Day 1
1Class Introduction
32:46 2IntroductionSeven Big Issues in Training
19:29 3The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way to Train
44:06 4How to Test Your Body
35:57 5How to Test Your Body Pt. 2
27:38 6Notoriously Neglected Elements of Training
42:56 7Mobility
14:17 9Biohacking Your Body
41:27 10Biohacking Your Body Pt. 2
30:16 11Fueling for Performance
13:04 12Foods for Performance
43:22 13Fermented Foods & Sweeteners
15:13 14Ultimate Human Performance Juice & Smoothie
18:44 15Supplementation for Performance
41:58 16Supplement Stacks
27:53 17Customizing a Plant-Based Diet
23:10 18Diet Tip for Aging Atheletes, Females & Kids
16:03 19Rules for Fasting & Ketosis
19:36 20Optimal Diet Q&A
17:19 21Digestion 101
46:43 22How to Heal Your Gut
32:59 23Stress Reduction for High Performers
45:40 24Stress Reduction for High Performance Pt. 2
20:17 25Reducing Stress: Social Proof
16:13 26Household Solutions for Active People
27:09 27Homemade Body Products for Active People
35:23 28Sleep Your Way to Better Performance
24:07 29Sleep Biohacks
19:02 30Supplements for Sleep
27:30 31Sleep Stages, Insomnia & Jet Lag
17:02 32Optimize Your Brain
33:52 33Optimize Your Brain Pt. 2
37:57Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
How to Test Your Body
Going to talk about testing our bodies and then, and the reason that I wanted to start with that today is because you have to have that that that point that you have said is a baseline, but there's also this this very, very important consideration when it comes to going beyond training or achieving ultimate human performance that comes down to knowing whether or not your body's even ready to train, whether or not it's bounced back from the previous day's training session of the previous event that you did. And so what, what a lot of people don't realize is that in our day and age, it's so easy to test your body and to find out what's going on with it, and what I want to do is share with you guys just all the all of the little ways that you can do it and show you some of that at home tech tools that you can use a cz well, as some of the tests that you should look into getting from, like a blood or a saliva standpoint, like we're some your biggest winds are going to be when it comes to f...
inding out what's going on inside your bodies, this is going to be like the crash course on finding out what's going on inside your body, so and, of course, as usual. You guys have questions as we go on the internet if you have things that you'd like to type in the chat box let me know interrupt me and I will I will help you out of course one of the first things that that we need to really bear in mind when it comes to testing our body and maybe getting getting scared about numbers that might be off or things that we're keeping our eye on that really don't seem to be quite right is that there's this concept of adapting to repeated training stimulus to make you more fit in the last session I throw around this word called a for medic training response or whore missus and all that means is that when you expose yourself to discomfort or something uncomfortable such as a training session your body gets her it gets tourney gets messed up and then it responds by bouncing back bigger, stronger faster and that's essentially what training is that's that's what getting fit is and so this is an example of how that happens we stress our body we break down our body our body recovers it does what's called super compensation where when it recovers from that stress it gets even stronger than it was before and then we stress it out again and then the super compensate and we stress that again we super compensate but if you notice here every time we super compensate see that line right there? How much bigger it is than where it would have been like at the start right here so that that term that I threw around in the last session called period ization, where we split a training here into periods and we have a specific focus for each period that's basically, what we're doing is we're stressing the body down or breaking it down where super compensating and continuing that cycle and if you do that right that's, how you continue to get fit for years and years and years and if you don't do it right is why you get performance plateaus, weight loss, plateaus and basically you just kind of get stale you're just the same year after year and and you see this a lot of times like marathoners and triathletes and people along those lines were just like, yeah, I've always been whatever a four hour and forty five minute marathon, no matter what for about five years because this super compensation isn't being allowed to take a place, how hard is it on your body to super conference? So digging yourself into this hole is a little bit of a science because if you dig yourself too deep into the whole, this is what can happen and so it can be hard on your body to super compensate if your nutrient depleted vitamin and mineral depleted in a state of hormonal imbalance et cetera but as long as you play your cards right and as long as you keep your finger on the pulse of a lot of the things that I'm about to teach you then it's kind of cool because you could know exactly when your broken down when it's time to super compensate and at the drop of a hat you can know right where you're at and technology allows us to do that these days which is really cool but here's what happens when we stress ourselves down we get only partial recovery and we don't get enough recovery to super compensate we get stress and stress and stress digging us lower and lower and lower into what I call an overtraining hole and