Class Introduction
11:48 2Navigation in Live 9
22:29 3Live Browser and Libraries
08:59 4Controlling Time
09:45 5Warp Markers
30:01 6Warp Modes
26:05 7Building a DJ Set
21:00 8The Clip View
21:45Follow Action Breaks
09:27 10Sample Box
13:35 11Automation in Modulation
08:00 12Recording Audio in Ableton Live
18:06 13Using Midi in Ableton Live
06:33 14Editing MIDI Clips
08:33 15Creating a Beat
10:35 16Recording MIDI
17:32 17Mapping Browser
15:58 18Session and Arrangement
17:30 19Remixing in Ableton Live
30:50 20Final Q&A
12:36Lesson Info
Building a DJ Set
Now let's kind of look this at this in a setting that might be more useful like a deejay said we've learned all about working and how to set up a track howto warp it cool let's kind of do some beat matching and using this in a practical setting around performance um so this example life set it's uh building a deejay set this comes with the course if you get it and download the extra material and you'll be able to open it up and just start playing with this and it kind of tells you to do certain steps we're just going to run through those steps you can get an idea of what this might look like uh so I'm gonna go to example build deejay said great well uh I'm actually going to try to set this up a little bit so I'm gonna change this again all right so when I'm deejaying I'm going to basically want a side a side be like let's talk about like a traditional deejay they have deck one deck to their turntable see whatever right doesn't we're gonna want unable to life uh let's see, I don't think...
I have sample set up so I'm just going to grab some of my own songs real quick um all right I'm just gonna grab these and dragon in which notice how I could just dragon from my desktop or anyone like it's really easy that way so I've got thes songs they're all my own creation I made these with my band called silk drop um otherwise known his glitter moss we've gone through many different changes names as you do when you're starting these things but we're going to use these examples now first thing I do let's not even get into side a side b let's work the track now this is a good example I'm going to play this track now you guys remember the steps of how we work looking up your cheat sheets, huh? Well, first one is we want unmarked, right? So when I threw it in there was worked is that little yellow button here? I want unwarranted cause I'm gonna tap tempo so three, three around sixty five now I got that I zoom in for the first beat then right click set one one one from here and it worked it and then I double check that wasn't what I wanted to do accidentally hit the tap temple what I wanted to press was this metric on the violence on this is, uh milo hayden goes by mr move we worked together in portland he's an amazing violinist, a musician just so you know that and you might hear the singer dizzy from the east coast connecticut so all right, I've worked that one great just for this example I'm gonna warp a few other ones so if you had this at home just warp some tracks go through them whatever your genre house dub step trap whatever it's all the same process so I'm going to first on more bit now this is a good example in with an intro still need more than that one two three o estimation zoom in now this one's a little hard because of the way this synth is but I think that's the first beat yeah so I can just right click set one one one from here it's warping it and I know that this one is from straight because it was made in a bolton so what's here the only thing I need to do is move that flag cool we're getting somewhere now we have to now uh I'm just going to quickly do this thing everything all right first thing on work one two three thirty one three all right around fifty five I right click already assumed into the first beat right click set one one one bam setting from straights and and back to flag I think when you do one more and then we can actually get to do with this this is the fun part of d j but once you do this you're done like again you save it and then you're good to go but let's play this one three one three awesome and then I said one one one and it was straight because I know I mean it all right yeah, I was just going to ask is it kind of safe to set from straight and assume that of all elektronik music regardless of what dot was made in that you could warp that way yeah and you can also really tell if it's like you know e d m or elektronik just obvious that it's on beat but if it's a live band that no that won't work but yes, generally just straight no matter what logic anything cool so now I have some tracks that actually play with now I'm gonna want to set up a eight b thing, right? Well, we have this little feature down here this little x when I press that I get these buttons a b and then a cross fader this's the very basics of teaching so I pick a now will be on a set of the cross fader b if I don't pick any than it doesn't the cross fader won't do anything but now if I press uh let's see um I've never mixed these together so we will rule experiment together I'm gonna put these two tracks they sound pretty good speed it up, both are playing and they seem to work but a side because I'm moving the cross fader right here and then now notice the beats even when they're over later good that's what we've been doing this whole time is warping so now it all fits now this is great if I had a live said I'm good like I can do this to twenty tracks I could go out and play tomorrow I'm literally just going from track to track is good enough like you congee jane but we're going to take it a few steps further. So now we have a and b we can slide between but you can have any number. Another thing is remember everything sounds better when it's labeled a side be sod all right, so it's ah yellow bisa do range uh this is the cross fader awesome now there's only one other thing which is q mix. We're going to talk about our audio card a little bit later about setting it up, but if I right click, insert an audio track and just put this in the middle I just like to do this if I play something here you guys are hearing over speakers, right? That's not one of d j d j hears in his head phones, cues it up and then switches it over. You could do that with your sound card if you connect, so in this instance I have a meow to sound card right here there's ah usb coming in from here it's hidden under the table so that our table looks good but it comes here into my computer having external sound card is the key now if you're just using your onboard sound carving computer that's that's left and right that's it with my sound card I have a left and right channel a second channel a third and a fourth channel that I can all listen to send two different places the key is to have at least two if you have two channels you