How To Create An Interactive PDF In Adobe InDesign CC
Lesson 37 from: Adobe InDesign MasteryDaniel Walter Scott

How To Create An Interactive PDF In Adobe InDesign CC
Lesson 37 from: Adobe InDesign MasteryDaniel Walter Scott
Lesson Info
37. How To Create An Interactive PDF In Adobe InDesign CC
1Introduction To Adobe InDesign CC Advanced
02:24 2Getting Started With The Adobe InDesign CC Advanced Class
02:38 3Adjusting Your Workspace For Maximum Amazingness
4Setting The Default Font Size For New Documents Adobe InDesign
01:14 5Special Features For Typekit & Open Type Fonts
07:43 6Where To Get Great Free Fonts For Use In InDesign
03:34Mastering Your Fonts In Adobe InDesign CC
03:39 8What The Font - Font Guess In Adobe InDesign CC
06:20 9How To Pick Beautiful Font Pairings In Adobe InDesign CC
02:27 10Quiz - Fonts
Creative Cloud APP
11Free Icons Using Adobe Market In InDesign CC
12How To Use The Color Theme Tool In Adobe InDesign CC
03:13 13Using Color Modes In Adobe InDesign CC
02:37 14Importing Colors & Setting Default Colors In Adobe InDesign CC
06:58 15Finding Great Colours Using Adobe Color For Use In Adobe InDesign CC
01:11 16Appearance Of Black & Proofing Colours
07:59 17Draw Lot Of Shapes At Once InDesign Gridify Live Distribute
13:15 18Quiz - Color
19How To Make Arrows In Adobe InDesign CC
04:13 20How To Draw Complex Flowers In Adobe InDesign CC
07:25 21Quiz - Drawing
Paragraph Goodness
22How Text Boxes Can Auto-Expand In Adobe InDesign CC With Auto Size
04:41 23Placeholder Text Alternatives In Adobe InDesign CC
05:43 24How To Add Paragraph Borders & Shading In Adobe InDesign CC
09:57 25Paragraph Vs Single Line Composer In Adobe InDesign CC
02:17 26How To Make Paragraphs Span 2 Columns In Adobe InDesign CC
03:00 27Mastering Justification In Adobe InDesign CC
04:42 28Mastering Hyphenation Options Using Adobe InDesign CC
06:54 29Optical Margin Alignment In Adobe InDesign CC
02:25 30The Secret Power Of Keep Options In Adobe InDesign CC
05:00 31Advanced Anchored Objects In Adobe InDesign CC
04:27 32How To Use Conditional Text In Adobe InDesign CC
07:23 33Quiz - Paragraph Goodness
Charts & Infographics
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09:37 35Quiz - Charts & Infographics
Interactive Documents
36The Pros & Cons Of The Various Interactive Types In InDesign CC
08:46 37How To Create An Interactive PDF In Adobe InDesign CC
08:48 38How To Add Interactive Page Transitions In Adobe InDesign CC
03:58 39How To Add Navigation To An Interactive PDF In Adobe InDesign CC
06:01 40What Is Publish Online In Adobe InDesign CC
06:39 41How To Publish Your Adobe InDesign Publish Online Documents
03:37 42How To Add Video To Adobe InDesign CC Documents
06:56 43How To Create Interactive Button Triggered Animations In InDesign CC
05:53 44How To Make A Multi State Object In Adobe InDesign CC
03:36 45How To Add Adobe Animate CC To InDesign CC Files
03:39 46Adding Maps & Calendars To Interactive Documents In InDesign CC
02:52 47How To Create QR Codes In Adobe InDesign CC
02:49 48Quiz - Interactive Documents
Keyboard Shortcuts
49Keyboard Shortcuts In Adobe InDesign CC That Will Change Your Life
11:04 50Keyboard Shortcuts
Long Documents
51How To Automatically Place Lots Of Text Onto Multiple Pages In InDesign CC
08:07 52How To Make A Cross Reference In Adobe InDesign CC
06:33 53How To Create An Index In Adobe InDesign CC
05:21 54Add Document Name Automatically To The Page In InDesign Using Text Variables
05:47 55How To Use The Adobe InDesign CC Book Feature
06:38 56Quiz - Long Documents
57Changing Preferences For Advanced InDesign Users
05:24Workflow Speed Tips
58How To Speed Up Your Workflow For Advanced InDesign CC Users Styles
59Why Should I Use Character Styles In Adobe InDesign CC
04:09 60Advanced Paragraph Styles In Adobe InDesign CC
01:57 61How To Use & Map Word Styles In With Adobe InDesign Styles
03:18 62How To Create Nested Styles In Adobe InDesign CC
04:08 63How To Create A Grep Style In Adobe InDesign CC
05:58 64How To Use A Next Style In Adobe InDesign CC
05:27 65Advanced Object Styles In Adobe InDesign CC
07:51 66Quiz - Styles
Multiple Documents
67Best Practices For Working Across Multiple Documents In Adobe InDesign
68How To Use Adobe Stock With Adobe InDesign CC
03:16 69How To Crop Images Inside Of Text In Adobe InDesign CC
04:11 70Using Adobe Comp CC To Make InDesign Layouts On Your Mobile Phone Or Ipad
03:47 71Quiz - Images
CC Libraries
72Advanced Use Of CC Libraries In Adobe InDesign CC
09:40Photoshop & Illustrator
73How To Get The Most Of Photoshop & Illustrator In Adobe InDesign CC
74How To Create A PDF Form Using Adobe InDesign CC
21:17 75Quiz - Forms
76Advanced Use Of The Pages Panel In Adobe InDesign CC
08:22 77How To Place InDesign Documents Inside Of Each Other
01:55 78Quiz - Pages
79How To Use And Install Scripts In Adobe InDesign CC
08:42Speed Up InDesign
80How To Speed Up InDesign When It’s Running Really Slow
07:34 81Quiz - Speed Up InDesign
Exporting & Printing Tricks
