Working with Images Part 2
Lesson 6 from: Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud Starter Kit & Wedding AlbumsKhara Plicanic

Working with Images Part 2
Lesson 6 from: Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud Starter Kit & Wedding AlbumsKhara Plicanic
Class Introduction
16:53 2Pages Panel
22:40 3Links Panel and Package
16:08 4Objects and Color
29:07 5Working with Images Part 1
18:50 6Working with Images Part 2
34:46 7Working with Images Q&A
13:23 8Working with Text Part 1
38:14Lesson Info
Working with Images Part 2
Let's talk now we can kick this up a little notch so I made this fun little invitation for like a little wildlife birthday parties something I don't know zoo themed birthday party so we're gonna have some fun creating this with our images and rather than dragging a siri's of frames into our document, we're goingto make use of something really awesome called grid if I so I hope to see cem jaws dropping again so I'm gonna press f to get my frame tool again and this time when I click my drag instead of one frame like this which by the way, I can reposition if I hold down the space bar. So just like when you draw with the marquis tool in photo shop so I click and drag if I want to re position, I hold space bar if I want to resize, I just keep dragon, okay, so, um I don't know let's say something like this, but instead of just one frame, I'm going to keep holding my mouse down and watch what happens when I press my right a row key boom boom! I've got three frames and when I pressed my up or...
ochi boom, boom, I got more frames and now I think I want to make this we'll do some rearranging here, okay, so I don't know something like I guess this'll work like this okay, so when I'm happy with it and by the way, if I decide I want less columns or rose or whatever I used my left or my down heroes so just press your iraqis till you're happy with yourself all right then I'm gonna let go and I have individual frames, right? Okay, so now um we can drop some images in here but before we do that now we can't see them because any guesses were in wonderful mood yes, so don't panic when that happens to you just if you if you suddenly don't see your frames and your leg what just press w because you might be in wonderful known and now you could be in on one but but you concede your frame so that's kind of wonderful too okay, so we have all of our frames here but before we start dragging images into them let's make this a little more interesting so rather than a grid of nine frame's let's combine a few frames so we're going to merge a couple of them. Okay? So to do that like let's say we want to merge these two right here, so I'm going to select these and then I'm gonna find my pathfinder panel so if you don't see that that's under window window object and lay out pathfinder so pathfinder is kind of an illustrator kind of thing so lets you take paths or frames in this case and just merge them and like adam or subtract them or all kinds of stuff so what we're going to do here is actually two things it's a two step process they've got these to frame selected I'm going to convert them to a rectangle which we didn't won't see now because there selected here but then we're going to come up here and add them do it reverse sorry we'll come up here and add them together first and then we see that there's one x going through both of them but it's still two separate boxes okay let's do this again so to several boxes we're going to come to pathfinder and we're going to add them together so now it's two boxes but one image will go across both of them but we're going to actually merge them into a single frame so then we're going to go directly down and we're going to convert to just one frame see that simple right okay let's repeat we'll go over here we'll do it this way too so I'm gonna use my selection tools dragon marquis around these two frames we will add them together so two frames now but like one image across both and then we're going toe merge them into just one big frame pretty cool right? So this is looking pretty good so far. Um let's talk too quickly I guess about the gap between these boxes because some of you might be thinking oh that's so awesome but how do I control the space between the boxes? The space between them is actually based on your document um if we goto layout margins and uh layout margins and columns this value that's here for the gutter is the space that shows up here so if you want to change that there's other ways to change it to but for right now we'll just focus on one if you wanted to change this if you like wanted to be an eighth of an inch or whatever then you would just change this gutter setting and then draw your gratify so change this first then drive if I change it now it's only gonna change future grids that I make it's not going to alter the one I've already finished so you want to do that first but I'm okay with this spacing so I'm gonna go ahead and leave it. But another thing that's really cool just to know is the gap tool over here the keyboard shortcut is you and when I click on it it allows me to take this whole gap so in this case it's just a short gap like this and I can just drag there was also a job job I thought that I could just click into rag and adjust the the space so rather than like what you maybe would think you'd have to do is grab this box and then be like, okay let's, move this one over and then move this one and then try to get the spacing right no don't do that grab the gap tool so you forget to, um and then you can come in here and you could just move the gap so that's kind of meat on dh then here where the gap runs a little bit longer it will actually do the whole thing or if you hold down the I never remember which one it is command whoa! There you can adjust it that way which one is it option no shift yes one of those keys just press them all till it works if you hold them shift it breaks like so you're not adjusting the whole gap does not make sense so if I just do normally it's going to grab the whole vertical