Class Introduction
11:48 2Navigation in Live 9
22:29 3Live Browser and Libraries
08:59 4Controlling Time
09:45 5Warp Markers
30:01 6Warp Modes
26:05 7Building a DJ Set
21:00 8The Clip View
21:45Follow Action Breaks
09:27 10Sample Box
13:35 11Automation in Modulation
08:00 12Recording Audio in Ableton Live
18:06 13Using Midi in Ableton Live
06:33 14Editing MIDI Clips
08:33 15Creating a Beat
10:35 16Recording MIDI
17:32 17Mapping Browser
15:58 18Session and Arrangement
17:30 19Remixing in Ableton Live
30:50 20Final Q&A
12:36Lesson Info
Sample Box
Sample box goes hand in hand with the sample view. This lets you control the samples itself. You can transpose the sound lower and raise the volume affect your warping as well. A setup looping of your sample. Now, the key here is we have the sample box, which is that, uh, that first window right here. It says, sample that box, but that go is with what's there, which is the sample editor. And this other larger part is showing the sample. But a lot of these settings effect the sample editor. Just good to know that those two kind of play off each other. E all right, we're just going to play both of these, and I'm gonna show up a few features of the sample box you can open and close it with the little button down here. What I can do to start is that we have this melody I can transpose. I've showed that a few times. I can also do volume that's minus twelve. So I have my volume control here and have lots of other features. Uh, let's. First look at transposed to transpose is basically going d...
own a step. So if you were let's, say, like, see on your meeting controller and you want or your piano and you want to just go down one note to be then you would just go down transposed by one right uh a sharp would be another one a would be one and so on so it's per step but we also have this feature right here called de tune well de tune is like tuning your guitar it's you're really trying to tune in between the steps to make sure that that in tune you might have like let's say a kick sample that you want to get just right you can use the d tune tune it up to the rest your samples like my drums aiken just slightly de tune it try to make it fit or if I want to go up or down a whole note I would transpose another thing to keep in mind is if I continue to go up with my d tune you'll notice that it's like a mile on a mileage in a car where it kind of re rolls and goes up notice the transpose is automatically moving just like it's our if you kept tuning it up and up and up it's going to go to the next note that's a very important feature to know and that is controlled in our sample box our volume we have a bunch here which is like editing save reverse we'll reverse is really cool I'll show that one so it just reverses it nothing, nothing you wouldn't expect but that's a pretty powerful tool but these other ones like rand fade I like you I suggest you can look at it you can always remember to use the info view but there's a lot of little settings like this that we just we're not going to go into we have more important stuff that's more musical than file management, so we'll move on uh and then we have the wart moves and we've looked at that we've looked at how to warp at unm worked and worked something by pressing warp we have our different modes, but another feature here is halftime in double time so I can have a double time halftime it make it super slow, right? So that makes it very easy to make something twice as long or twice a small and then a big feature is this start in loop and this is the main thing that you'll probably use other than the warping within your sample editor and the idea here is we're deciding when we start the sample when we end the sample straightforward, right? Well, like everything that you see in live with these three boxes, the first one is ah bars then we have beats, then we have sixteenth notes, so I can say let's, start right there on to now we're starting on the second bar or three the third bark and so on so I go to and then moving more specific with that and in sixteenth notes well, you might notice that every time I move this that little flag moves which represents the start point and you can type this in over in that box but what I really like to do is just do it by hand where I grab it oops. You get that little triangle and you could just move it. I just prefer that I know it seems easier just seems more logical to me than calculating what the numbers should be so you just grab it and move it and you'll notice it changes the numbers there. Another thing is we have the end point so we can end it at the seventh bar the six bar so on or we can just drag and moving great. Well, what happens if we loop something? So I have this right now it is looped but let's say it's not loot it's going to play let's make that in point like here it's gonna play it hits that last flag well, if I loop it, notice how the end point it's still there but it's no longer it's like no longer graying everything out because you're looping the loop does an end a loop loops so the endpoint gray's out it doesn't mean anything and then we have two other parameters the position where it's starting where the loop is starting and then the length of the loop it's a great example of this is we can have the position start at two it could be a length of four then we have that section right it's gonna keep looping once it plays but we can also change our start point so my start point can