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Adobe InDesign CC: Advanced Features

Jason Hoppe

Adobe InDesign CC: Advanced Features

Jason Hoppe

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Class Description

Just like the rest of the Adobe® Creative Cloud Suite, Indesign® has a ton of advanced features and hidden gems! In Adobe InDesign CC: Advanced Features Jason will show you how to take your basic understanding of InDesign and take it to the next level so you can create amazing designs!

Here are a few nuggets Jason will teach:

  • Interactive Presentations
  • Nested Styles
  • Table of Contents
  • Anchored Objects
  • Books Chapters
  • and a whole lot more.

If you’ve mastered the basics and are ready to advance your design skills, don’t miss Adobe InDesign CC: Advanced Features with Jason Hoppe.


Adobe InDesign CC 2018

Ratings and Reviews

Patricia Green

Great information in this class, including many things I'll refer back to in time. I enjoyed the fact that it used the latest CC version of the software because I'm always concerned I'm not taking advantage of newer iterations' improvements. The instructor was fantastic, easy to follow, quite knowledgable and likable. I highly recommend this course.

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