line but if I hold shift, it'll isolate teo just this instance of the gap. So mind your gaps and there's like a whole new meaning now if I'm ever in the uk and I here mind the gap I'm like sign that's just goofy, goofy okay, so you can adjust your gaps and move stuff around so it's really easy to draw out a simple grid but then you're not stuck with a grid you khun merge the frames together and push your gaps all around so that you can actually make it really interesting and unique rather than just you know the same nine frame great all the time or whatever okay now here's something else that's really cool how many images is this? One two three, four five six, seven okay, so let's go back to bridge again I'm hitting command uh tab teo bring this open and, um I have some images here let's see, we went there, rhino so I'm goingto click I'm holding command to select these images we want a sneak um kangaroo this guy what is that? A giraffe camel and a butterfly is that seven items? Oh, and no, not the bug okay, so I don't know I have some stuff selected, I hope it's oh, the seahorse yes. Okay, so I've got multiple images selected now watch what happens when I click and drag multiple images. Ok? And when I released my mouth nothing happens because I dragged from bridge over two in design and my computer's still thinks I'm in bridge see this so what I need to dio is click just boop just to like wake up in design and then check it out I have a cursor that has pictures in it and if you look let's try this oh, that looks terrible but maybe you can see in parentheses there is a little there's a number and it says seven okay, so it's telling me that I've got seven images loaded on my cursor so now rather than dragging and dropping seven times I could just go around and click to plop it in let's see let's put the camel here the giraffe here kangaroo rhino seahorse snake okay, so we have all these images in these frames and we'll do our keyboard shortcut so they're fitting but like not quite how I would want them so we'll do some arranging so I'm going to grab this butterfly over here and I'm going to press aid to get the content and I'm gonna hold shift so that when I slide it over I protect myself and I don't like do this are, you know, bump it out of alignment so holding shift just helps me keep it in alignment, so I'm just going to arrange some of these and kind of funny ways and here's what here's what's cool about this little example that I set up these are all illustrator files and they're all just on blank backgrounds, so that enables me because they're on blank backgrounds I can actually make them smaller than the frame if I want teo, so I'm going to drag the rhino over here we'll make this guy like that our camel okay now here's a perfect example the camel is facing with his backside in the seahorses face that is just not very nice no, not very nice and also like not great graphically to have him looking like I want him facing into the rest of the design so I want to flip him around so while he's selected I'm gonna come up into my control panel and see this little button right here it's says flip horizontal so when I click that whoa he flipped way out over here because of my control alignment member those chocolates my reference point is was the corner but that's okay um so I can move him back over but the nice thing is now he's flipped and he's facing inward and it's just kind of a little a little nicer for the sea horse over there to deal with so I'm going to kind of adjust him like this within the frame let's see, we've got our kangaroo over here and same thing with our giraffe he's facing out so I want to flip him back around so I'm gonna come back up, flip him over again and again I'm going to hold shift just to keep him whoa never mind where did he go flip there we go, drag him over and maybe I'm gonna hold shift and dragged to enlarge him within that frame. Okay, so this is pretty cool. Now, here is another little anything about this particular example because these are all images. So we drew the frames. We dropped the images in. Okay, um, in this example in the document where we had all those images, um, if we had added a phil to them let's, just do another one. We'll just drag in. Let's, go back here like if I drag this image here and I add a phil to this frame like I put a black phil, we don't see the phil because the image is actually covering it, right? If I select the image and move it out of the way, then we can see the fill, but otherwise we don't see it because the images covering it. But if we go back to this document, these images are illustrator files with a clear background. So guess what that means? That means we can have co existing in a single frame, a color and an image so I can actually go in and put let me not mess up my frames. I can put a color in this frame behind the illustration and I can see it, which is so cool all right, so let's, let's just kind of color eyes these with fun, I don't know fun colors I was under retro kick with colors when I was doing all of this woo so just kind of have some fun there we are so check that out this is I get a little dangerous with my tablet I tend to move things more because you're actually physically clicking so they are very awesome but sometimes um they make you a little click happy okay, so we have all of these, uh, images in these frames and because they're illustrator files on a like transparent background I can actually put a color in the frame behind it and that looks really meet and then I don't have to worry like if I move the rhino you know, out of the way the green isn't going with him so it kind of just give me some meat possibilities for design but of course the other neat thing is because it's still an image it's linked over here and if I want to edit that file I compress command down arrow and it's going to open that file in its appropriate software. So here we are an illustrator and if I wanted to change the color of this an illustrator maybe I make it yellow hoops the yellow fill and then I saved them s