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Sampling & Remixing: Slice to MIDI and Organization

Lesson 19 from: Ableton Tips and Tricks

Andrew Luck

Sampling & Remixing: Slice to MIDI and Organization

Lesson 19 from: Ableton Tips and Tricks

Andrew Luck

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19. Sampling & Remixing: Slice to MIDI and Organization

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Sampling & Remixing: Slice to MIDI and Organization

So another one of the super awesome super duper time saving features of able to live and it's robust sampling tool set is the slice too many features so you can actually create a default that will apply it to every sample in the rack of your choice or if you want to put it into a sampler and it will basically map mapped all those settings out create macro zor or map ings for each one of them so that you can access the same features in one place so let's see so you can create your own defaults in your user library and so I'll go over here to my browser and the user but rebel user library and there is the defaults folder and drug so if you gotta dropping samples uh you can actually create one and put it in the dream rack so um I you usually want a simpler in my drummer acts so I'm actually going to go over here and say ok, so every time I drop a simple syndrome iraq I wanted to give it to me in a simpler and I also wanted to have high pass filter and I want the high pass filter cut off a...

t three hundred hertz. That way it cuts the base and still has enough uh has enough range for some, you know, mitt sort of mid range and high end um so that's great for anything other than like kick drums for me or tom's or something like that that super resident in the low end so um this is going to be my uh well call us like high percussion or something like that pre set so basically I can uh I'll just rename it ends aye perk and then I can drag and drop it into on drum rack so now whenever I just gonna create a drum rack real quick click and find a simple it now has a high past filter sample so um basically, uh listen, this is a huge time saver if if you want tio to create or if you have a special maybe it's just kick drums and you want to have a different one so you can actually keep different defaults for different kinds of sounds and um I believe it actually I don't I don't know if you get a choice, but if you keep more than one in there um it might look let's give it a shot. I'm going to go back into this change of setting out to rename it too let's do one for kick drums, kick drums and maybe we'll we'll just use a high pass but we'll cut the frequency at one hundred hertz ninety nine we'll call it ninety four point nine and I'll drop that back and I'll drop that into my defaults and so I had a drum bracknell probably won't give us a choice let's see? And it looks like it's still giving us the same one so create a new drum wreck and I will go back to my assembles try to find a less abrasive sound and that is our original default so ah, what you will want to do is keep uh just one default in that folder to make sure that it actually it selects the correct one so for now I'm just going to take out my kick drums because I do more high passing three hundred than I do at one hundred so you can also move items to the trash and these um in the end the live device browser which is something you probably want to be aware of it also gives you some morning messages so that's pretty uncommon to delete things you don't want you can also assigned mac rose to each of these so I'll say oh, I want to when a map I do want to map this frequency um so I turned map on in the drum rack uh select the frequency and add it to macro one so I also might pull another sound here and do the same thing on dh if I wanted tio you can actually there's also there left function it's ah it's actually an options function uh called map two siblings and you can find that in the options t x t file and let's see if I've got that in the slide it's not in the slide so there's an ex extended and options t x t in you're able to in preferences and it's actually a hidden folder uh what that will do if you activate it is allow you to map values to the rest of you all the sibling so now that I've added the other sound, I can add them if I've got one hundred twenty it sounds I don't want to go in there in a re map to all one hundred twenty eight so what I'll do is mapped all siblings and it will add that same filter or that same macro tio each similar a factor each sibling effect in the drum rack and that is an extended feature of mableton currently um another work around for that is by using default setting that has the macro has already mapped out. So if you've got the map mca has already mapped out in a default setting, then you won't be going in there and and doing any like mapping after you've alluded the machine it will happen as you load the sounds the next thing we're talking about is a really cool new feature that ableto has just added in version nine and it's about you can convert audio to midi and you can essentially you could just go into your audio file control click and instead of slicing, slicing doing the new midi track like we're doing with they