The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way to Train
Lesson 3 from: Achieve Ultimate Human PerformanceBen Greenfield

The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way to Train
Lesson 3 from: Achieve Ultimate Human PerformanceBen Greenfield
Day 1
1Class Introduction
32:46 2IntroductionSeven Big Issues in Training
19:29 3The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way to Train
44:06 4How to Test Your Body
35:57 5How to Test Your Body Pt. 2
27:38 6Notoriously Neglected Elements of Training
42:56 7Mobility
14:17 9Biohacking Your Body
41:27 10Biohacking Your Body Pt. 2
30:16 11Fueling for Performance
13:04 12Foods for Performance
43:22 13Fermented Foods & Sweeteners
15:13 14Ultimate Human Performance Juice & Smoothie
18:44 15Supplementation for Performance
41:58 16Supplement Stacks
27:53 17Customizing a Plant-Based Diet
23:10 18Diet Tip for Aging Atheletes, Females & Kids
16:03 19Rules for Fasting & Ketosis
19:36 20Optimal Diet Q&A
17:19 21Digestion 101
46:43 22How to Heal Your Gut
32:59 23Stress Reduction for High Performers
45:40 24Stress Reduction for High Performance Pt. 2
20:17 25Reducing Stress: Social Proof
16:13 26Household Solutions for Active People
27:09 27Homemade Body Products for Active People
35:23 28Sleep Your Way to Better Performance
24:07 29Sleep Biohacks
19:02 30Supplements for Sleep
27:30 31Sleep Stages, Insomnia & Jet Lag
17:02 32Optimize Your Brain
33:52 33Optimize Your Brain Pt. 2
37:57Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way to Train
Let's talk and contrast about two different ways to train um on the left there you can see what I would consider to be the right way to train exercising with the specific goal what I mean by that is that every time you step into the gym every time you go out onto the road every time you start a session the goal is never ever to just exercise for the sake of exercising or exercising to beat up the body it's to exercise with the specific goal I'm guilty of this all the time I'll walk into the gym and I'll just be like, oh cam's going like run on the treadmill for thirty minutes and then just like do a bunch of bicep curls and try some extensions and boom I'm out but you're gonna learn especially during our session on notoriously neglected elements of training is that you must go into every single session with a goal in mind and once you learn how to do that, the quality of your workouts goes through the roof people a lot of misconception that if there's no pain there's no gain and I know...
that I'm guilty of that is this kind of like this? Yeah, the whole the whole no pain, no gain philosophy for example I have a workout that I give to some of the athletes that I work with that simply a mobility and recovery work out you go into the gym, you do a siri's of dynamic arm swings and leg swings and lunges you do a siri's of movements with the foam roller with the the recovery balls that I'll show you a little bit later um you go through some of the weak spots that that tend to be a neglected elements and kind of weak links and most people's bodies like the rotator cuff and the trans versus of dominus and the bloodiest media's on dwi hit those spots and then you're out and you barely even breathed hard by the time that you left to him but that is a workout that has a specific goal you walk out of there more bulletproof than when you walked in um even though you really maybe don't even get your heart rate by one hundred so yeah absolutely you know they're part part of this is that exercise doesn't even need to really be we've considered tio think of exercise as so um targeted planned recovery versus recovery as an afterthought whenever I started work out you know for us like we only have five year old twin boys but we home school them and so you know our time is limited when I started work out I have to have the time built into that work out for recovery so for example there's this really cool rule if your runner it's really given few runners out there for every a mile that you run if you can spend one minute in an inverted position, it vastly improves recovery when I say inverted position, I wish I had my inversion table it wouldn't fit in my suitcase, but have any of you out there seeing an inversion table before you can get these a lot of times actually like rich people will buy them and then, like, sell them on craig's list almost like pay you to haul them away because they don't they don't use them, eh? So you could do a search for inversion table on something like craigslist that's a really good place to get him. You could also buy them on amazon, for example, but you get on them and it flips you and inverts you, and you can also, for example, just go to google and do a search for yoga inversion poses because there's a lot of really good inversion poses out there, but the rule is that you invert so your legs or higher than your heart one minute for every mile that you've run. So if you go out on let's, say you're training for a marathon and you go out for a fifteen mile run, you're going to be in that inverted position for fifteen minutes to ideally enhance recovery, but that also means that if I've planned out two hours for my fifteen mile run than I have to plan out on extra fifteen minutes and actually plan that recovery because if you don't plan it, it doesn't happen so planned recovery versus recovery being an afterthought another example would be after a hard way training session, I spent five minutes in a cold shower to shut down inflammation and production of what's called h s c r p, which is an inflammatory biomarker. I have to plan that in that session that means if I'm going to the gym for forty five minutes it's technically fifty minutes that I need teo teo account in for that cold shower, so planned recovery feeling like a race car versus fueling like a goat and eating everything in sight. You do need to think about the fuel that you put into your body and even the grade of the fuel the macro nutrient composition of the fuel meaning the types of carbs, proteins and fats that are part of that fuel rather than just doing your