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How do I import paragraph styles from another document

Lesson 52 from: Adobe InDesign Fundamentals

Daniel Walter Scott

How do I import paragraph styles from another document

Lesson 52 from: Adobe InDesign Fundamentals

Daniel Walter Scott

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52. How do I import paragraph styles from another document


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InDesign Tutorial Basics Class Introduction


Exercise files & Projects


What Does Adobe InDesign do?


What are the differences between InDesign and PageMaker, Illustrator, Photoshop, Quark?


PROJECT 1: One page flyer


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How to make a dotted line, dashed line & borders in InDesign


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How to make a simple PDF from InDesign


How to save your InDesign file as a JPEG


Why should I use CC Libraries in InDesign?


How to share your InDesign files with others by using package document


Class Exercise 1


Quiz - One Page Flyer

PROJECT 2: Other people's files


Ideas, Inspiration & starter templates


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Quiz - Other people's files

PROJECT 3: Company Newsletter/Brochure


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InDesign Class Exercise 2 - Magazine Spread


Quiz - Company Newsletter/Brochure

PROJECT 4: Long Business Document


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How do I import paragraph styles from another document


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How do I add bullets and numbered lists in Adobe InDesign?


How can I create a table inside Adobe InDesign?


How do I convert tables from Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel into Adobe InDesign


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How do I create a Line Break, Column Breaks & Page Breaks in Adobe InDesign?


How do I make an automatic table of contents in Adobe InDesign?


How do you change the tabs in Adobe InDesign?


Can I change the numbering of my pages so 1 starts later in the InDesign file?


Quiz - Long Business Document

PROJECT 5: Conference Name Badge


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CLASS EXERCISE: Create your own business card


Quiz - Conference Name Badge

What next


How to create a mockup for your portfolio using InDesign


InDesign cheat sheet & shortcuts


BONUS: Software Updates


What to do after this InDesign tutorial class?


Quiz - What Next

Final Quiz


Final Quiz

Lesson Info

How do I import paragraph styles from another document

Hi there in this video. We're going to look at bringing through paragraph styles that we've made in a previous document. Okay. Somebody else might make them or we have made them and we just want to pull them through to use in our new bit of text. Okay. So we can transform from this through to this one where we've got our styles and our heading is all done. We'll also look at how to apply this using things like shortcuts to speed up to add the paragraph styles to all these different headings here. We'll also add this pretty line that goes between the columns and also look at automatic page numbering again. Okay, all that plus much, much more in this video. Actually no more than that. Exactly how I said before is exactly what's in here. No more. Alright, so let's go and start that now. Okay, so there's two ways to bring in paragraph styles that exist already. You might have them in a document you've made or you might be pulling them from somebody else's document. Okay. The easiest way or...

