Explore the Interface
Lesson 3 from: Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud: Essentials for Creating ProjectsBrian Wood

Explore the Interface
Lesson 3 from: Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud: Essentials for Creating ProjectsBrian Wood
Class Introduction
01:23 2What is Adobe Illustrator?
06:24 3Explore the Interface
11:45 4Create and Save New Documents
07:03 5Zoom and Navigate
07:23 6Working with Artboards
18:11 7Introduction to Layers
18:53 8Rulers and Guides
09:05Shapes and Drawing
45:27 10Aligning and Combining Shapes
15:31 11Pen Tool
30:59 12Manipulating Stroke and Fill
14:39 13Creating and Editing with Color
17:36 14Painting with Gradients
10:36 15Getting Started with Patterns
08:11 16Adding Text To Your Document
08:43 17Formatting Text
11:35 18Strokes and Variable Strokes in Adobe Illustrator
16:55 19Rotating Objects in Adobe Illustrator
08:42 20Effects and the Appearance Panel in Adobe Illustrator
10:58 21Adding Photo Images in Adobe Illustrator
12:43 22Working with Linked Content in Adobe Illustrator
10:14 23Packaging your Project for Handoff in Adobe Illustrator
04:28 24Best Formats to Save Your Files
14:35 25Select Like a Pro: Layers, Groups, & Other Unique Tools
33:57 26Edit Paths Like a Pro in Adobe Illustrator
08:41 27Editing Paths: Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator
03:31 28Creating & Applying Brushes to Artwork in Adobe Illustrator
18:21 29Editing Paths: Knife & Scissor Tool in Adobe Illustrator
03:09 30Editing Paths: Join Tool in Adobe Illustrator
10:46 31Editing Paths: Isolation Mode in Adobe® Illustrator®
02:11 32Pen Tool Shortcuts in Adobe Illustrator
16:44 33Other Drawing Tools & Methods in Adobe Illustrator
07:05 34Transforming Techniques in Adobe Illustrator
05:35 35Shortcut to Reflecting Artwork in Adobe Illustrator
02:19 36Get to Know Your Appearance Panel in Adobe Illustrator
17:42 37Exploring Effects in Adobe Illustrator
10:01 38Work Smarter with Graphic Styles in Adobe Illustrator
04:50 39Color Inspiration in Adobe Illustrator
09:34 40Type Effects in Adobe Illustrator
11:18 41Masking Your Artwork in Adobe Illustrator
13:40 42Using Creative® Cloud® Libraries in Adobe® Illustrator®
15:47 43Capture Artwork with Creative Cloud Apps & Adobe Illustrator
12:21 44Tracing Raster Images in Adobe Illustrator
13:40 45Blending Artwork in Adobe Illustrator
12:47 46Using Symbols in Adobe Illustrator
10:47 47Using a Perspective Grid in Adobe Illustrator
09:05 48Crash Recovery in Adobe Illustrator
08:45 49GPU Performance in Adobe Illustrator
03:51 50Curvature Tool in Adobe Illustrator
06:49 51App Integration in Adobe Illustrator
11:52 52Creative Cloud Libraries in Adobe Illustrator App
04:42 53Shaper Tool in Adobe Illustrator
06:06 54Smart Guides in Adobe Illustrator
01:31 55Text Enhancements in Adobe Illustrator
02:11 56SVG Export in Adobe Illustrator
06:50Lesson Info
Explore the Interface
Now I have Illustrator CC 2015, which is the latest, greatest version of Illustrator. Some of you might not. That's okay. Some of this is gonna apply. Some of this is not, but when you open up Illustrator, you're gonna see this. This is called the the start screen. This is brand new. This just came in, and the idea behind this is to make it easy to get started. So there are presets in here. If you want to jump in and create a document for maybe you're doing web design, you can grab an iPhone size, open that up and start working. You can go in and create a letter sized document maybe to create a newsletter or something. We also have what are called libraries. These are called creative cloud libraries, or CC library's. These are awesome you guys. We are not gonna touch on these today. I'm not gonna say they're advanced. You have to have something created to use them. We have recent to be able to see recent files we've opened, which is great. We can quickly get at them, and we have new an...