and close this and I go back to in design it updates automatically so that's a really neat thing, but um we'll go back and whoops let's do let's make it back back to black just to make it easy okay, so here we are back in in design and we've got all of this another thing that is great and I just quit I just quit and designed it and I or quit uh illustrator, we're going to go grab this illustration and instead of placing it, we'll get this guy instead of placing it like by dragging and dropping or anything like that we're actually going to copy and paste it from illustrator just to show you how it's a little different so I'm goingto select this whole object I'm going to copy it will go over teo where are we in design and then I'm going toe paste it okay now because this is a vector file from illustrator um and I pasted it rather than dragged and dropped it I have actually go into the individual path even though I'm in indesign I can go into the past and if I go to my swatches I can like make his ear orange or I can select you know his stripes and make them yellow or whatever, so we'll probably leave those a black but maybe like his nose is kind of this gray color and maybe I really just I want that to just be black and his eye can also just be black and his ear can't just be black so that's kind of a neat thing that can happen if you, um if you do have some illustrations and you want to work like that and you want to be able to alter them flight really right within in design if you copy and paste from illustrator, you could do that now if I want to rotate this a little bit, I'm gonna have it selected and I can float my cursor outside the edge like this and that'll allow me to spin it or I can press are to get the rotate tool and then I can just click and hoops you have to select it go figure selected, then press are and then you can just click and drag to rotate it like that too, so we're not going to do a whole ton with this image here, but it just kind of wanted it for for design purposes right here and to show you that when you, um, copy and paste from illustrator, you can edit it right within in design, but the whole lot of eye words once I fumble over the names all the time. S oh that's really neat and I'll show you to while we're here, you can see this text, so I've got this text box you can see that if I wanted to align it with this edge over here, I don't have to get go to my ruler and draw out a guide I could if I wanted teo but I could just click and drag and when I get in the right spot it's going to have this green line that appears automatically the problem is on my tablet I get it in the right spot and by the time I let go I wiggle so I kind of move it a little bit it's a little tricky but it makes it really easy to align it so those green little lines that pop up are called smart guides and they appear on your screen all the time to help you try to align things and it can be really helpful another thing I'll point out is you see me like zooming in and out like this with my keyboard um that is just navigating around and it's really easy to do it's just like in photoshopped to scoot in her out its commander control plus or minus or I guess equals I guess because there's no shift but control water minus command plus and minus lets you zoom in and out and then remember that holding your space bar lets you drag okay so that is a little bit about grid and gratify one more thing I'll also tell you while we're on that subject is if I go back teo bridge on dh let's go back to these travel images if I select multiple images um and then go back to in design and you can also go from bridge you can go up tio filed place in in design you could do that too. Ah and what my cursor loaded if I drag and drop do my grid situation it will place the images within the grid so I don't even have to place them myself, which is kind of neat. Another thing, too that you khun dio, is when you're drawing your frames. Um if you're not sure like sometimes I draw my frames and I load up my curse there like this and then I'm like, wait, what images that I pick? I don't even remember while they're sitting there loaded in your cursor, you can actually use your arrow keys to scroll through them, so then you're like, oh, yeah, yeah, okay, that one I'll put over here, this one I'll put over here, you know you can let go through and be very conscious about where you're placing them so that's kind of a neat thing. All right, another fun thing I'll show you this border lines on text, but it's also images so on the back side of the invitation, which you'll notice is not I didn't set this up with facing pages, but you could have sometimes it's personal preference and sometimes it's what your project demands but we'll pretend this is the back side of the page, and I wrote this really silly copy, which I'm really proud of, but what we're going to do is place in line text graphics in here, okay, so if you were to read the sentence, it doesn't make sense right now because it's missing words so instead of putting words and we're going to put fischer's all right, so here's, how we do this, we press t for type tool or we go get our type tool and we put the cursor where we want it. So it says this is your chance to come blank around with us. What would make sense animal speak monkey, right? This is your chance to come monkey around with us, so I'm going to use my type tool to put my cursor right here and then I'm gonna go to the file place that will do like commander control d again and I'm going to navigate to this folder and I have a file here called monkey I hope it's this one um someone to click. Okay, there it is now it's crazy and it's huge and it's in the way on top of everything but that's alright, because I can select it and I'm gonna command shift to scale the frame and the image right so command shift drag down, down, down, down, down, down, down there is a little monkey that's looking better now what do we noticed? We noticed the blue frame around it and then there's this little nautical anchor symbol in the corner