exercise and using exercise is an excuse to eat and eating as an excuse to exercise. You know, there was this guy was talking to the other day and he gave me this this classic line when I asked him why he ran, he said, we'll run because I like to eat and I don't want to get fat that is one of the best ways to create that whole destroying your body type of vicious cycle that I talked about earlier there's a lot of people doing that, strapping on the shoes, going for one hour lunchtime runs just so they can, you know, eat their chocolate bar later on that day that's that combination of exercise not only having a specific goal, but also just eating like ago, eating anything and then training tio eating to train so that's another way to do things right is to make sure that you feel like a race car, considering the environment in which you train versus pushing through pollution. If I am traveling, which I do aton off and I walk into a gym that's near my hotel that I want to work out and all I can smell is deodorant and cleaning chemicals and, you know, the spray that they spraying the treadmills, everything else like that all walk back out and find a park or go for a run outside or find somewhere else to train. I do not push my body through polluted environments. I always consider the environment in which I train same thing for like a pool if you're a swimmer, if you're if you're local gym has heavily chlorinated water that you could smell is soon as you walk into that. Into that swim area, then you need to either go talk to the pool maintenance person, telling their point, too much chlorine in the pool, or find a new pool to swim in, and these the considerations that you have to bear in mind when you really want your body the last as long as possible is you don't think we'll just because I'm exercising, I may be bulletproof to all these different chemicals in my environment. If you start to think about these kind of things that can really make a difference, I can tell you just based on personal experience in the spring and the summer up in spokane, washington, where we live, when I can actually be outside and not have to train indoors because it's freaking freezing, I think, was like seven degrees who we left spoke and the other day I feel way way better when I'm out in the fresh air, and I know a lot of other people feel the same way, too. If you do park workouts, boot camp workouts, you know, running outside that type of thing, you just feel far superior than when you're indoors away from some night in pollution, that type of thing, um, being a selfish leaper versus sacrificing sleep for work and exercise it it's crazy that this is a bragging right, especially I find this to be the case among a lot of like iron man triathletes and like ceo type personality, so I only sleep four or five hours and I had to get up four a m I get my work out in you know I stay up late at night work till you know ten or eleven p m rinse wash repeat the fact is that if if you don't take care of your sleep if you are not what I call selfish sleeper, my wife calls it a sleep princess, but I like selfish sleeper better meaning that I protect my sleep time like I wear and what we'll be doing a whole session on sleep but I wear a full on like sleep mask and earplugs and white noise apt to cover up noise and my sleep time is my sleep time like it's it's literally a very kind of kind of like precious time for me because I knew that's when my body recovers restores when my memory repairs it's when neurons form you'll you'll know if I'm just like not on top of things tomorrow that means I had poor sleep tonight that's why like tonight I will be a selfish sleeper because I know how important that is for neuronal repair and recovery and information of learning and everything along those lines you guys will learn better today if you sleep well tonight being a selfish sleeper versus sacrificing sleep for work and exercise extremely important if if someone comes to me and tells me they have an hour to work out in the morning but I know they need that extra half hour to sleep and all adjust their training programs that they're only working out for a half hour instead of an hour and that's just their lifestyle because sleep is so important it's as important as exercise and eating healthy yes, what is that come into play when you have a wife and children so I'm not putting the whole burden on your spouse yeah, yes I frieda what do you do free sleep, which we'll talk about a little bit on if you want to jump the gun on that go to website called super memmo dot com and it's a really like bare bones website but click on the sleep section there and then do a search in your browser bar for free sleep and it talks about how to kind of out a kind of sleep when you're tired when you need to but it's a little bit similar to polly physics sleep which means that if you only have five hours a night to sleep if you can squeeze into fifteen to twenty minute naps during the day that you can mitigate a lot of the damage of not having gotten like a seven or eight hours sleep cycle um the best phone app that I've found for getting in a very very quick fifteen to twenty minute nap in terms of loing into this napa really, really quickly using a concept called bio neural beats which we'll talk about later is called this is ap it spelled p z eyes easy that one works really well when you can only get short sleep times and then you gotta squeeze in like a fifteen to twenty minute nap so this app like trains you to fall asleep really quickly and it works really well when you're in a scenario like that so that's one strategy you can use it just like polly facing sleeping like a free sleeping like type of method napping basically quick question from our chat rooms for one topic just just prior to this jen friar sounds like she rides her bike off often men she lives in new york city and she's a little worried you mentioned how much better you feel when you're getting fresh air but in new york city she's getting a lot of the pollution from the cars and buses and such are you are we going to talk about that later? Is