over training is a concept or a term that gets thrown around quite a bit in training but true overtraining is what is known as adrenal fatigue it's when when we reach a state of what's called adrenal exhaustion for most of us who get kind of stale kind of sore all the times that happened to you guys do you d maybe just you're just let's say you've you do barbell squats and you're the same weight one week in the next week in the next week and you never seem to progress um so happened you guys do you have like runs that you just never seem to get faster in that type of thing usually, that's called over reaching being in a state of overreaching you say some for may I incrementally khun get considerably stronger in the case of weight lifting, but what will happen is as I'm making progress in the form of those numbers or the strength, then, um, pain physically manifest itself, you know, day to day, week to week, until it gets the point where I reached this sort of inflection point where I stopped training. And so, like, when you get sick or you get injured exactly so, like in two thousand eleven, I was two hundred fifty pounds in two thousand twelve, the next year I was one hundred ninety five, now two thousand thirteen I'm two hundred sixty, so this is right where I need to be in the form of learning, right? Right, exactly. So it's, very easy to train and to think that that stress from training is making you fitter, but you actually get lower and lower fitness levels, and these are the people who get brain fog, and they're constantly sore and you walk up a flight of stairs, your legs are burning and it's like there are certain points in your in your training life or in your training period that it's supposed to feel like that. But if you're never getting into that state of super compensation, you're never getting getting fitter now one term that's not up here that you might be familiar with if you are an athlete and you've computed in sports is the concept of a taper and a taper is that period of time after you what you put in a lot of really hard training and you're just trying to get your body ready to rumble a taper is like a super super compensation like I just did iron man hawaii a few weeks ago and I had twelve really hard weeks of training but then I had two weeks of really easy training going into that race during which my body super compensated and got really really fit and that's called the taper when you do that but let's say that you you get this constant kind of overtraining consistent stressing your fitness decreases you eventually reach a stage of what's called adrenal exhaustion and again this is why testing your body is so important because this adrenal exhaustion or this state of overtraining is sick very closely correlated to a lot of those concepts that went over earlier about what happens when the body breaks right low hormone levels some heart damage issues low mineral vitamin nutrient levels brain fog you know, broken got those type of things aa lot of times it starts with with stress and with the drina exhaustion and what what tends to happen in adrenal exhaustion is normally we have certain levels of three different hormones one called d h e a which is a horman kind of similar to testosterone in the way that access is almost like what's called anabolic or a building or really positive hormone pregnant alone which is a hormonal precursor that could become dea it could become courtis all it's basically one of those hormonal precursors that that kind of turns into other hormones and then we also have cortisol which in certain amounts is is really really good and later on in this session I'll show you what a normal cortisol curve should look like but in high amounts or in very low amounts khun b quite bad so what happens is early on in adrenal fatigue is where a lot of us live our lives really high levels of cortisol really high levels of this stress hormone and in stage one adrenal fatigue we've just got these constantly elevated levels of cortisol we're constantly stressed out either through lifestyle stress or emotional stress or training stress and you can go for you years in that stage I mean you can literally just keep yourself elevated cortisol levels especially if you're younger if you're eating lots of foods if you're trying to live healthy but you're still stressing yourself out with training and nutrition you constrain yourself along and stage one adrenal exhaustion for really long period of time and this is kind of like that stale athlete, that person who never really reaches that ultimate stage of human performance because they're always in stage one adrenal exhaustion, whereas super compensation would involve kind of taking a little bit of a dive in this stage one adrenal exhaustion and then backing off. So going into those periods where you are really stressed out, you have really high cortisol levels maybe those training days that are really hard for you but then having the rest and recovery days afterwards. So your court assault on your d h e a and you're pregnant alone re stabilize, so we get into stage to eventually stage two adrenal fatigue is usually the point at which people start to feel tired during the day feel like taking a nap, whether driving around in their car during the day start to get some brain fog issues a lot of times because in stage two we start to see this drop in court a sol you also get cravings all of a sudden you need caffeine to get through the day and you need more hits of sugar. One of the reasons for that is that court assault is responsible for mobilizing liver glycogen, so your liver stores, carbohydrates and court assault