82Advanced Exporting & Printing Tricks For Adobe InDesign CC
08:17 83Quiz - Exporting & Printing Tricks
Next Steps
84BONUS: Software Updates
14:58 85What To Do Once You’ve Finished Your Advanced InDesign CC Training Class
01:04Final Quiz
86Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How To Create An Interactive PDF In Adobe InDesign CC
Hi there in this video, we're going to look at how to create an interactive pdf. In adobe in design. This one, we're going to create some basic interactivity, we're gonna create a little link that links to a website and links to an email address and then we're going to show you how to produce and export an interactive pdf. Let's give it a test, click on the little icon. It opens up a website, it's very exciting. Lots of pictures of me like that, me everywhere. Alright, let's go and do that now in in design. Okay, so we're going to export an interactive pdf first. We're going to add a bit of interactivity. Just some simple stuff just to make sure we can test it works. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add a little hyperlink when it clicks it goes to a website and another one when it's clicked, goes to an email. Okay, so I'm gonna add it to my Master page. So I'm going to double click on our A Master. Okay? It's one of my Master page. I know I am because down the bottom left here that...
says a Master, I'm gonna bring in two icons that are going to use as the triggers. You could highlight text. I could just write my email address. Okay at Monmouth, select that and do it. Okay. But I want to do it with two little icon. So let's do that. Let's go to file place and if we go to our exercise files and in interactive. So oh four interactive, there's two icons that I want icon, email and icon, website. And I'm gonna use my cool little gratified trick to have two little guys here and they kind of match the same size. I'm going to scale them down. If you haven't done the gratified video, go and do that one. Otherwise just scale them down manually. I want website to be first and then email to be second and I'm gonna put them in the bottom right here and a lot smaller, you can do the exact same thing with maybe a twitter and facebook icon so that when they click, they jump out to those things, I'm doing it on the master page. Just so that watch this when I double click page one, page two, page three, they were all on them and I still feel like they're too big. So I'm gonna make a bit smaller holding command and shift and scaling them down. Cool. And it's control shift on a pc while you're scaling, we'll do it proportionately. So what we need to do is have one of them selected and let's go to type, which is kind of weird and go to hyperlinks and cross references and go to new hyperlink. Okay. And in here, I'm going to say when this is clicked, I want the link to go to email, an email address I'm going to put in, let's say daniel at menu dot com. Okay, so whatever your email addresses, you can add a subject line. It'll just pre fill it out for the user. I'm gonna put it in like catalog inquiry, something like that and that's it like, okay, let's do it for the website address as well. So this is going to go to my website. It's hard to know what the icon is for a website. Sometimes it's just dub Dub Dub. I picked the globe. Anyway, so same principle. Let's go to type. Let's go down to hyperlinks new hyperlink and instead of email, it's gonna be your oral and that maneuver, you're all that I'm using through this course is fictional. Okay. It's a fake company that I've made for this course. This is my actual site. So I'm gonna use this one. Bring your laptop dot com where you can put in google dot com. Just something that you can test that works. Okay. So we've added a little bit of interactivity. We're going to add a lot more throughout the following videos after this one. But let's get the basics done. So hyperlinks, emails and now we need to produce a pdf that's interactive. So what we need to do now is go to file and let's go to export just like we do for a normal pdf what we need to do by default, it's set to print. Okay, so adobe pdf. Print what I'd like to do is set it to interactive. And that's basically what you need to do. I'm gonna save mine onto my desktop, I'm going to put it in my coursework gonna call mine, just catalog just for the moment and then click safe. And in here you can go through and play around with the defaults. But basically it's ready to go okay. You can just click on export if you want to go into a little bit more details. Probably the main thing you're going to go through is compression. Okay. And at the moment mindset to 300. So it's gonna make the files look really amazing. So you might decide that actually I don't want it to be so high And the main way to do this is under resolution. Okay, 300 is print quality. It's probably not what I need when we're going out for an interactive pdf, I pick like 144. Some people go to 