that something you might want to address now you know during our supplement section will talk a little bit about the role of anti oxidants with this but this is something that I do I travel with the full spectrum antioxidant that's in like a shot based format, and I'll take that before I swim in a really chlorinated pool or if I know I'm just going to have to exercise in a polluted environment did a race a couple of weeks ago in thailand and really polluted lagoon, and that was another case where I used these, but basically antioxidants in many cases are derived from plants from wild plants that have to have resistance to bugs, to son, to the environment, to a lot of stressors that get thrown at them. And so if you consume antioxidants before you put yourself into a polluted environment like that, you can theoretically protect yourself. No, I well, I always tell you something that I'm telling you is not based off of like, you know, meta analysis or really good research. I haven't seen any super solid research personally on, like high dose antioxidants, supplementation and mitigation of cellular damage or free radical production from pollution, but I personally use that as my kind of like my protective aid, so I'll do like a high dose antioxidants in a situation like that, and you could do something like that every day. There are not only can you make yourself like a kale blueberry shake in the morning, but you can get antioxidant supplements and and use those like full spectrum antioxidants. There's some studies out there that has shown increased risk of stroke with the use of high dose antioxidants those were high dose isolated versions of synthetic vitamin c and synthetic vitamin e so you never want to take just one synthetic form of an antioxidant when you're using anti oxidants you want to use preferably some type of antioch accident that is advertises having come from like a whole food source or that comes from multiple compounds like nuts, seeds, berries, plants, vegetables, things of that nature so usually most good antioxidants are like powders and they're a little bit bulkier than just a pill. So um the house uh mitigating stress versus taking pride and stress kind of returns to the to the sleep issue once again there are those people that pride themselves on multitasking on achieving all these different things at the same time on just go go, go you know I'm you know, achieving everything they can in a day and you see this a lot of times in the in like the marathoners, the type a personalities, the people who are just trying to achieve everything and also be really successful in work and life, family and everything else you know, if you go back and you look at humans from kind of more like an ancestral evolutionary standpoint that's really kind of a kind of a newer phenomenon tio really feel like we have to be ready for a spartan race or an iron man at the same time be working on the computer all day and achieving this personal objective and taking care of the family it's like it's ok to relax it's ok tio mitigate stress and to take pride in your ability to be kind of kind of laid back so that's another really really important thing is to not take pride in being constantly stressed out addressing all elements of fitness versus creating fitness imbalances here learn later on how to do things like strength power speed mobility balance how to combine all these together to be you know kind of like batman like you could just do everything right you khun balance and you're strong and you're powerful and you know that versus just being you know the really strong guy who walks around like this or just being that that you know endurance athlete who looks like you're going to get sand kicked in your face of the beach like you no one really important thing is to address all elements of fitness now granted there are some cases where you're going to have a professional athlete whose paycheck is on the line who basically has to have imbalanced fitness professional marathon or perfect example if you look in a professional marathon are really like in most cases they don't look that healthy they don't have like sexy bodies necessarily and you know they don't they're not strong. They probably have some of that repetitive cardiac injury damage, but they're just like skinny. You know, skin on bones is designed to point in one direction with a set of lungs and run and that's a definite fitness imbalance. But, I mean, if you're a pro marathoner and you've made that choice, that that's what you want to get your paycheck, then that's fine, but for ninety nine percent of us, um, it's better to have balance fitness have all these different components of fitness in place if you want to perform well, look good naked, live long, like have all these things in place if you can address every element of fitness versus just creating fitness and balance is going to be way happier when it comes to old human performance. Tuning the mind versus ignoring the brain is very, very easy to get stuck in a rut. I force myself to do things like play guitar, even though I hadn't been very good at it lately is justin knows try new recipes got into it for a while on dh my cooking has fallen to the wayside, but you know, I still go out of my way to practice guitar at least three times a week. I generally read three to four books at once you know between a kindle on an audio book and usually a physical book on my bedside I'm constantly challenging my brain I'm even going to teach you guys how to do brain games and mind games and brain aerobics and things of that nature when we talk about hacking your brain but it's really important to not let your brain turn off especially if you're working out that's that's one of the primary times of people's brain tends to turn off when you're just like running on a treadmill or doing the workout that you've done twenty times before at the gym if you could always keep your mind on and working it's a great way to stay young to keep your mind young and also to address a lot of these brain fog and neurotransmitter issues that we talked about so