Create Complex Shapes with Pathfinder Tool
Lesson 13 from: Adobe Illustrator: From Shapes to Complex & Beautiful IllustrationsJunichi Tsuneoka

Create Complex Shapes with Pathfinder Tool
Lesson 13 from: Adobe Illustrator: From Shapes to Complex & Beautiful IllustrationsJunichi Tsuneoka
Course Introduction
01:44 2Basic Concept of the Course
00:58 3Examples and Applications
00:39 4Process Overview
01:44 5Quiz - Introduction
Getting Started
6Concept Development
09:12Tips for Pencil Sketch
18:12 8Shape Tool Basics
06:58 9Shape Tool Advance
08:36 10How to Control Shapes by Different Movements
04:49 11How to Control Shapes By Reflect Skew and Rotate Tools to Create Complex Shapes
05:45 12Combine Multiple Shapes with Pathfinder Tool
04:19 13Create Complex Shapes with Pathfinder Tool
06:51 14Quiz - Getting Started
Case Study 1: Stand Alone Graphic
15Case Study 1 Overview (Stand Alone Design)
02:04 16Creating an Environment for Converting the Pencil Sketch into Editable Vector Graphic
03:29 17Create a Group of Shapes to be Used as a Base of the Illustration
13:03 18How to Introduce Large Medium and Small Design Elements to the Overall Design to Achieve Depth and More Detailed Result
05:43 19Adding Colors
11:12 20How to Fine Tune the Design and Finalize It
03:27 21Exercise
00:51 22Quiz - Case Study 1: Stand Alone Graphic
Case Study 2: Illustrative Pattern
23Case Study 2 Overview (Illustrative Pattern)
01:41 24Creating an Environment for Converting the Pencil Sketch into Editable Vector Graphic
01:37 25Create a Small Unit of Complex Shapes to Use as a Base of the Whole Illustration
14:01 26How to Introduce Large Medium and Small Design Elements to the Overall Design to Achieve Depth and More Detailed Result
01:48 27How to Introduce Foreground Middle and Background Elements to the Overall Design to Achieve More Depth
09:56 28Adding Colors
07:27 29How to Fine Tune the Design and Finalize It
06:38 30Quiz - Case Study 2: Illustrative Pattern
00:59Final Quiz
32Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Create Complex Shapes with Pathfinder Tool
in this lesson, I will show you how to create complex images from a few simple shapes using different pathfinder tool options. Let's look at this example, I have this circle here and I will create a circle that's a little smaller than the original circle in a place this circle right on here and select both of the circles. I opened the pathfinder panel and this time I use minus front option. Then whatever the shape on top of the other shape will punch out the shape and in this case results to create this kind of moon shape. Now I have a new circle and move the circle this way by holding the option and the shift key. So I end up having two identical circles when I select these two and use pathfinder divide option. And now originally there were two circles but now these are divided into these three shapes and this way I could create this kind of leaf shape in this kind of moon shape. three different shapes out of simple two circles. I can combine this technique with rotate to for example ...
holding down the option key and click on the bottom of the circle. And that will give me this rotate dialog box Well, type, winning 30 degree on an angle and hit copy command or control diffusing windows until you have circles all the way around. Now when you select all the circles that I just created and the overlap of the outline of all the circles will look like this, which is quite complex shape and also combine this with pathfinder divide and they click off from the shape for now. And use pathfinder I mean use the direct selection tool then I can select all these shapes and I can use that as a new design or new pattern, new design elements. And again this was only just one circle and duplicated. And with this simple divide option from pathfinder will give me so many different options to create complex design. So I haven't gone over the other rest of the pathfinder options. But pathfinder unite. Pathfinder minus front. In pathfinder divide will give you such so many options so that you can do all the other function with this. If you just focus on these three functions that way we can keep it simple and focus on fewer tools to use but use them in depth. So I hope you get the idea of how to make complex images from simple shapes, sometimes even from one single shape. But the idea of how to copy how to duplicate how to combine with rotation tool and how to use pathfinder divide will give you so much options. And this is a really great way to utilize simple shapes and create very complex shapes out of it.
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