the most obvious way for us at the moment is over here my CC libraries. In an earlier video we looked at how to create libraries and how to put paragraph styles in here. So let's open up our styles for this document. Let's go to window styles, paragraph styles. See these things here are kind of separate in the library. They're not actually part of this document here. So to add them, all they need to do is let's have nothing selected and right, click my body copy here and say add to paragraph styles. There's my green at heart. Body copy. Super easy. But let's say you're using an earlier version of in design that doesn't have libraries or you're still avoiding using libraries. Okay. You can do it by the paragraph styles panel, see this little fly out stripey line here, the hamburger menu, pop that out and in here it says low paragraph styles. And the cool thing about it is you don't need to export the styles from your previous in design fire like you do in some like the Microsoft products. Okay. What we can do is on my desktop class files, there's the screen and heart newsletter we made in the previous tutorials click open and it will look through that document. Okay. And see that's got these styles applied to it. And which ones would you like to begin? Okay. I don't need the basic one. Remember that is nothingness. That is the kind of normal nothingness. All these other ones. What do I need? I don't need heading I don't need first paragraph only because I'm not using them in this document. Okay. You might bring them all in the beginning because you're not too sure. G body copy or sorry. G. A. H body copy already exists but I'd probably bring both of those through at the same time. But I already got him. So really all I need is the subheading. That's what I want to bring in. So it doesn't really matter how you bring it in, whether you're using the CC libraries or just pull them from existing documents another way and I said to at the beginning, but there's actually three ways if you copy and paste a bit of text from another document into this one and paragraph styles applied to that text, it will bring it through at the same time. So if you're finding that you're getting these paragraph styles in here and you're like, how did you get in here? It's because you've opened up some random document, copy the text out of it and pasted it into this current document and it's brought through the styles with it. So you might have to when you do that. Go and tidy them up by going actually I don't want you to hit delete okay? And clean them all up. But I want both of these. First thing we'll do is we'll put in our body copy. So I'm gonna select it all. Okay? So command a or control it will select everything. Okay? You've got to make sure you're on your type tool and you've got your cursor flashing in the text box. Select it all remember, dan's Random five click Ok. So I've got them all selected and I'm going to say I'd like the body copy to apply it. Okay. And you can see there's a little plus applied to it. It's because some of them have bolds applied to it already. I'm going to leave those just to make it a little easier to find in my case. What I'd probably do if I was being a purist about it, I would say down here it says clear overrides and you'll see it or remove the bolts from it. But I've left those just to make it easy for us to find. So cool. Huh? It's lovely to bring through paragraph styles that have been done another document, it's just kind of like tidied up this document quite a bit, even though I hate justification, but that's okay. Next thing we're gonna do is we're going to apply our subheadings. Okay. So I'm going to highlight this first line here, click subheading greats and it's brought through the style. What I'd like to do though in this document is I want to make a few changes. I'm gonna zoom in command plus or control plus on a pc. I'm gonna select it. Make some changes. Okay, I want to change the color. So the type here. Okay, now you'll see in my switches panel, where are you down here? I'm gonna make that a bit bigger. There's my swatches panel. I don't have half of these colors. Okay. Remember I'm gonna have to pull them from my library. So in here I'm going to make this my mid green, lovely. Okay. And I'd like to turn off a couple of things. I'd like to turn off the force capitalization. So at the top you're gonna turn that off as well. So once I've done that I'm going to go and redefine my style because I'd like this to in this document to be forever and that green and not upper case I'm going to right click it and there's one that says redefined style awesome. It just means now when I go and use it zoom out, where are you highlight this guy, apply subhead, this guy apply subhead, you can see I'm getting that new style through now. One thing you might find is for a long document. This could be painful. It's not too bad. Right, it's not too long. Um So a couple things you can do to speed this up one is at a short cut to it. So if I click on subhead actually best way is to click off black arrow, nothing in the background that's always are like default thing, click in the background. Doubleclick subheading. And in here I'd like to say shortcut. Unfortunately shortcuts only work if you've got that number keypad next to your keyboard. Okay so I'm working on a Macbook Pro laptop and it has no it has the numbers along the top above the letters but it doesn't have that separate keypad to the Right, okay so you have to your shortcuts have to include those one of those numbers. Okay so I can't use this at all but if you are using a keyboard that has those numbers on the side, you can hold down Maybe command shift and hit one. Okay? And you'll get a shortcut in there if you're on APC to be controlled shift one, I'm just making up a shortcut. You can make anything you like as long as it has those little numbers there. But alas I don't have that one. So the other way to do shortcuts ok is click ok is something called the quick edit Now? This is the shortcut to rule all shortcuts what it does is if I highlight this text here and hold down on my keyboard command and hit the enter key on my keyboard. Okay this pops up, it's called Quick apply if you're on a pc hold down control and hit enter and what this does is I'm going to leave it. There is you can type in anything in this whole program. If you need it to be upper case you can see I type in upper and you can see it goes to the shortcut of uppercase and I could do that. Okay? It's not what I want in this case. So command enter. I want to type in sub I don't even have to write the whole word, you can see there there's subheading return now it