tuning your brain versus aeg ignoring your brain and thinking just about fitness your brain really is part about of ultimate human performance and then using smart science versus going old school so for example, yesterday when I came in here I was wearing like my jesus sandals vanessa actually vanessa's not in here but there's a pair of sandals they're sitting over there just grab those sandals if you want off of a off of the table over there on bringing over I want to I want to show this is an example uh, so these are these air sandals made by a company called earth runner and, um, by the way, everything that I that I talk about today, I know that I that I talk about a lot of different things. I made a list that ben greenfield fitness dot com slash creative live. So for you to bang griddled fitness, dot com slash creative live if you just want like links, told the stuff I talk about, you'll find everything I recommend and mohr over there, but these have carbon plugs that are built into them, and what happens is when you're hurtling in a metal tube called on airplane forty thousand feet above the planet, you are disconnected from earth, which is where a lot of the positive negative ion electromagnetic exchange between your body and the environment takes place. Your body is an electrical machine and there's this concept called grounding er thing in which you actually allow your body to release negative ions and it's one of the reasons why walk around barefoot is healthy. Why sleeping on the ground can be healthy it's why living in a skyscraper can be unhealthy why flying around in airplanes all the time to be unhealthy is you're losing that connection with the ground? And we'll get into grounding and, er thing in a lot more detail later on, but like yesterday, I was walking around wearing these sandals because it was the day after I'd flown, and these sandals actually have a carbon plug built into them that allow me to be grounded or allow me to be irst while I'm walking or running now, I consider that to be using smart science to train the right way, and there are people in who have that old school thought, who would say that something like this is is completely silly or that taking curcumin in the morning when you wake up is just, you know, silly and you don't need to use supplements, you know, used here like this, you don't need to bio hack, but in my opinion, even though maybe my ancestors or, you know, cave man didn't have access to sandals with carbon plugs built into them, living better through science is one component of what I consider to be training the right way versus going old school and completely ignoring a lot of the technology that we have at our fingertips, you know? And this in particular technology that doesn't require to be exposed to electromagnetic fields or strapped like a computer to my feet is just carbon and a leather yeah, jesus sandal so there you go um so let's go ahead and move on to an example of what I'm talking about and I want to I want to hit on endurance here so um everybody familiar with the parade of principle I heard of this before it's basically the side that you've probably heard it before you know if you don't know of it by that name but it's that you get eighty percent of your results from twenty percent of the work that you put in and what I want to do when I'm talking about a way to train the right way is show you how the peredo principle applies to something like endurance so this looks really, really science e but don't worry I'll walk you through it on the left side here we have continuous endurance training like going out for a two hour run and on the right we have high intensity interval training like doing ten thirty second sprints on the treadmill okay, so down here on the bottom we have all of the cool things that happen when your body becomes trained for endurance. We have an increase in fat oxidative capacity to turn yourself into a fat burning machine an increase in what's called glute for and glycogen glute for is the transporter that takes sugar from your intestines and pushes it out into your bloodstream glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrate and your liver and your muscle you get an increase in mitochondrial density might conjure the little powerhouses in your cells that are responsible for taking oxygen and water and fuel and turning it into what's called a teepee. You get an increase in slow twitch muscle function, which is the type of muscle that's responsible for allowing you to go for longer periods of time without becoming fatigued. So all of these cool endurance adaptations you can see can be achieved via one of two ways, either through continuous endurance training or through high intensity interval training. Now I'm not going to get into the chemistry because, frankly, it's it's not super duper important and you khun you, khun g o, you know dick out on on on my web site, if you want to. I've got an article about two different ways to train the right way, but basically what happens is you get the same benefits, whether you do the two hour run or whether you do the ten thirty seconds sprints on the treadmill, because eighty percent of the results are coming from twenty percent of the effort, and you can get that twenty percent from the two hours of continuous training or from those brief spurts on the treadmill, but this is a perfect example. Of how you can use a concept like this to train the right way so quick physiology one on one and this is going to come in handy over the next few days you've got three basic energy systems you've got your foster genic energy system which uses creating you guys probably heard of like taking the creatine supplement before tio increase your creating soars when you do that what you're doing is filling up your body with more creating that can be used for your foster genic energy system which takes about thirty seconds or so to exhaust but it's the primary energies susan you're using for the first thirty seconds of exercise and then you've got your glycol it iq energy system that's the energy system that's like when you're