72. Really depends on how big it is. You want to keep this as high as you can, but you got to compare that with how big the actual physical file sizes. If you have 300 it's becoming like a megabyte pdf, then it's not going to be easily email, Herbal and life becomes tough, So you might have to drop it down to 144 and if then it's still really big, you might have to drop it down to something like 72. Have a little practice with the different resolutions and just see what does it look like versus how big it is. I'm going to keep mine at 300. There's nothing much else you need to do in here and click on export. I've got some over set text. All that means is that when I've been working on my text boxes here, there's actually more text than the text boxes. Just wanting to say like, hey, you've got text you can't see on the page because it's just a demo. I'm not worried about that. But if this was a proper print document, I might have text that's not visible on the page and that would be bad. So I'm gonna click OK though, because I'm not worried now, depending on your computer, most computers will open up acrobat Pro by default. Okay? If you don't, you might have to go to your finder or your windows. If you're on a pc find the fire where you've kept it, okay? We call it our catalog dot pdf and just double click it there now. Cool. And once it's opened up in acrobat or acrobat reader down the bottom here as our two little icons that appear on all the pages and hopefully you can click on them, click on the first one, going to come up with a warning. Mine didn't come with a warning because I've disabled it. Yours is probably gonna say, hey, this pdf is trying to launch a website and you click OK. You can see here. It's jumped into chrome and it is open upbringing and time dot com and lots of pictures of me, just what you needed. Let's look at the other one. So email. Okay, So when I click on this, it's gonna open up your default email client. Okay. And in this case on my Mac, so it's Mac mail, you can see it's added the email and it's added the subject line and now I can type it in. So it's just a way of kind of helping people email you. Okay. So before we move on, I'm going to do a little bit of production video where I just kind of add some graphics and stuff just to help this tutorial work when we do page transitions and just to make the document look a little nicer. So you can skip on, you're not gonna learn anything too new here. Just kind of workflow, I guess me doing stuff. So what I would like to do is add a new page just in front of page one. The easiest way is just to click the little new page icon and just drag it back in front. Okay, So it's at the page number one basically just want to import some logos and text and get working. So I'm gonna file place from 04 interactive. We're gonna bring in image one called floating click and drag it from one side to the other and it should match up. Um I'm also gonna grab the rectangle tool there he is there and I'm gonna drag another box so I'm going to maybe have no actually click off in the background, then grab the rectangle tool and say actually I want you to have no stroke and I have a black fill. Okay, And I want to draw out a box that covers the entire thing. Yeah, we got go on, lower the opacity, just so I can put some text basically just doing this so I can put text over the top of it. Cool. Um So again, click on the background, nothing selected and we're going to go far place again, let's bring in uh the logo. It's just in the root folder of the exercise files. Here's all these guys, I'm gonna bring an option for click out and drag in the corner here, I'm gonna put in some text type tool now with the type tool, it's always better to draw on the side here and then bring it in. Otherwise if I click in here you can see my black box that I used to kind of tint. The background has been turned into a text box and it's a bit of a pain to undo, grab the type tool right out here and I'm gonna write in collection 2000 and 19. Now when I'm working. So this is I'm just going to quickly pick a font so I'll pick something light. I'm not sure if I can see light and I'll pick you're going to be the bold, it's fine, it's gonna be the yellow now. Instead of going through and picking font sizes, the type tool font sizes. Often what I do is select it with the black arrow, use our shortcut that we learned earlier, it's command option C. That just fits the text box around it or control option C on the Mac. And then I just scale it up like a scale, graphics hold control and shift to scale it proportionately. And I do that to adjust my font sizes because I'm not sure what size I needed to be, I'm just kind of like looking at it tongue out, eyeballing it, going yeah, about that sort of size. W key, season preview, do some lining up. Alright, so that is it. Let's get into the next video where we look at transitions.
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