Class Introduction
11:48 2Navigation in Live 9
22:29 3Live Browser and Libraries
08:59 4Controlling Time
09:45 5Warp Markers
30:01 6Warp Modes
26:05 7Building a DJ Set
21:00 8The Clip View
21:45Follow Action Breaks
09:27 10Sample Box
13:35 11Automation in Modulation
08:00 12Recording Audio in Ableton Live
18:06 13Using Midi in Ableton Live
06:33 14Editing MIDI Clips
08:33 15Creating a Beat
10:35 16Recording MIDI
17:32 17Mapping Browser
15:58 18Session and Arrangement
17:30 19Remixing in Ableton Live
30:50 20Final Q&A
12:36Lesson Info
Class Introduction
Everybody, welcome to creative live here on the music and audio channel. My name's true councilman and I'll be your host for this course. This is able to live nine fast start with isaac kotex isaac standing right next to me here, he's a returning instructor, and isaac, you've been producing electronic music since two thousand five. You have started your own record label. You play festivals all over the country and world you're able to certified instructor, you're the man. I mean, if it's able to, but you're the man and we were talking yesterday actually, about just the cool stuff that isaac is doing in the education world around able ten and you're just going today bring all of that knowledge to able to live nine. So tell us, what are we going to take away for? Somebody just tune in and what are we going to take away from today's course, yes. So from this course, you're going to take away the basics of the program, you're going to open up and no longer be afraid of where these parts ar...
e, because I know when I started it was overwhelming, like, what is this window, what is this thing, what is that thing and that stops you from feeling creative, we're going to get rid of all of that so now you know what it is. You can just start making music. Sounds awesome. Yeah, well, let's, get right into it. We got a lot to cover. Yeah, they look all right. Hello, everyone online and in the studio he has s oh, yeah. I'm going to just walk through the beginning of this describing myself who I am, what I do. So you get to know me as an instructor and as a musician, and they were going to move into the class it's a little bit about me. My name is isaac kotick. I perform under the names of a prius. This is me out of the festival that was called photosynthesis, which is now cascadia right outside of seattle's really cool event. A few thousand people, and I have have an opportunity of playing a lot of events like this playing festivals all over the world. Australia, canada, the united states and I do it almost exclusively, unable to live all original production in music and along my path as a musician, I decided tio also teach what I've learned. So this is me teaching in control voltage in portland and through the years of me learning what I need to know to create music, learning what I need to know to perform it's there was really no information out there and all I was using able to live five there was a manual but it was on ly in german and there was nothing there was no youtube really on this it at all so is learning by myself in a room and I spent a lot of time learning the basics of a bolton and being a musician and then I realized that I could translate that to someone really quickly like within a few weeks of me sitting down with someone, I could walk them through the program that took me months to learn. So that's what I that's why I got into teaching and that's what I'm really excited to share with you all is quickly move through the program get through any creative blocks because of the interface because of not quite understanding where the parts of the program are straight into making music after this course, so his little scope of what the class is about ah, we're going to talk about the basics of able to live from opening up, navigating it understanding where the things are we're going to look into playing and performing parts how could start using able to live for deejaying or performance or remixing controlling time and wart modes that's a really big part we're going to get into some things are a little bit nerdy little geeky but just knowing that even not having to retain all of it, but just knowing that it's there and knowing this information will mean that when you open this up there won't be any mystery around it you could just move straight into the war mode he wants stretch it, morph it do whatever do you want with the with the sound they're gonna look at recording audio and many parts? So how can we start writing our own parts to our music, shaping the sound with effects and also arrangement, view and session view and how those two interact because that's a very unique part of the program that makes able tio so useful as compared to other dogs? Another thing here is with the class we're going to get into a lot of the technical parts, a lot of the things that make able ting what it is and in a way he was a musician like what you do is musicality, it's making music it's making expression and able to in and of itself does not make expression. It is just a tool. It is like a guitar for guitars just sitting there. It doesn't make music, but your ability to know the techniques know that in and out of that instrument will help you in your musicality and I kind of want to preface this whole class with that that we're learning the techniques I'm going we only have you know, seven hours to go through all this so we're going to go through all the techniques around the program it's kind of like learning to build a guitar from scratch and from here I invite you to after this class go straight into