here that lets me know that this is anchored and anchored text graphic what that means is if I re flow this type so if I take the box and stretch it bigger or change the font size or whatever the monkey actually is going to behave as if it's a letter so it will like move around with the text so we'll see that here in a second but I'm going to drag this a little smaller and now I actually wanted to sit lower in the lines so I'm going to come up tio I'm going to get my type tool and highlight it just like I would text on I'm going to drop the baseline to move it down like this okay, so come monkey around with us we love games and are ready for some serious horse play you're on it okay? So horseplay and actually I'm going to put a space in here so oops a space so we have a space on other sites so well again command d and now I'm going to go find my horse right here and again it's huge so we'll grab it commune shift, drag it down and again I'll use the type tool to highlight it and drop the baseline like that okay, so we're ready for some serious horsefly don't let the summer heat blank you bug you you're good at this don't let it bug you so I have a bug somewhere bug oh my gosh again selection tool command ship dragged down see we're having lots of good practice here what have I done? Not the right thing okay, not the whole text frame just the bug there we go okay controls these how you un dio commands the rate don't let the summer heat bug you type tool and then select the bug we'll move it down good and okay only one more uh join us for a blink wait a blank of a good time ready guesses whale a whale of a good time so again we'll go get that whale where are you whale there we go whale select the whale I had so much fun making these examples you don't even know I was very entertained okay and then knock that down. Okay, so how cool is that that now we have, uh, images inner text and if I adjust this you see the images move with it as if they are text but they're not so I think that's pretty rad okay, good right let's move on to the next example okay, so here we have some images and fruit I was on a crazy fruitcake when I made all of this so we have a lot of fruit examples but right now if I dragged these around on top of each other there covering each other up right and they have this white box around them because they were shot on a white background so we need to get rid of that box now there's a couple of ways we can do that. So if I grab this grapefruit or orange or whatever this is right here um if I want to get rid of the white box, we can make use of what's called the clipping path so I've got the objects selected I'm going to come up here to object I'm going to choose clipping path options and I get this dialog box and right now is there's none selected there's nothing. So we see a white box so clipping mask or clipping path basically means to mask out part of the image in this case the background. So right now it's not masking anything so we can click on that and then say detect edges and when I tell it to detect the edges and I turn on this preview look att that it is smart enough because it's on a nice clean white background it's gonna actually just remove the white background and you could adjust the settings here if it didn't have it quite right. You could adjust the threshold in the tolerance, but this actually did a really good job, so I'm just gonna leave it, um, one of these I thought had so we could do this for all three, but I thought that, um, where are we clipping path options? I thought one of them I built an alva channel into it must have been dreaming, but if you open the image in a photo shop and you create a layer mask or which generates an alfa channel, if you do any masking in photo shop and save it as a psd, um here, in addition to detect edges, you could come upto object clipping path options, and it would say, detect edges or it would say, alpha channel and you could actually load the mask that you made in photo shop and mask it out like, if you really had something complicated, you know, that you were doing you could mask it out and fun to shop and read the mask and insight that's pretty rad, right? Okay, so that's pretty neat, but we'll just do that for this one image. The other thing that we're going to do to get rid of these two white boxes is we're actually going to change the object blend mode. What that's like photo shop talk yes, but we can do it in into line so we could detect edges but in this case we're actually going to change the blend mode because I want these fruit slices to be like translucent and I want to be ableto layer them and make them like see both of them kind of blending together so by doing that it will also remove the white box so we don't have to do it but I showed you here for example, but for all of these images I'm goingto select them so I'm holding shift and clicking on them with the selection tool and now we're going to change their object blend mode so I'm going to go toe object uh, effects and this seems weird but you goto object effects transparency and within this window we have blend mode options look, it looks like photo shop we have a mode which is normal by default but we're going to change this to multiply and when we do that what disappear that's because I'm tricky and I put a black background on here so you could see the white box so now they're still here a promise I'm going to you can see when I roll over them they're there so I'm going to now click my black background and delete it so here they are and now watch what happens when I overlap them who isan that pretty so now they're like laying on top of each other and, um blending rather than like just as an example let's go backto object and I'll put it back so object effects transparency let's put this one back to normal oh there's that white walks around it right? And this one is showing up because it's on top of it but this has a white box that's cutting off this guy, so we'll change that back object effects, transparency mode multiply and now we can get out