d open, so kind of gets started this way. Alright, what I want to do here is we're gonna open up a file and kind of get used to the workspace like what's going on out here, so why don't you come and click on. If you see the open button, go there. If you don't see the start screen, you can come under, file, open. It's pretty much the same thing. Just go there and what I want you to do is I want you to come on to your desktop, and we're gonna come to that day one folder, that folder that we've got the different content in, and I've got a segment one folder in there, and you should see a file called intro.ai. Everybody's see that one? Why don't you go ahead and just open that up, just click on open and get that open. Alright, now do you all see what I see? Do you see like part of a page? Maybe it's kind of cut off or something or a small. What I want to do is this, we're gonna talk about this a little bit later on, but I want you to come under view, and you're gonna see what's called fit artboard in window and fit all in window. These are commands that you are going to live by in Illustrator so you can see everything. Why don't you choose fit all in window. That means show me every artboard, or page, and we can see all the content. Everybody see everything now? Now what I want to do is just talk about what we've got going on out here because if any of you open this up before any program like this and just kind of gasped, and been like look at all the tools, look at all the things we have to work with. What's going on? So let's break this down. So as we open up Illustrator out here, you're gonna see that up top, of course we have the menus up here, and we're gonna be using the menus quite a bit. Right up here you're gonna see that in the latest version of Illustrator, some of you are gonna see something a little different here. In Illustrator CC 2015, we actually now have Illustrator covering the entire desktop on Mac. You don't see through it anymore, and does that make any sense? Alright, so it's gonna look a little different in the latest version, which is fine. It's totally fine, but up here you're gonna see we have what's called the application bar. This is pretty cool because we can do things like launch Adobe Bridge which is a way to, I guess you could say manage and look at some of your imagery, some of your files, and you can get a preview of what they look like before you open them. Pretty cool, actually. We can open up Adobe Stock. Has anybody used Adobe Stock before? Stock service put out by Adobe, so you can give it a try. You can use them as FPO or for position only. You can kind of play some in here, work with them a little bit, and then buy them later if you wanted to do that. That's actually a pretty interesting. You're also gonna see that over here on the right, this is really important stuff. Does everybody see essential somewhere up there? Essentials right there this is how we reset what's called our workspace. We're gonna mess this up out here. We're gonna destroy the panels. We're gonna do things. If you want to get back to where it was, this is where we're gonna go, or at least one place to get everything back to where they should be. Now you're also gonna see there is on the left side over here. I'm gonna skip that bar along the top. On the left-hand side here, these are all the tools you might see now. Yours actually might be, there's a little double arrow up here. If I click on this yours might be a single column. Don't worry about that. It depends on your resolution of your screen, but you can click on that little double arrow right there, and just kind of make it one column or two columns. All these tools right here, you're not gonna use them all. I almost guarantee it. I mean can see four tools out here that maybe I've touched three times in my life. You have a core set of tools, and they break them out that way. You're gonna see that there are two tools up here, these black and white arrows. You're gonna be in those all day, every day. Those are your selection tools. That's how you select artwork, and get to edit it and do different things to it. We're gonna go down as we go through the day here, and talk about the rest of these, but on the right hand side over here, you're gonna see all of our panels. Why don't you click on one of these icons. It doesn't matter which one. Click on an icon and it should show the panel group itself. Now the panels are really important because that's where we're gonna go to do things like create color, like adjust our pages or artboards, like go in and create gradients. We're gonna be toggling these on and off or opened and closed all day. It's something got to get used to here. Why don't you come down, you're gonna see what looks like a little brush set right here, a brush can. Those are your brushes. Click on that, and you're gonna see that these are all grouped, so as you click on one of these little tabs, one of these little icons, it's gonna kind of open and close or show and hide these groups. Really important. Now if you want to close one of these, you want to get it out of the way, so you're not staring at it all day, you can if you want to, click back on that little icon right there. Let me zoom in just a bit here so you can see this, or you can come right to the panel tab and click on it and you'll hide it just temporarily. Now, like I said, you're gonna use these a lot, and one of the things that you're gonna do too is, these are not all the panels by the way. These are only like a third of them. If you come under the window menu up here at the top, come under window. These are all the panels listed in alphabetical order. There is a lot, and they even group. If you see there's some arrows here they actually have sub panel, subsets, that type of thing. You're not gonna use all these, I guarantee it. There are a lot in here. Alright, now here's what I want to do. We're gonna work with a little bit of panels just to get used to how this stuff kind of happens. What I want you to do is come to this, it looks like little well, these are swatches right here, little colored boxes if you will, Go ahead and click on that. This little icon, this is the swatches panel. This is where you get a bunch of pre-made or preset colors in every document you create, and you can use them, create them, edit them, destroy them, whatever you want to do. In Illustrator, what you can do is you can actually take these and move them away if you want. If I'm working on color and I come over here to my left, and I want to use the swatches over here, for instance, I can drag it off, so if you come to the panel tab right there swatches, and drag it away and then drag it over here for instance, and let go. You can tear it off. So this is now a free floating panel. Now what happens with this, you're gonna find that you get more comfortable. You start setting up the way you want things to look and sit and feel. You can do that in here. You can do just about anything you want, but eventually you're gonna get too much happening. Why don't you take the symbols panel, you can see symbols right here, which is part of a group that's leftover, and drag that out. Click and drag and drag that away, and