causes the liver to release those carbohydrates as sugar into the bloodstream. So what happens when your cortisol levels start to fall? You don't get that release of liver glycogen, so you start to need glycogen from maybe licorice or a snickers bar or extra sugar in your coffee, that type of thing caffeine very, very similar. So in stage two adrenal exhaustion, we start to see these cravings start to set and that's like a warning sign he can't get through the day without coffee or you start to crave sugar more and more and if you would just be testing your court us all like morning cortes all evaluation, you'd start to see it begin to dip in most cases in a period of time like this. Now this is where most people start to worry if they do the right thing and they back off their okay, you take a few days off, in some cases a few weeks off, in some cases four to eight weeks. I'll give some athletes that I work with a four day week, what we call an off season, where we're just doing like yoga and tai chee and some easy stuff and even auto immune diet just letting the body reboot so we don't push into stage three adrenal fatigue and stage three is where things get pretty serious usually you start to get things like fibromyalgia, which is constantly sore joints you pretty much can't strain no matter what you can't get your heart rate up you're not motivated to train you don't even want to in stage two adrenal fatigue usually you're still willing to get to the gym to work out to do your thing but it's just tough you know you need your energy drink you need your cup of coffee or you need your energy bar to do it but you can do it in stage three it's like I don't even want to be doing this anymore you know? Just shoot me now I don't want to go to the gym I don't want to train I don't wantto be signed up for this event that I'm signed up for any more I'm just you know, because your cortisol levels have fallen so low along with u d h e a levels that anabolic motivating hormone that you're just starting to really get super pooped out my highly scientific term yes is stage three kind of like your body just telling you to stop it? No your body telling you to stop it is really staged tio like a soon as we see these cortisol levels start to dip like that's where your body is starting to say slow down once you've reached stage three you've pushed it too far like like you've gotten to that point where your body is no longer saying whoa, whoa, whoa slow down your body is saying I just slowed you down like we're done like, I'm not gonna let you really get out of bed for an extra hour this morning because you just don't even want to get out of bed and then you reach adrenal exhaustion or adrenal failure, which is in many cases where things like cardiovascular incidents could take place. It's a lot of times where you start to get chronic disease setting in, I had a body builder friend who reached what would be considered that that adrenal exhaustion failure and he was bedridden for six months he couldn't get out of bed, he couldn't work, he couldn't lift weights, he just laid in bed for six months that's all he did and that that's true journal exhaustion like stage three you could still get up and go to work and stuff like that, but there's, no way you're going to go work out like completed renal exhaustion like life itself becomes pretty pretty hard live and it's possible to dig yourself into that state. And, um, I've actually had a lot of people it's kind of interesting there's like these hot spots around the world that are like training hot spots boulder, colorado is one example I get calls from from that city about once or twice a month from usually professional athletes or people who are like high end age grouper triathletes typically who are at stage three and that's the point where they're like ok all messed up trying to make the phone call and get this figured out so yes, testing the only way to know whether or not you need rest versus you know the thought that energy begets energy, that you should just go run around the block and it was the both the dog and you'll get your gear back yeah, exactly like it's tough to say like, you might just tired because I was sitting around today and I just tired maybe because I've been bombarded by electromagnetic fields at work all day. You know, it's, it is kind of tough that's why testing is important the best test for this is heart rate variability and I'll teach you how to do that but that's the best one to know whether it's just hey, I need to get the blood flowing, you know, versus I really am exhausted from a stress or from the hormonal standpoint, so we're going to delve into pretty much everything that you can look into to start to know whether or not you recovered, so we're going to start with resting heart rate very, very simple one to take you can take it in the morning, you should take it in the morning when you're lying in bed, the fitter you get, the lower your resting heart rate is going to go but here's what to look for with resting heart rate okay increases of more than five percent in your morning resting heart rate in case let's say you're normally at fifty and all of a sudden your heart rate is consistently jumping up to like fifty three, fifty four on a consistent basis in the morning when you measure it when you get up that's typically observed in a state of fatigue or overreaching from too much intensity that would be like too much crossfit too much p ninety x too much football too much interval training too much sprinting okay we start to see an increase in resting heart rate decreases of more than five percent which we often associate to