running a hundred meters right attracts about two to three minutes or so in length and you're primarily using what's called your black olynyk energy system or burning muscle glycogen er burning sugars and then you've got might okan general respiration which is the energy system that goes for hours and hours and hours and that we're all in right now we're primarily burning fat for energy we're using a lot of mitochondria and essentially if you know these three different energy systems and you can hit each of these three different energy systems throughout the training year if you were say I'm going to use the example of an endurance athlete oh then you have an incredible amount of training specificity, and you're able to get that exact twenty percent that's going to get you eighty percent of the results. This is the chart that I used for this. This is one of the most valuable charge you're definitely going to want tio to get your hands on this slide, because this is what I used to create most of the programs that I create for anybody wanting to do about a five k on up. So if you're if you're someone wants to five k ten k marathon obstacle race, cyclist, swimmer, triathlete, that type of person, this shows each of the different heart rate zones, the percentage of your vo two max, which we talked about earlier at which each of those owns exists, and then each of the different types of workouts that you khun due to hit each of those zones, and if you can structure a training week or a training month so that you're hitting each of those different zones than you're hitting your foster genic, you're glycol it iq and your mitochondrial respiration energy systems completely throughout a week or a month, or a training block and that's a perfect example of how we can use that eighty twenty principle to get the most results this is just a concept called interval training now when it comes to specificity of exercise when it comes to going into an exercise session knowing exactly what you're supposed to be doing I literally have this chart in my office on my computer on a never know doc I use it to create workouts all the time and it's based off of years of research done on the best in this case endurance athletes on the face of the planet so I realized that not everybody here is training for endurance but this is an example of how we can use that eighty twenty principle and we can use science to create intervals that actually hit physiological systems that are very specific to what we want to train for so I want to go over as we get close to closing out today's session strategies for going what I call beyond training and also strategies for being what I call an ancestral athlete so what I just explained to you that concept of training and different zones at different periods of time having specific periods of the year where you might be focusing on strength or power or endurance certain times of the week where you might be doing zone one versus zone two versus zone four zone five training that's called period ization you split a day or week or a month into periods and you train in those periods with the specific goal in mind so for somebody wants to look good naked I might have that person have a period during the winter where we're doing mass building and injury prevention training, and then we have a period during this spring where we're doing lots of body toning and more work on what's called hypertrophy or muscle building. And then during the summer, we go through what's called a maintenance phase, where we're still working some of those muscles but taking into mind that you're going to be spending a lot of time, like on the beach or jet skiing or whatever. And then in the fall, we return to more movement prep more functional strength training to get you ready for maybe like a fall or winter sport or something like that. And in the winter, we return again to mass building and that's, just an example of how you would use something like period ization to make yourself look good. But period ization is a very important concept and strength conditioning, something that you've got to use verses doing the same work out day in, day out all year long, having a pain cave, that's another strategy that comes in handy, having that place where your brain knows that it's time to go hard. For me on dino, my wife isn't a huge fan of this, but that's my office, I literally have a closet in my office where I have a lot of the bio hacking tools that I'll show you guys later on, and I've got like, you know, jim, stick a kettle bell, some dumbbells weighted vest and it's like when I go into the office, first thing I do is I unplugged the wireless router, so my body is not explosive to any electromagnetic fields or wifi signals or anything like that. Well, I'm working out that's something I'm always careful to do. I don't want to put stress on my body from exercise and also stress it from an electrical standpoint and then that's my pain cave, I laid down a yoga mat and I make the office really stinky, but I have that place that I go that's my pain cave, that's, another really important concept in a little little tip I want to give you guys go solo. Um, if you are training for a specific event, I recommend that you take many of the sessions that you're doing and just do them by yourself so that you're not spending a lot of time and time management waiting for a group meeting with the group, driving to a location and meet people doing the work out socializing going home one of the ways and I get this question a lot you know how how I can do iron man in under ten hours and I only trained eight to ten hours a week it's because I do almost all my training all by myself sure you miss out a little bit on the social aspect of training but if you're training for a specific event and you're trying to manage time and manage stress going solo helps a tons that's another strategy that I use minimize running no matter what sport you're in I don't care what it is running is one of the best ways to create some of those repetitive cardiac injuries that we talked about I personally run twice