of wonderful mode and we can see all this fun business that I've put over here to help with our layout and we can drag over some text look at that. So now what are we doing? There we go, so now we have this fun kind of magazine layout and we didn't have to go into photo shop and alter these um so you know if you start with certain kinds of source images, you can do a lot without having to go into photo shop and actually remove a background you can detect edges in design or if you do something like change the blend modes that would do it too, and you'll notice for the type over here which will learn the text is also in a different blend mode so you can see them kind of overlaying each other over here as well because there also in a multiply blend mode so that's kind of fun um okay and then the last example that I wanted to show you I had to bring this back from if you saw my photos ofthe week contributions thiss year we made this really ridiculous image with layers when I taught a segment on layers and finish up and we made this monstrosity of a graphic and everyone that's got a kick out of it we're laughing so I thought I had to bring it back so here's what I want to show you about this image so this is a layered photoshopped so layered photoshopped document so I'm gonna open it in photo shop and by the way for this key words work get to work this jaw dropping thing that I showed you you have to have your links panel open so like if I have pages open it won't work is yelling at me so by open links now I can open this and photoshopped so let's just look at what's in this document and photo shopped in the layers panel we have all kinds of crazy business going on right so the snowman his little moustache we have a merman and this a unicorn and a rainbow and like all this crazy business but what if I want to use this image in in design for a layout but I don't want the unicorn and I don't want the rainbow and even that mur man needs to go right I don't want to have to goto photo shop and edit this image and then maintain this image you know, in different versions for different things so I don't want to do that know so let's go back to in design on dh I'm just going to actually delete it I hope I know where that file is okay? So let's just place it so I'm going to click f for frame and I'm just going to drug out of frame and all press command deed to go please and thinking this it's right here so I called it amazing and it's a psd file obviously now here's what school when I place it this way as opposed to dragging it in, I have this little option down here to show import options so I can click on that and the one I click open before it pleases the document I get these import options and guess what? I can turn on or off layers right insane? Are we getting a close up of her face? She yes, I love it right? So for example I don't want to see the horse so I'm going to hide the horse stuff so turn that off turn off his glow we don't need the merman so he can go tio we don't need the rainbow I don't need a horse with a drop shadow um I think everything else is fine okay so I can adjust that right here and then I'll click okay and why didn't it fit nicely? I don't know that's a good question but it didn't so I did my keyboard shortcuts the convenient one command option shift control sift c for convenience and boom it fits right in here so now I'm going to just this because obviously should fill the whole spread so I'll do I use my selection tool to drag the frame to fill the whole spread right? And now I'm just rather than scaling the image separate and all that I'm just going to hit that keyboard shortcut to make it feel like that I'll press aide to get my selection tool and I'm gonna move my snowman up like this and then I think this document yes I did make a new layer in this document and the only reason I did that was so I could put all this silly layout business on that layer and then just hide it from you like that so check that out amazing little ridiculous layout with this ridiculous no man he had to make a comeback um and the cool thing is we've placed it now what if we change our mind what if we're like oh I want my rainbow or something in this well after after the fact I just select it and then if I goto object object layer options even after the fact I can come back here and I can find my rainbow and turn it on, and I can even preview if I'm like what's my rainbow layer there, it isthe. So now we see the rainbow, and we'll click okay. Oh, that looks silly, because it end. Is mae here, but you get the idea. Maybe we put the horse back onto object, object layer options, uh, we need hit. We'll put the horse. Come on, horse. We're gonna have the rainbow. We should probably have a horse. It's kind of their ego takes a minute to kind of figure out well, anyway, so now the horses flying up there, the top, so isn't rad. You can control all of that stuff, even after the fact with your images, which I just think it's, super awesome.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Khara is adorable and teaches with such a simple approach which makes learning fun. Her constant smile and infectious laugh makes learning fun. Thank you Khara and creativeLIVE for offering this awesome class on InDesign.
user 3b7cd3
I personally love the way she talks, and I am 57 years old, so it isn't because I'm a teen. I think she is fun, light, and funny, and makes listening and learning a pleasure. I have listened to some classes where I was about to fall asleep and it was hard to keep interested, not due to content but the presenter's demeanor. Having great information and learning is what I'm most concerned about. I guess to each his own, right?
I love Khara's classes! She is fun and informative and packs so much information in every class! I have learned so much about InDesign and Photography and Wedding Albums from Khara and appreciate how hard she must work to bring these classes to us that give us so many more tools to work with! I would highly recommend all of her classes and look forward to owning more!