be really positive thing right my my morning resting heart rate is decreased you get to a certain point where you get pretty aerobically fit I know there are people tuning in online and I knew that you know there are people in the audience have done like triathlon and play football who have gotten themselves pretty fit you get to a certain point like for me it's about thirty nine okay that's my morning resting heart rate now through testing of court us all and through testing of heart rate variability and also by tracking my morning resting heart rate I know that if I start to get like thirty six thirty seven's like down around there that's not because I'm getting fitter you know that's not because my my heart's pumping more blood volume so it has to pump less per beat it's because I'm actually over trained with volume so you can actually test your morning resting heart rate. And even though when you're first getting fit, it's always going to kind of go down, especially if you've reached a state of superior fitness and all of a sudden, your morning resting heart rate is really low that's a pretty good sign. Usually we see morning resting heart rate too low that goes hand in hand with also not being able to push your heart rate high enough during a workout like you could always get your heart rate up when you run on the treadmill, all of a sudden, your heart just won't go up when you're running at that same speed and against because you're getting fitter. It's because your adrenal system is starting to shut down so resting heart rate can be one good corollary, tio keep track of that would make sense. Okay body mass weighing yourself I like the the name of the new scale have been using it is made by a company called withings. They make one called a believe it's called a body analyzer, I think is the name of it it's kind of funky. I did realize this until I got it, but it only measures your weight and your body fat percentage. But it does like the co two levels in our house and just it's kind of cool on it, and it links up to your phone and and it's it's like a bluetooth type of scales made by with things that make really good skills. But body mass is a pretty good corollary in here's. What to look for for body mass on a cute body mass when I see a cute, that means, like all of a sudden one day acute body mass loss of two percent or greater meaning you wake up one day and you simply way aa lot less that can adversely affect your performance. Okay? Um, no, I personally got infected last week. I almost don't even come here and tell this story yet. But I almost did not come here because I got affected by a bacteria last week in thailand will swimming in a triathlon in a really dirty lagoon and I lost well, my backside, unfortunately about twelve pounds, and so that obviously wasn't because I was over trained. It was because I had had a pretty serious g I issue that had to bounce back from pretty quickly and maybe when we get to the out of picture got section I can give you guys some tips about what to do and stuff like that happens to you but assuming it's not a poopy emergency on acute body mass loss of two percent or greater is ah pretty good sign that something might be going on and that's another corollary that you can keep track of the first eleven markers that I go through with you today by the way I'll give you guys a tip for a software program that you can use that will keep track of these first eleven spit out ah value based on an algorithm and just give you one running value that you can go with if you're measuring these things it's kind of cool so sleep um sleep specialists gravitate around recommending the seven to nine hour sleep range if your sleep begins to suffer, you have a hard time getting to sleep at night if you're starting to wake up earlier and earlier in the morning especially if you are tired but wired meaning that you wake up early in the morning at a specific time and a lot of athletes a lot of high performers a lot of type a people do this they like automatically wake up at six a m but if you're still tired when that happens and it takes that cup of coffee and then maybe a few supplements and some other stuff didn't tell you getting his nine a m until you're awake and alert that's a pretty good sign that there's some type of overreaching over training going on also having a hard time falling asleep at night is another really, really good way to know we're going to super duper geek out on sleep when we get to the sleep section, but just experiencing a disruption in your sleep can be indicative overreaching we'll also talk about this in the gut section. It can also be indicative of a parasitic infection, but well, we'll save that for later. Oxygen saturation is another thing that you can measure. You know, if any of you have seen a device like this before, um but basically it goes on your fingertip turning on first, and it will measure your oxygen saturation via infrared and it will also tell me my resting poll so right now, my oxygen saturation is ninety seven, okay, I know for me, once I dropped below about ninety five, I start to feel crappy, and I can correlate that with low heart rate variability, which I'll get into it again in a little bit and also overreaching these little devices you can get him in like walgreens, cvs, you get him online, oxygen saturation below ninety five can indicate lack of recovery it's not necessarily lack of recovery could be anemia like symptoms. You could have low iron, you could have low farrington. There are some other issues that can be associated with the low poll, so too, but this is a really good way to keep track of the health