seems like that doesn't seem short but I'll show you how I get my kind of flow on so highlight this command, enter and see its pre filled out from my last setting. So I just had to return. So highlight quick edit, enter, highlight command enter, enter. You gotta be a little slow between the enters. If you do it too fast it freaks out a little bit command enter, enter. Um These these here are actually bullet points we're going to do later on so don't do those as headings. I thought I got all the ones bold. Okay my bolding trick does not work but you can start to see it doesn't matter whether you got the shortcut going because you got the number keypad or command enter for the quick apply. We can speed this up. I put lots of headings in and then towards the end I got bored and didn't put any more headings in. So if you find like the first half has lots and the second half has none that's just because of me. Okay so we've put in our subheading we've put in our body copy and you can see how we've got a 30 page document all quite quickly going and all kind of styled up. That's the beauty of the primary text frame from the previous video and our little styles. Now a couple of housekeeping things. If I go to the w um if you're finding the machines running really slowly using especially this example file for the text, The long text. It's because you might have dynamic spelling on and because these are all latin words and our dictionary set to english, it's freaking out going every single word in this 30 page document is spell badly so it's checking every single one of them. Every time we move the page reach exit, which is a bit of a pain. So if you're finding that ever happens, say you're working with a document that has a lot of um it's english, but you have a lot of kind of like french words or irish spelling for words, you might find that dynamic spelling is just slowing things down. So I'm going to go on my Mac to in design CC preferences and go to spelling. If you're on pc, go to edit down the bottom will be preferences and go do spelling and just turn enable dynamic spelling off one ticket so it won't freak out and slow your machine down. Does to mine all the time when I'm using these really long placeholder text documents. Another little thing and this is just styling. Now, we're going to jump to our Master page because I want to put a little line that goes through the center of this. Okay, so I'm going to double click any of my Master pages, how do I know I'm on my Master page and it closed down. Parag ourselves, it's down here, I'm on my a Master, gonna zoom out a little bit so I can see the whole thing, I'm gonna grab my line tool, I'm gonna draw a line that goes all the way through the middle. Okay. It's pretty good at doing it straight and I'm going to have the stroke of this one. That same green. Okay. And I'm going to have no feel how thick is it going to be? I can't remember one point that seems okay. Okay. I'm going to copy it and paste it and drag it over here to this other side. You go get in there. Nice. So why did I do that? Go to page one hit W because it looks kind of cool um by kind of cool. Yeah looks alright. I think I'm gonna have to match the same size as that because that's a bit thick. Let's double click this. You can skip on now because there's nothing super interesting. We're gonna add automatic page numbering. Okay. You yeah, I was like the both of them at the same time and I'm going to have maybe half okay, half a point. Yeah, it looks okay. Okay. It's a page numbering. We did this in a previous tutorial but we're going to do it again together. Let's double click page A master will use the left spread to start with, grab the type tool. Dry out a nice type box. I'm gonna type the word page and I put in instead of just typing one. Remember we put in the type, we're going to go insert special character and we're gonna go markers, current page marker, current page number even. And what I'd like to do is it's set to you can see it's actually picking up my subheading okay, as the default paragraph style and that will happen to you if you're following me along because I did something a bit strange. Let's go to window and go to styles and go to paragraph styles. If I have nothing selected and I click on subheading it's going to set it as every time I draw a new type box. Okay, it's going to be that subheading. Okay. So if I searched the body copy and I got nothing selected switches, the body copy. Now if I draw this out it's going to be the body copy font. Okay so and what you probably want is when you've got nothing selected beyond basic paragraph or body copy. That's maybe a good one as well. But it means that whenever I draw a new type box, it's not going to try and be this subheading, we're going to zoom in and we're going to make this one. Roboto I'll use Roboto slab again where I use that bold and I'll use the orange color. Okay, how do I know it's in the center of the page. I know it's centered there. There's a couple of ways we could do it, you could use alignment tool. I'm just going to drag it to the edges. So I know it's there, it's gonna go down here somewhere, I'm going to copy and paste it a cool way for copying and pasting. You can go command CV. Okay or edit control paste. But if you grab your black arrow while you're dragging the words page a hold down the option key on your keyboard and drag it across and it will make a duplicate as you're dragging. Okay so hold on hold then start clicking, holding and dragging and that will duplicate it as it goes across. Now. I'm going to double check these. Work. Double click page one double click page two page three. Nice work group. Let's move on to the next one where we start working on inserting blank pages and playing with the numbering because it starts at one which is going to be a cover, all sorts of fun stuff like that.

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Ratings and Reviews

Jerome Clark

I think Dan is very good at explaining and breaking down complex content. I like the way there are lots of small sessions which is good for keeping focus. I would advise anyone who does this course and is taking notes to label which session the notes are referring to as I have struggled to find a few looking back and this helped me. It really made me realise how much I didn't know and had been fudging. Thank you Dan I will be taking plenty more of your courses in the coming months it's been a great help.

Giuseppe Lipari

Excellent course, instructor is great well spoken, clear and a great teacher. I highly recommend this class for beginners and those who learned indesign on their own.

Kelli Drum

Student Work