were like you can do with sampler uh you can uh you can actually convert drums through a new midi track melody or harmony some of the start I mean this is a drum tracks I'm just going to use drums and it'll actually bringing a kit and let's hear her original sample that's pretty good pretty accurate so um live can basically extract rhythm the rhythm and groove information and it makes really good guesses about the kick into gear so far I've had some good experiences with this with this functionality you will have to go in and manually at it some of the drum hits because it it's still there still some quite a bit of approximation happening in the computer just doesn't do that perfectly quite yet so um you'll probably want to go in and I'll those sounds in anyways and um so to do that you simply just expand the clip for you and you can go in and and you can adjust the sounds you might want to even just to change out the drum kit for your own or something like that you uh you can also do this with with melody and it makes pretty good approximations with melody as well let's see here I know closed that sandler looking for I've gotten this milady here so hook so convert that melody to a new mini trach the cool thing about this is you can actually take this many information and now you control the sound design behind it you can plug in your own soft sense ah so it looks like I need to do a little adjusting it seems like this might be off yeah, so that no it was awful ah, but that's a pretty accurate uh it's a pretty accurate bounce and it's quick so instead of hammering that out on your keyboard you can you can use the make the machine to it on the greatest thing about it is that you have control of this sound is I know so mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm so I might just change out change that out for an operator. Mmm mmm mmm mmm. Too deep and too high wait a baseline so you can totally have a blast with that and it works best with melodies that are a little more stripped down maybe piano and acoustic guitar work really? Well, it detects those very nicely. Um you can actually the one that's the most surprising to me is is the cords um so say might be easiest for me just a play some chords and then extract that harmony so I'm going to make another operator here and I'm just going to go into real quick and changed this september to saw well off the highs a little bit and take solo and I'm gonna bring our chance opposed back bring the volume down wait so are and you flat minor last night chaps that was going to change the scale real quick and back to device now uh, no way I'm just gonna record some chords oh, really simple chord progression started here fixed ese off notes so I'm actually going to just re simple this real quick and show you how the mark that convert to many works well, that's every train bus I'm just gonna say audio from channel ten armor track so three chords is fine and I'm going to go in here and this that convert harmony to new midi track and we'll see how good of a job it did it estimating what that harmony wass pretty amazing. So, um it runs into a little bit of problems when you have drums and bass and a bunch of other instruments in there. But if you've got one chord that you're trying to figure out and you're having a hard time with maybe it's got a weird a weird interval in it or something like that um you can you can use this and hopefully it will help you out I've used it a couple times and it's it's pretty neat it's I'm still surprised that it's ah that it works so, um sampling keeping in diverse pal I I say this over and over and almost every every editorial have a wide variety of sounds to choose from and uh keep them organized and sampling will be an endless a supply of inspiration for you. Um I like to use a program called mixed in key to organize my sounds by key signature because I'll take sometimes I'll take full songs and just extract little blips and bloops from them and it's a lot easier. It saves me a lot of time if I know that I'm working and e flat minor for this instance toe look and see oh, what other songs have already written in that key cannot pull those in and and re sample them or take take a little blips and bloops and stabs and melody parts and and recycle or use all this content that I've already created and maybe just spin it in a different way and apply in a different context. Um as far as like my drum hits and warn shot stuff goes, I like to keep that I keep I keep most of my drums together and sort of folders that they come in and, um I like to organize a lot of my drum hits by style in their own drum racks um you know the assembling khun in conversion, dim ity is, is also really fun. So say you get a really cool court. Simple. But you know, you don't. You need you need to clear that or whatever. And you want to create that it's really awesome, that you can just convert that to me, and then you can just recreate the sound design yourself, and then you're not worrying about, you know, sampling issues or legal rights and that kind of thing and, you know, most importantly, there's, just a whole world of tones and tempers out there. Teo. Experiment with and into explorer, assembling it's, it's, a it's unlimited.