of your body. When it comes to recovery in cuba beside your bed, you can measure it in the morning. The nice thing is that this will do resting heart rate and then also pull sucks imagery. So this is called a pulse ox symmetry device. Really good morning measurement to do hydration. If you're dehydrated going into a training session, it can impact your cognitive function. Usually a cz little is two percent, dehydration can can cause some effects. So what I look for during the day is it's pretty simple. If I'm being clear too pale yellow, then I'm good to go unless I've actually taken a vitamin b supplement at any time in the past couple of hours, if it's, yellow or orange or anywhere near that, I slam the water and I drink a lot of water if you follow some of my advice about turning your body into a fat burning machine, eating a higher fat, lower carbohydrate diet, maybe even getting into what's called ketosis. Which is ah, special kind of a diet where you eat very low carb and your body produces a lot of what are called key tones. What happens when you do that is because you're engaging in beta oxidation or fat burning to such a greater extent your hydration needs actually go way up. Some people switch to a key toast this based diet, and they get really crappy energy levels, and they get really fatigued when they switched to like high fat, low carb and it's because they're hydration is not adequate, so stepping up the water and taken be really useful, especially if you're like a high fat, low carb type of person, which I know is getting really popular these days, so appetite is another one that you can keep track of onda again, I will tell you guys something you can use to keep track of all these at the same time, but if you're not getting hungry anymore, that's a pretty good sign that you're under recovered you've lost your appetite now usually you're still gonna have cravings for sugar and cravings for caffeine, but you just don't really want to eat as much food like during your big sit down meals during the day, so this one can be a little bit tricky to keep track of, but appetite is a really, really good way. Okay you marry in in the chat rooms regarding appetite he's from buddha buddha are romania excuse me says in the past few days he's been constantly hungry and having cravings for all kinds of foods from over the taste spectrum so salty sweet you name it he's craving it was pregnant you say that he said I'm a man so I can't get pregnant but he was asking if this is a signal of some kind of deficiency in his diet or otherwise yeah absolutely there are there are a lot of different cravings that could be associated with different deficiencies probably most popular is a you know a nine iron deficiency a lot of times you get cravings for ice magnesium deficiency a lot of times you get cravings for chocolate um sodium deficiency a lot of times you'll get craving for like crunchy vegetables like celery for example so there's a lot of different kind of like craving food associations that are out there ah ah lot of times though it can be a nutrient mineral or vitamin deficiency in other cases cravings can be a neurotransmitter deficiency let's say you don't have enough amino acids present near body or enough dopamine precursors to make dopamine so that you feel good after you've eaten a meal then you're going to eat a meal and still have cravings afterwards and you can you can fix that through some neuro transmitter replay shin there's even a supplement called mccune, a doper mccune is, I think the l dopa on bats actually a dopamine precursor that you can use to shut down cravings if they were dopamine based. I recommend testing if you wanted to look into something like that, there is a test that you can get it's basically called a neural endocrine panel it's a urinary test that you can order there's, a company called direct labs that you can order this neural endocrine panel through, and it tells you all your neuro transmitters and which ones that you might be deficient or have excesses in. And so if a craving was normal, transmitted related, that's, that's one way to figure out something like that, but there's cravings or one of those things where there's there's kind of like a few different things that can cause it, and so you kind of got to dig a little bit. So all sometimes spend like an hour on the phone with the person before we really finally figure out what the craving is from and sometimes it's like, oh, you're just not getting enough calories for your training. I mean, like, it could be something as simple as that, too, so so maybe our advice for marion would just be teo teo, look deeper into the issue and maybe look into this testing some of these testing for the supplements were looking to testing and looking to the nutrient mineral vitamin testing talk about so that you can identify some of that muscle soreness so delayed onset muscle soreness like I mentioned you shouldn't always be sore typically if you're sore for more than forty eight hours after a session it's a pretty good sign that you are not doing a good job recovering from that session that's a decent rule of thumb there are some people out there like body builders that will really beat up a muscle to the point where it stay sore for more than seventy two hours after work out and that's kind of a special situation but in most cases, if you haven't bounced back from a workout within forty eight hours it's a sign that you are under reached or under recovered if you say are trying to get stronger and you khun squat or bench press x amount of weight and you go into the gym forty eight hours later and you're squatter, you