a week that's it it even when I'm training for iron man triathlon I run twice a week everything else is cross training I've even got this geeky like standup elliptical trainer that'll right around the neighborhood all do water running but just straight up impact based running is something that's very tough on the human body the less you can run the better and what I found is that compared to running for or five times a week I didn't get any slower just running twice a week and making those really high quality sessions once again this comes down to getting eighty percent of the results from twenty percent of the work so avoid running or minimize running I'm not an enemy of running I would be considered a runner but I don't run as much as you would think lifting maintenance of lean muscle very important we're going to really hit on this during the strength and the muscle building component that we get into in the next session so we'll hit on that later but if you're not lifting weights you're leaving a lot on the table when it comes to going beyond training commuting I drive my truck about once a week and try and take my lip to go my mountain bike my road bike um I haven't really tried the skateboard longboard scooter concept yet, but maybe we'll get to that someday too but basically trying to go on foot run or use machines to get yourself to point a from point a to point b as much as possible including family and your training that's really important there's a hormone called oxy tosin that your body released you feel good it's your happy horman you release it after an orgasm a mom releases a lot when she's when she's holding her baby but basically being around your family when you're training can actually help out quite a bit if you have kids this is a strategy that I use I'll take my kids on walks on hikes when they get tired all carry him is my strength training workout but basically being in touch with family, if you do have family, you can make that part of your fitness party, your workouts and that's another way to really kind of go above and beyond training and take advantage of that hormonal release that occurs when you do that, communicate communicate quite a bit with jessa. When it comes to my training and my calendar, we just use a shared google calendar to do that. We both have google calendar. We both have access to each other's calendar, so she knows what I'm up to, and she can look at it whenever she wants to. And I always communicate about when I'm going to be doing my workout and where so that it's, never me just dropping off the face of the map cross training. I make it a point to play tennis a couple of times a week just to expose my body to something new and also to get that social element that I don't get from solo training. So cross training is another thing that you can think about doing greasing the group. We'll get into this again in the in the strength in the strength session, but greasing the groove is this concept of doing specific movements throughout the day like I have a pull up bar in stolen the door of my office my rule is every time I walked into that bar, I got to do three to five pull ups, so by the end of the day I've done like fifty pull ups, but that's called greasing the group I've got a friend who keeps a barbell out in his garage and he'll go out there and do a dead lift just like once about every hour or so you could do one hundred jumping jacks for every hour that you sit, but this concept of greasing the groove or just injecting small amounts of fitness during the day incredible when it comes to maintaining fitness, testing and customizing your workouts based off of those test results. We've already talked about that, so I don't need to spend too much time on that recovery we're really going to delve into and of course de stressing and sleep, we're going to delve into quite a bit as well, but these air all cem really good strategies that you can use to avoid a lot of those issues that we talked about earlier when it comes to stress and damage and sleep and also just time management so sample day you know, for example all begin every day with ten minutes of yoga and calisthenics with the deep nasal breathing concepts that I'm going to teach you during the stress session and then all do twenty body weights squats everytime I take a bathroom break and of course I use a squatty potty when I use the restroom so I'm also activating my glutes and my hamstrings and my calves and you will get a live demonstration of a squatty potty not a complete demonstration of the squatty potty later on that would be disturbing but always show you how you use it twenty five kettle bell swings tire flips or barbell lifts at least once per day it's another reason I keep that kettle bell in my office okay, even if I just do twenty five of them won today I invert either in a yoga inversion pose or using that inversion table that I talked about one to two times a day because I personally use a standing work station when I talk about a standing work station. By the way, I should show this to you guys really quick. Um this is ah called a mogo and this is something that you can even travel with um and you can literally turned something into a standing workstation super look just like this you can sit down, you're no longer in a shortened hip flexor position when you sit like this and you can just sit there working on your computer just like this, and this is just a portable standing workstation works to pounds, folds up, fits into a suitcase, this one's called a mogo by focal upright, but being in a standing position using a treadmill desk or standing workstation that's another concept that will use quite a bit to make sure that I'm keeping my body in that active mode. That kind of is mohr of like a hunter gatherer mode rather than a sitting all day mode, doing one hundred jumping jacks for every hour of sitting cold thermo genesis that's another thing that I'll do one or two times a day, either by taking a cold shower, taking a cold bath, it wakes up, your brain activates your metabolism. This is called a cool fat burner vest. This