an O or a T K. Next to them for type kit, these are open type fonts as well. You might notice on your computer, you might have like Helvetica and then another Helvetica, M T or M key or something called Pro. Often that'll be the difference between that font as a true type font or that font is an open type font that look exactly the same for the kind of letters and numbers. But it's when it gets to these cliffs and ligatures, that a little change. So what I wanna do is first of all, I want to make it white for no reason. Okay, and grab my black arrow. Now, if you can't see this little owed on the bottom here, you can go to in design preferences and go to Advanced type? And down the bottom here these these two little check boxes you can turn on. If you get sick of the little lowers, you can turn them off here as well. So turn those both on and I'm gonna kick. Okay now why are these? Great and why do I love them and get a bit excited by them? Is that the person that designed this font? Okay. Made some decisions. They decided that the is going to be this kind of like the aid that nobody draws Okay. And same with Yagi, nobody writes the Gs like that. You might Okay. But normally you do kind of just like a loop in a dangly bit. Okay dangly bits. Not the technical word but a dissenter that goes down but also potentially the front designer has made some options for you to pick from and that called stylistic sense. You can find them down here with a little oh, just click on it with the black arrow. You can see if I click on this first one. Awesome. Huh? Okay, so it's changed out these three. So those are decisions that this font designer has made a second option for them all to turn them on and off. You can see the A, the S and the G or change but turn that off, You can see this one, you've probably seen some people designing a flyer and all these kind of like curls and whips and dissenters all linked together and you're like man, they spend ages with the pen tool often know they've just gone through and found a good open type font with some good ligatures and switch them out. Okay, you can see there's a bunch in here. So this is doing it for every single thing in this box. Oh, some cool squashes, so you can do it individually, so I can just highlight this s here and you'll see it pops out of the bottom of the options for it. There's only one for the s let's look at the l Okay, there's quite a few options for this one. Okay, I want, which one do I want? Not that one. That one. There has always been far too long, kind of going through and deciding which bits were going to use. I might switch their g out to the alternative to that. Can you just kind of work your way through and decide what you'd like to do and how far you want to customize this thing. Awesome. So I hope you get access to type kit, even if you don't just go and check the fund that you might be using already for work okay? Or for a job or one that you just like might already be an open type font and there might be some stylistic sets. Not all fonts have them. Most of the exciting ones are either hand drawn or these more kind of like title display fonts, let's of the body copy ones. Okay, so you can skip on to the next video now. What I'm gonna do is just kind of design. I'm not even gonna design, I'm just gonna lay this out about there. I'm going to add a rectangle just so it can be seen. I'm gonna push it to the back. The easiest way to do that is with your black arrow is whole command and the first of the square brackets which is often next to the P on your keyboard. Okay? Or if you're on a pc hold down the control first square bracket and that'll just kind of move it down one place and I might love the capacity for a little bit as well. Alright, let's save this one. And for this course I'm going to create a folder on my desktop. New folder and I'm going to put everything in here. It's going to be my in design advanced of course work. This one is going to be the spring flyer. Spring flyer, the one all right onto some more font awesomeness.
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