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The secret to memorable logo design

Lesson 3 from: Abstract Logo Design: Create Simple Logos That Tell A Story

Scott Lancaster

The secret to memorable logo design

Lesson 3 from: Abstract Logo Design: Create Simple Logos That Tell A Story

Scott Lancaster

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3. The secret to memorable logo design

<b>Uncover the key elements that make abstract logos both impactful and memorable.</b>

Lesson Info

The secret to memorable logo design

As the famous quote goes, if you give a man a fish, he laid for a day. But if you teach a man a fish, then he'll probably spend all of his time fishing. But the real question is why is that quote so important? Well, it is, but that's the best I could do after thinking of an intro for four hours for this lesson in the course. But I do want to teach you how to make your logo designs super memorable. And it all starts with Eureka who is Eureka. Nobody knows. But the Eureka I'm talking about is that feeling when a light bulb goes off in your head? You know that feeling when two things just flick in your mind and everything becomes super clear and the thing that you have just realized has been staring you in the face the entire time. Well, that is the single thing that separates the good logos from the great and those light bulbs going off in your head are created by little simple eureka moments such as the Fedex logo, having a little hidden arrow with it, the Baskin and Robbins logo having...

a hidden 31 or the hidden message in Wendy's collar. These clever little stories help to make these logos more memorable. Now you may be thinking big deal, why is this so important? Well, when a customer is thinking about buying something, the company that comes to mind is often the one that they end up buying from. Therefore, the company that comes to mind first is more likely to get more sales, which then means more profit, which ultimately helps that business to grow faster, which also means they'll be acquiring new customers for far cheaper than their competitors, basically allowing them to get more customers for less spend. Now, Canon logo alone, make sure a business succeeds, of course not, but can it give the business a better chance of being remembered and therefore give it a better chance of being successful 100%? And in the next lesson of this course, you're going to learn the simple science of how to make your logos far more memorable. Don't worry, we've made it super simple and easy to understand. But the next lesson in this course, and I mean, this is going to put you in the top 1% of logo designers out there in the world that actually understand the science of what you're doing and how to make sure that your clients can start to become remembered far more easier by their target audience. I'll see you in the next lesson.

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