is something that I can actually wear while I'm working. It actually drapes over the primary areas where you tend to have brown at a post tissue and it keeps those areas cold and keeps your metabolism elevated, and you can actually sit or stand and work while you're using this you get the one is that cool fat burner dot com, but there's actual ice gel packs that go into this this cool fat burner vest, I believe they're creating a waste leave as well but cold thermo genesis is another strategy that I use and I'll talk a little bit more about that during the bio hacking session as well deep diaphragmatic breathing all throughout the day is something that I really focus on and I'll show you the tool later on that will teach your body how to do that and then finally I try to time my workouts when body temperature and metabolism and coordination is highest and as you'll learn in the circadian rhythm section of this session of one of the sessions later on between foreign six p m is the best time of day for the human body to be exercising so so those air some a little hacks that I used to make sure that I'm actually becoming this this ancestral athlete and using this approach so this is the last slide that I wanted to go over with you today um and I realized that we squeezed a lot of slides in and I've been talking a lot editorial allow a lot more time for q and a during during some of the future sessions but I have these ten rules for becoming an ancestral athlete I published these in detail over it marks daily apple dot com or if you just google ten rules for becoming an ancestral athlete you would be able to delve into these in more detail but really quickly what they involve his number one changing your lens and all I mean by that is seeing the world through a lens that goes above and beyond simply being fit. And we've talked a lot about that already. But changing the lens through which you see the world and taking into the consideration digestion, hormones sleep things of that nature being uncomfortable who's read the book anti fragile by not seem telly ever heard of that book really fantastic book? Did you have to do things like maybe turn off the air conditioning in your house, stand during the day, be hot, sometimes be cold, sometimes be uncomfortable, but expose your body to discomfort and you actually get what's called a whore medic cellular response um aiken, perhaps dig into this during the bioattack confession by even keeping irradiated rock next to my bed stand that releases low level radiation that forces my body to be slightly uncomfortable with radiation exposure during the day and it's a very low frequency, and I could get into that later. But there are many, many ways that you can force your body to be uncomfortable that actually give you that anti aging benefit and can give you enormous fitness benefits as well. Be comfortable. Also, this returns that de stressing concept that I talked about be willing to have certain days really just laze around and do nothing in your workout involves running out into fielder in your backyard and laying on your back and soaking up the sun for twenty minutes so learning how to be comfortable ahs well is also an important component working knowing howto work justice dad has probably never stepped into a gym in his life but he's lean, muscular he's got strong hands he's a rancher and he knows how to work. Many of us think of work as going into a gym for forty five minutes after sitting in a chair for eight to ten hours a day using a standing workstation using this grease in the groove concept using a lot of these things that I've talked about our ways to make your body think or force your body into that work mode during the day that's another really important thing is to learn howto work optimized fertility I think it was tim ferriss who said that if you're fertile you're healthy and you guys are going to learn how to test your testosterone and progesterone and estrogen is and things of that nature but you know aside from from some cases such as you know like a like a woman who's postmenopausal if you are fertile than in many cases you are also optimized from a hormonal standpoint it's again why I consider body building to be an unhealthy sport it's why a lot of times women who do triathlon who get below essential body fat stores of ten to twelve percent tend to lose their period and become infertile. And then you start to see a bunch of health concepts about two to three months later began to deteriorate. So maintaining fertility through optimized hormones and optimize fat levels this important eating the earth. I go out of my way to make sure I get two things. Good bacteria and bio photonic energy from the sun. So eating things that have been exposed to the sun and also consuming fermented foods are what I consider to be eating the earth and including those type of concepts into your nutrition is something you're going to learn during the nutrition section, but basically not eating out of cardboard boxes, but eating things that are that are kind of dirty and exposed to the sun it's really important? Um, don't get food poisoning, empty the trash, your cells, actually, khun build up trash, and there is a process via which they actually kill themselves and engage in what's called cellular atop a gee um, fasting is one of the best ways to get your body to engage in that process. So doing like a monthly twenty four hour fast or a daily twelve to sixteen hour fast or a weekly twenty hour fast these air ways that we can get our body to actually clean itself up and that's another really important concept it's why snacking eight to ten times a day thirty days of the month is not a good plan if you want yourselves to be around for a long period time using science we've kind already talked about that I don't think I need to hit on and again and you're going to learn a lot more about that when we get to the bio hacking section keeping a clear head incredibly important when it comes to de stressing we are compared to our ancestors just constantly bombarded by lots of different signals and stressors and