you can see the as you start, now take brushes too brushes. Come brushes, bring that out here. I find that as I work in Illustrator, sometimes I'll just start dragging stuff around and suddenly I look and I'm like, well there's things everywhere. What do I do? How do I get back to where I want to be? We can do what's called reset the entire workspace. Get everything back to square one, so to speak. There's two ways to do this. If you come up to what's called essentials up here, you can see it in the upper right corner up here. This is called the workspace switcher. Click on that and you're gonna see a menu. I've gotta be honest. This was really confusing for me. Does everybody see essentials with a check mark next to it? The one with the check mark means that's the workspace you're looking at, but the thing is this is not what it originally looked like, right? So you can have a workspace that you're on, but then you can change it and move things around. If you want to reset that workspace, you're gonna see it right down here towards the bottom. You'll have what's called reset essentials. Go ahead and choose that or click on that. That's gonna tell Illustrator, put everything back where it should be for the the essential workspace. Does everybody see the libraries panel hanging out there? Adobe did that so we all pay attention to it, so we can hide that if we want to. So you can click on the tab libraries right there to hide it. Workspaces are gonna be something you're gonna have to wrangle as you work in Illustrator. It's something I do all day every day, but eventually you're gonna get things set up where you want them, and you're gonna stick with that. It depends on how you work. Now the last bit of the interface here that we're gonna talk about is right up here. This strip along the top, this is called the control panel or control strip. You're gonna use this a lot. The way this thing works, it's like other Adobe applications. If you click on something or you select artwork, this is gonna kind of spring to life, and show you a lot of the properties for it. Things you can change. Does everybody have the black arrow selected here? The selection tool, if you don't go and click on it. Come out here and if you move your cursor around a little bit, you're gonna notice that it's starting to highlight stuff out here. Why don't you click on one of the black boxes here, like under ExploringTheCity.com. Go ahead and click on that, and you can select it for yourself. Selection in Illustrator is an art form. When you click on things out here and you select it, you can tell that it's selected because it's got like these little points around it, and it's got a color, usually a blue in this case, and if you look up here in the control panel on the far left over here, it actually tells you what's selected. If it was text, it would say like, well that's text or path or group or whatever, image it would tell you it's an image. That is awesome. I use this all the time. I'm like, okay, well what do I have clicked on right now? All the things that are showing right now are all, well some of the properties we can set. For instance, if you come in here, you're gonna, do you see the black square right here? Click on the arrow to the right of that. It's far left over here, and click on the arrow. You're gonna see a bunch of colors that we can start with. These are called swatches. Why don't you go ahead, and click on one of these in here. It doesn't matter what you do. Like I said, all the properties up here are gonna effect the artwork you have selected. That's the idea. Alright? So the control panel, super important. We're gonna be using it as we go through today, and as we go through tomorrow. I think the brown looks disgusting. That's fine. What you can do, and this is gonna get really annoying as you work in here, but you notice that to hide this panel, this thing that's showing right here, you guys can actually either click somewhere to get rid of it, or the secret method to do it is press the escape key. So I press the escape key a lot of times to hide that thing and keep the artworks selected because if you click somewhere here, you might deselect that box. Now if you don't like what you did, we can always undo. Illustrator has about 50 million undos. I don't even know what the upper limit is, but if you come under edit here, you're gonna see just about every program has undo, Command + Z. You can go back, back, back as far as you want. There is no history panel in here for those of you that are in Photoshop, but we do it. Alright, so you guys can go ahead and go back if you want to. So the interface itself, there's a lot to look at. A lot of things that we can do with it, but it's really important that you kind of get the feel of how things work out here. Alright, what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna create a document now and start to save it and kind of start to work on it a little bit.
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Ratings and Reviews
I am a pretty computer literate person but an Ai beginner i.e. I am completely new to the Creative Cloud/Adobe Illustrator. (This is also the first time I've used CreativeLive.) I think this course it is fantastic. The pace is good as is the content which progressed logically and covers all the basics you'd hope it would. The course is 2 full days' worth of material but it is broken down into segments so you can revisit or skip through as you need to. The presenter is really personable and easy to watch (even for me, a Londoner!). I would also say I think it is pretty good value for money -- I am currently enrolled on a part time course, basically doing the same sort of stuff, and I have to say this is better and a bit cheaper! I definitely recommend it to you!
A brilliantly designed course. it's almost magic. It's everything you hope for in a follow-along software class. Brian Wood has engineered it so that you start on a project that just needs basics, and then you move on to more & more complicated projects, and almost without realizing it you've learned Illustrator. This doesn't just happen -- Wood has clearly put a LOT of effort into creating this course. Here's one trivial example: he doesn't overload you with a lot of keyboard shortcuts right at the beginning -- you start with the actions themselves, using the (admittedly tedious but easy) pulldown menus, and then after you're comfortable with what you're doing, he'll throw in the shortcut. It may seem obvious, but so many instructors feel they have to give you an extensive foundation of definitions, shortcuts, interfaces, etc., before you ever do anything. Good stuff to know, but you'll never remember it. Wood has you up and working almost immediately. And he's a joy to listen to, at a perfect pace. Highly recommended.
Philippe LIENARD
Top course. Very well explained, clear, good examples, pleasant teacher. I like it and recommend it. One suggestion, it would be nice to have a detailed table of content of the course in the material. For instance, it took me quite a while to find back the part of the course where how to make a gear was explained.
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