bench presses the same or less and hasn't improved then you really have no business being in the gym that day working on that particular fitness component and you have to wait until you can actually reach or exceed what you were out before I've always been told that the second day is the worst you're saying that the second that it's delayed onset muscle soreness typically peaks it's not lactic acid is a lot of people would have you to believe typically it's a bit of calcium leakage and it's inflammation from tauron muscle fibers that are repairing so you get this influx of sight of a sighted kinds and white blood cells and that brings fluid into a muscle tissue and it can it could put pressure on receptors and I can cause pain discomfort, but most of that should clear out after about forty eight hours um and usually peaks sometime between that twenty four and forty eight hour window so you can do a hard workout and just be kind of stiff the next today and that's the day after that that you're actually sore. So yeah, but if it's not clearing up within forty eight hours? Absolutely. Yes, it was a muscle soreness question from gorby shaw they say I really would like to know if glue to mean is unnecessary post workout vitamin khun to consume because I heard your body depletes it after work out, it must go to ingest it. Post workout for soreness I'm personally taking tons of glutamine right now, and the reason for that is because of that that infection that I talked about that I got in thailand l glutamine supplementation is one of the best ways to repair the mucosa lining of your gut it's, why bone broth and like chicken broth and things like that are really really good for you they're full of glutamine like compounds as well as college in and approaching precursors and stuff like that it's also a great building block for muscle it is kind of like an animal like supplement that you could take after a workout I'm a bigger fan of post workout using some type of amino acid source that doesn't just include glutamine but has a lot of other amino acids and as well so I'm a bigger fan of using like away protein or if you're vegan or vegetarian like a rice pea protein blend hemp protein is another really good one that mixes well with p protein or rice protein I mean heck eating a real meal steak believe or not has all the amino acids and as the salmon as do eggs so you know high dose isolated l glutamine supplementation in my opinion is a bigger win if you have a gut issue but not for muscle recovery so death energy levels and I know this some of this stuff that I'm going in some of these initial bremer's I'm going over there kind of were there kind of airy fairy right it's like energy level lt's what you know howto exactly identify that you need to be able to distinguish dreen days when you're truly recovered but you may feel tired versus days when your tiredness indicates a true need to rest ok, this is one of the more airy fairy will measurements. It's. Why combining this with some of the more quantitative parameters and I'm going to give you make sense, and this kind of returns to cheryl's questions like, yeah, we can monitor energy levels, but we have to have some way to kind of figure out whether those low energy levels really indicate overreaching or over training and whether or whether they're just because we're, you know, kind of tired from the end of the day. So mood state is another one. There are what are called palms scores. If you go on the internet and you search for profile of mood, state score or profile of mood states score sheet, you can actually find free profile of mood state scoring sheets and I believe it's sixty seven different parameters that you measure and rank to see what your mood is like and there's aton of correlation between being in a state of overreaching and overtraining and having a poor score on a profile of mood states score. So I had initially thought about actually bring some problems sheets with me and have you guys do it? But then I realized was just going to ten minutes of you guys sitting there filling in blanks, so decided not to, but you can find one of those, of course, you could just wake up and say, I feel crappy and have that be your profile of mood state, but it actually is it does correlate nicely with some of the other more scientific parameters we're going to get into, like cortisol and things like that. So you have a question about profile previous day's performance I mentioned this when I mentioned soreness, but previous day's performance is simply whether or not you're able to match or exceed something that you did on the day before, or whether you're not able to do that. If you're not able to do that that's a pretty good sign that you're still overreach, they need toe wait to train that particular energy system or that particular component of fitness like strength or power or speed, and then finally well being just tracking how well you feel symptoms of immune system issues things along those lines, so I mentioned that there was a way to track the first eleven parameters that I showed to you guys, there is a company called rest wise um and it is I think I have it over a ben greenfield fitness dot com slash creative live you should be able to find all the information you need on rest wise, but that is where I got this so you sign up for basically like this online service where you feed in each of these parameters, they send you a pulse oximeter so you can also track the resting heart rate and the pulse ox symmetry and that spits out a pretty good score that you can rely on the folks at rest wise contacted me about a month ago and told