work clothes and things that we really weren't meant to have to handle I use ever enough to save myself from this and you know I think in the er ari meisel recently did a creative live where he talked a lot about evernote I believe but any time anything pops into my head that I need to write down I sent an email to myself where I put it into ever note I get out of my head as quickly as possible and I keep a clear mind likely keep a note pad next to the bed stand so I'm never ever ever trying to remember things I keep stuff written down and it's just, you know, kind of kind of in one ear out the other, but it's down on paper, some so it's kind of like having a second brain that's really important as well, and then finally, you guys are going to learn a ton over the next three days if you didn't already begin to realize that. But it's really important to not fret, you don't have to do everything at once. You don't have to rush out and get a cold thermo genesis vest on one of these weird standing workstations start to do everything that I'm talking about. I've run into so many people who start to incorporate these concepts, and they just destroy themselves from from stress of trying to just do it all at once. There's no rule that you have to have it all once there's no rule that you have to incorporate all of these things and be perfect what's important is that you have the knowledge that you have the understanding that you're looking at the world through that lens that you need to see it through and as we go through everything that you're going to learn over the next few days. Just know that you don't have to do it all once you're probably going to leave with a notebook full of ideas and when I leave a conference or when I leave a learning and I have all these ideas I get really tempted to just like, say, okay, I'm gonna move into a hotel room for three days and just like, figure out how to incorporate all this stuff and just disappear and friend and stress but the fact is that you don't need to do that it's okay, you have my permission give yourself permission to just not fred about this stuff and if you go on a trip and you forget your big sleep mask that's that's all right, you go to sleep without your sleep mask just has seen me do that before. So anyways that's going to wrap up our first session and I mean, I know for us and just chatting there is so much like you just said there's so much to implement and I know we're all going to learn a lot of tips on how to implement this best for our lifestyles. Yes. Oh, and that was the purpose of this first session was to really give you guys the bird's eye overview and so now we get to delve into the kind of some of the nitty gritty, specific stuff that I maybe went over really quickly don't worry, I was aware that I was going over some of that stuff like the stuff that was kind of sci fi or the stuff that involved like how to use certain tools I'll get into that more deep telling us how to do well in heading out for that break, we do want to know what's coming up next, and I know we're going to be talking about how to test your body and some things that that surround that topics do you want it? Tell us how to get that baseline, right? We all need to know where we're at if you are nervous about maybe the fact that your body might already be messed up or you might have some holes that you need to take care of, you know, I mentioned about how I'm going talk about micro nutrient testing and you know how to test your body, how to how to how to get your finger on the pulse of what's going on inside of you. I'm going to teach you guys how to do that because that's, really the important place to start is to have that baseline to know where you're at and it's so easy to do these days is with self testing, and so I'm going to teach you how to do that and you're gonna learn everything you need to know about how to really, truly know where your body is that from a being healthy on the outside and being healthy on the inside standpoint. So that's, what we'll delve into next way got a lot of response when we requested everybody to share their goals and what they what they want to accomplish from this and from their training. So I thought I would share a couple of those with you summer said that she wants to be able to kill it in her workouts while still having something left for family and not having injuries constantly hanging over her head. So I think a lot of us can relate to summer in that, and we also had a gore who said their goal is to run a ten k and under forty minutes. He also said that he definitely gets brain fog, so looking forward to seeing what will get rid of it. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that, too. I think we could all use that. We all get brain fog once in a while
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Ben delivered an exceptional three-day seminar at creativeLIVE that I was lucky enough to attend. His expertise in all facets of health & wellness was on full-display -- and his presentation was clearly articulated & engaging He was friendly and responsive to feedback and gave actionable recommendations which are already paying dividends in my life -- especially in the areas of energy, mental clarity & sleep quality I strongly recommend Ben -- he walks the walk & talks the talk -- genuinely cares about helping other people and possesses a real gift to teach & inspire
a Creativelive Student
This is one of the best courses I have ever seen! So much value for money and so many amazing bits of information jam packed in. What a brilliant guy! Geeky information presented in a down to earth way. I can not recommend this course enough. I don't think I have ever been bothered to write a review for anything (EVER) but this was SO good I had to share. Well done Ben and thank you Creative Live!
Ben Greenfield has a lot of information, best course I have taken in regards to Nutrition and Fitness. There is a lot of knowledge and their a great couple and both have a lot of information to offer, I even like the lame jokes that he makes. Very nice and knowledgable couple.