making music you know whenever we have a break open it up start playing with it because your own musicality and expression will come from this uh but we're not going to get into like actually making your music that that will be up to you so we're just going to get into the technical aspects of it and once we get past that then it's just creativity from from then on all right so let's get into what is alive so live is a digital audio workstation in contrast to many other software, sequencers live is designed to be an instrument for live performance as well as a tool for composing, recording, arranging, mixing and mastering. It is also used by djs as it offers a suite of controls for beat matching cross fader and other effects used by turntable ist and was one of the first music applications toe automatically beat match songs so it's very powerful for performance and production and we're going to be looking at both of those aspects it also is very easy to drag and drop a lot of the program is dragging in effect driving in a sample whatever you want you can also use instruments and v s t s external theis teas and sounds so well is midi effects just lots of ability to start controlling and shaping your sound within ah life, which is a digital audio workstation. So let's, look at the advantages of life. Live is a software you can play if you open up logic or q base or a lot of other programs. It's very linear in the sense of you started the beginning. You play all the way through, and if you ever want to change something, you go to that part. You change it, you play it again. We'll live because the session view which will look at, is a nonlinear way of looking at it. You can start playing the pieces while it's looping. You can start modulating and changing things and you can keep the creativity the performance in the play happening instead of writing apart, starting from beginning to end and that's really an advantage to ableto it's also very easily manipulate things, drag and drop like I was saying it's also optimized for performance, all the effects like the reverb, the delays, everything are designed to be very solid when you're performing very low cpu and that's great if there's many people who use logic. And want to use a built in for their performance who bounce it to stands cut it up and perform with life and that's why? Because it's very optimized for that it's one of the few programs that you can really express yourself live great let's look an example open up the program so I'm going to go over all these little parts throughout this class but I just want to show a very simple example of opening up live and when I could do with it so here we have all these different parts these are all little boxes represent samples and I can play these different samples and begin to just remix and play around with what I have here. So for instance I have this abc key twenty five it's just all these yellow boxes represent the boxes in there which is audio it just makes it a lot easier for me to like coming here and press those to compress these two and then I could just go through here and start playing with the samples and this is where the performance aspect comes in think this is happening a lot right? And then I could also come in and I compress what's called a scene all the way across bring in different aspect and it's kind of like remixing live with a bunch of samples and I can't even take us a step further let's say I have and audio effect I'm just gonna go ahead and put this on the melody, so I just drag and drop that in and then if I bring this up let's even put that on the master so I can show you what that's like many map it again. I'm going to go over all this, but I'm just showing you simple examples of now I'm delaying it very easy to just come in here and bring in new sections, play around mix and match and before you know it, you're making cool new songs another thing I can do is right now this is session view just playing these parts if I just hit this little arm record up here what's happening is it's recording everything I'm doing and if I stop, I'm just going to hit this little thing here, which goes between arrangement session view now, if I looking here, that is everything I did so all your performance can easily be put into more of a traditional way of beginning to end and that's the power of the program using session view to play, perform experiments using arrangement view to then play back what you did, I can come in here, I can edit things, delete things, duplicate all this sort of stuff that we're gonna show you a very quick, very easy of a program to start building the music
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Ratings and Reviews
Malcolm King
Hello, Firstly gotta thank you for your great tutorials, and sharing the knowledge of making music; then I wanna say, I bought the Ableton Live 9 tutorial package, but I didn't heard or better say understand some of Mr. Cotec's words; that's why I wonder would you please send me an English subtitle of his excellent teaching? I will be much grateful for this. Best Regards, Malc
Casey Dart
Isaac is the man! He is such a great teacher and you can tell has full control over the information. I already feel like I am many steps above friends who have used ableton for years because of this course setting a foundation for me to learn and experiment. Thank you Isaac and crew!
Claudio Martins
Great start course! And Isaac is a super-teacher. Many lessons and great tips. This the first time Im really learned how to handle Ableton!
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