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The neuroscience to why logos are remembered

Lesson 4 from: Abstract Logo Design: Create Simple Logos That Tell A Story

Scott Lancaster

The neuroscience to why logos are remembered

Lesson 4 from: Abstract Logo Design: Create Simple Logos That Tell A Story

Scott Lancaster

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4. The neuroscience to why logos are remembered

<b>Learn how the brain processes and retains logos, and why certain designs stick with us.</b>

Lesson Info

The neuroscience to why logos are remembered

Let's address the elephant in the room here. Science and neurology isn't fun for most people, but you know, it is fun getting paid a lot of money because you're one of the best logo designers in the world that can design logos to help clients as businesses become more memorable. So let's keep this super simple. Now, our brains can do many marvelous things, but it does one single thing super well and that is to keep us safe. That basically means that it has to help us remember the most important stuff. And this tends to be things that have impacted us the most emotionally. For example, you probably can't remember what you had for lunch last Tuesday. But you can remember an instance or an experience or maybe a bad breakup that impacted your life years ago. So whether the experience was super scary or sad or happy, our brain remembers that we felt a certain way in that experience. Therefore, it can help us to make better decisions in future. And none of those thoughts, feelings and memori...

es and experiences are stoned, that little part in our brain called the hippocampus, which ultimately is our long term memory storage and the little section of the brain called the hippocampus looks a little bit like a seahorse's t. Now. Is that important? No, but the next part is so remember how I told you about creating abstract logos that have you wreak a moment or little moments where we realize something. Well, this is the magic that helps logos be stored in the long term memory. This little spark gives our brain a reason to remember that particular visual mark. Now as the brand grows, there are more opportunities to reinforce that initial memory. Now, we don't need to go into that right now because it's not important. All we need to focus on is how to create an initial spark of that initial memory with your brand's logo design. Now right now you may be saying to yourself, OK, Scott, this is all good and well, thank you so much for this science lesson. But what is the process that I can follow at you to develop an incredible abstract logo design that can be remembered by a client? And well today is your lucky day because that's exactly what we'll be covering and starting in the next lesson. See you soon.

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shah faisal khan

Thank you sir for this great class. Of course this is the best way to create and present a logo to clients. Highly appreciate your efforts.

Daria Dorawa

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