start on one it'll start playing that wholesome part it hits the loop and it's gonna keep looping only that section the's the basics of start in loop section um pretty easy once you start playing with it pretty confusing if you don't know what it is so there we go we got that part down um let me see change start pointing and yet we went through all that and then let's see great now we can move on into the other boxes. Any questions? Great. Now we get into the clip envelope editor up to this point we've been kind of controlling the playback of this town but we haven't really been able to morph it. We have been able to like bring in volume changes it do anything like that. That is where the clip envelope editor comes in every clip has its own envelope. This lets you automate and modulate a clip over time such as create volume changes or panning since this is per clip you can have the same original sample in different clips with different effects using clip envelopes with audio clip apps help you create an abundant abundance of interesting variations from the same clip in real time anything from subtle corrections to entirely new and unrelated sounds all right let's let's show what that is it's going to clip envelope are we got this sounds great well once if I want to create like a volume change over time and or envelope box we can close and open it by that little point right here the first thing we have is right here in the envelopes we pick what's called the device so if I pick clip and it's the stuff in the clip if I pick mixer then it's the mixer so as an example let's do the mixer and then you can pick the thing you want to change let's they track volume all right I'm going to click on that line and notice how it made a little dot and made the red line I can click another dot that's called a break point we'll see that quite a bit now if I come in here and do this what happens when I played this's automating that movement it changes it through time we get a little red dot on whatever we've changed for it to show us that automation I'm gonna undo that I'm going to show you that we could do that same thing in the clip so the clip it's this volume so we have this volume we have the track volume and eventually it goes out to the master but if I have it to clip volume I can change that and then let's play the clip and you're gonna need to see this little orange dot that's moving down over time so I have different things that I can effect and I can choose anything I can choose panning I can choose is you name it like let's go into mixer I can choose speaker on or off um there's this thing called drama owed you do control be or command be and you notice that now I get this little pencil looking thing so now this is just bypassing the track coming back on bypass on someone so I can control a lot of things that is in the clip that's the basics right? Well let's take this a step further let's do this tow audio effects so ah let's scrap and the reverb now if I dragged that if I choose the dry wet right there what I can do is if I right click I can say show automation and it shows it within that clip I'm gonna exit draw mode by control be and now I'm just going to change this over time now if I press play notice that the river is getting bigger and bigger now if I pressed play again groups shift tab to move over noticed that red dot and it moves over time automation awesome now we can have a clip we can have automation to it we can start changing in different ways. This is a great start to what we can really do with our clips now I'm going to just play this I'm just going to delete this rebirth for now I'm going to use this for four I'm going to skip over here all right? I got this clip right let's say in my envelopes I go mixer track volume I'm going to just now I basically have a four four with just kick then you have another version with it in a snare right? I could just keep making different versions so I could make one where this holes right all through clip automation I'm just gonna get myself a little bit more space in here great and then I can do things like let's add ah simple delay war mom yeah let's add a simple delay so I can go into my simple delay and affected anything in there let's say dry way, way have won with nothing no one was something and I'm making variations of the same clip in all these different ways and that way you can start building new concepts off the same sound it's really awesome and remember it's nondestructive so it's never changed the original sound
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Malcolm King
Hello, Firstly gotta thank you for your great tutorials, and sharing the knowledge of making music; then I wanna say, I bought the Ableton Live 9 tutorial package, but I didn't heard or better say understand some of Mr. Cotec's words; that's why I wonder would you please send me an English subtitle of his excellent teaching? I will be much grateful for this. Best Regards, Malc
Casey Dart
Isaac is the man! He is such a great teacher and you can tell has full control over the information. I already feel like I am many steps above friends who have used ableton for years because of this course setting a foundation for me to learn and experiment. Thank you Isaac and crew!
Claudio Martins
Great start course! And Isaac is a super-teacher. Many lessons and great tips. This the first time Im really learned how to handle Ableton!
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