me that they were going to start working heart rate variability into their equation as well. I'm not sure how or what kind of device they're going to include, but you're going to learn about heart rate variability in just a second and how important it is but in my opinion think would heart rate variability that will be just like the gold standard for tracking recovery and truly cools. You can share the data with the coach or trainer if you're working with a coach or trainer, if you are a coach or a trainer, you can actually use something like that with your athletes so it's called rest wise, so we're going to jump into some some more science see kind of chemical type of things you can measure now, but before we do any questions on any of those things that I went over, anything that popped up on the internet that we want to delve into? We had quite a few questions come in from online, all over the spectrum of things we talked about, there was quite a few I'm trying to find on the adrenal fatigue section that I thought I would touch on. I'm just trying to find one of them here. Um, maionica asked if you prefer the saliva test for the court is all testing and or how do you recommend they assess the adrenal fatigue? Bionic a is very cooling something out of a lease ceo um, I will tell you in I'll show you that test is part of the session. Great, they followed with what supplements you recommend for adrenal fatigue, but I'll listen, we're going to get in the way our video that the supplement section but but just to give you the kind of the brief answer that question, if you are an adrenal fatigue, you want to take supplements that increased cortisol okay, supplements that increased court assault, which some people think that's dumb because they're like, why would you want to increase quarter sol? But remember when you're over train their rock bottom, so examples of things that increase course all red jensen. There's a really good job increasing cortisol licorice root does a decent job but that there are these herbs called chinese adapted jin's that's like a luthor oh rodeo ola ash lagonda there's a mix called t and she that I use there's another one called inner peace which is good and these help your body to lower quarter cell levels when cortisol levels are high and to raise them when course the levels are low that's why they're called adaptive jin's that kind of adapt to whatever state you happen to be in but those are some of the things that you can use for for that question here from summer and they want to know does coffee cause adrenal fatigue coffee can cause adrenal fatigue um unfortunately you see people's faces for I think everybody deep down inside knows that coffee could cause adrenal fatigue um because of the high amounts of caffeine coffee is a direct adrenal stimulant. Now the cool thing is that when the caffeine and coffee is balanced with something called el thinning which you'll find in, for example, green tea then you can actually mitigate a lot of the potential adrenal exhausting effects of coffee and so doing something like having say, a cup of coffee in the morning but then instead of doing a cup of coffee in the afternoon doing a cup of green tea in the afternoon it could help a lot with that, I personally myself to no more than one cup of coffee per day. And I go six weeks caffeinated, two weeks decaffeinated. And the reason I do the two weeks decaffeinated is because you have receptors in your brain that are called a dennis ian receptors. And the more coffee you drink, the more a dentist seen receptors that you make and the more caffeine you need to fill those a dentist, sing receptors and, unfortunately, a dentist sing receptors or what your body needs to get a feeling of tiredness, and so it can get harder and harder to sleep. The more more coffee that you take takes about ten to fourteen days to reset your debt, your dentist and receptors. And so if you go through periods of time for ten to fourteen days where you switch to decaf, um, basically reset those receptors and so it zoe, good way to also make sure that you're not overworking your adrenals by working in basically like decaf cycles, so just make sure you use a good like a like a swiss water process for a decaf a nation because there are a lot of chemical decapitation processes. They've got to be careful.
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Ben delivered an exceptional three-day seminar at creativeLIVE that I was lucky enough to attend. His expertise in all facets of health & wellness was on full-display -- and his presentation was clearly articulated & engaging He was friendly and responsive to feedback and gave actionable recommendations which are already paying dividends in my life -- especially in the areas of energy, mental clarity & sleep quality I strongly recommend Ben -- he walks the walk & talks the talk -- genuinely cares about helping other people and possesses a real gift to teach & inspire
a Creativelive Student
This is one of the best courses I have ever seen! So much value for money and so many amazing bits of information jam packed in. What a brilliant guy! Geeky information presented in a down to earth way. I can not recommend this course enough. I don't think I have ever been bothered to write a review for anything (EVER) but this was SO good I had to share. Well done Ben and thank you Creative Live!
Ben Greenfield has a lot of information, best course I have taken in regards to Nutrition and Fitness. There is a lot of knowledge and their a great couple and both have a lot of information to offer, I even like the lame jokes that he makes. Very nice and knowledgable couple.