can hear one while the other one's playing something different you're you're onboard sound card only plays one thing so you can't do this so I have an extra sound card I go to my preferences audio and then my uh let's see input no sorry output and in my sound card I have one in two three and four whatever your sound card is will be different you'll have to look it up but great that means I have to outputs to stereo output so if I open up this thing called the io which is right here right little eye open I consent like you out which would be headphones and then my master out so my cue out let's set two three and four if I play this actually turned us down there's one other step which this thing right here so right now it's set to solo so solo if I press this I'm going to just hear what that is well that's not what I want I want it to send my headphones and that's when I press this I get this thing called q and cute now changes these toe headphones so if I turn this up you're hearing it right now but if I turn on cue you're still hearing it if I turn this down this is hard as an example because you guys can't hear two tracks at the same time when this will be coming out of my headphones so if I had headphones I'd be hearing it right now and I could be setting up my tracks while you guys don't hear it and then popping in it that's how you set up uh I know it's a little complicated to show you just because the nature of the sound but that's how you set up I usually turn down the volume so on ly I can hear it I hit that button headphones and then I'm hearing it but it's so just turn the volume down can you bypass the channel you could also do that and then you can see that it's playing that's an added advantage but I don't know I just turn down the walling but you are correct so then when you have your headphones on notice how it's blue that's telling you that it's going out to your cue wherever that is awesome that's an important step so I will just rename this cue change it blue great now I have a side a side be awesome we're going to get into mapping a middie controller and this is not a very good controller for deejaying because I don't have a cross fader but you know what? You don't really need it I can use knobs I can use anything to do that so I'm going to show you we're again we're going to go over this later but I'm just giving you a cool example what you can do with live so if I hit midi that opens up my mini editing if I click anything that's blue I can then map it I clicked that I'm gonna move this guy yeah now if I get out of many this controls that like granting a failure would be a lot better because then the middle is the middle this is a little weird with it not but the point is you could do this with anything so great now aiken bring this another trackside that was pretty smooth like a dance floor would totally be fine um I can go back and forth right? Well the next step is effects because djs have a lot of fun with effects I mean it's just not that fun without effects so if I go in here audio effects I can grab all sorts of things um the easiest one would be e q three dragged that in for my audio effects get rid of that um dragged that in why that's there all right so now what I want to dio I'm just going to make this more interesting I'm going to zoom fast forward this don't worry about this part but so you know I have a side a side b and I'm going to just map a few knobs really quick I'm going to map my low and here from this one uh actually no we're going to do low into this knob low into this knob high to that knob no mid mid to this one high all right, now the point of that is I now on these control this is low mid high of side, eh? This is low mid height of saipi very basic deejay set up where I play both tracks or playing because of my cross fader but I could do something like I need to reset these one second. All right? So all of its playing little cacophonous now I'm going to take out the mids of this side, the highs that side on the low that it's now we're hearing that baseline these top on I could do all sorts of things like very easily and fluidly even not cross fading just bring in middle of side be bringing out so now I'm going to bring up very basic stuff now you can start kind of changing and morphing the sound that's cool let's say we want to take it one step further where I'm going to use this audio effect called uh fade to gray I'm just going to put on my master I'm gonna happen I'm gonna map it to this knob, which I haven't used yet. Now check this out complain I'm gonna fade while that's happening I'm bringing up the next one I'm gonna play both of them coming out the mids that's that and you just keep playing and playing playing, playing there's so much things you can do you just throw in effect your map into your controller you play around all these things are working together, all of them are looped I mean, I worked in fitting together and it's super easy to start performing in t j quest yes so if you do many mapping to a controller, say something like push, which is integrated with able to and a lot of times when you're working on a track that has especially enables an instrument on all those knobs are already mapped various prints on that track is that going to be permanently disrupted by doing this sort of mini laughing so you can't map the push unless you're in user mode and then you can map it but then you lose so basically just so people know what pushed does is it takes over whatever those knobs are and automatically maps it and then you can use them so the only disadvantage here is why this isn't the best for deejaying or live performance is I have to look at the thing to control it so this one I can control the mid highs whatever and I don't even have to look at them I could just sit here and do it on the push I have to look at it and then I can control it so I could only do the men high then move over to the other one in effect that there and it just doesn't work that well unless you're in user mode and then you can custom that thumb and you just press user mode hold that flips over yeah other questions online how do you bring in the queue section like to hear it I think so uh so right now because I can't send two audio too demonstrate this but right now it is playing and I would be hearing it over my head phones if I had stopped that track isn't playing I could put this track in there and play it okay but you turned q on and off with this that cuba so now I'd be hearing over my head phones playing the next one oh this is very important the volume for the key was right here so how loud you're hearing it is affected by this that's? Why, if I turn this volume down, I'd still here in the same volume of the original track, but I would affect thank you. Mix volume by this it's, kind of like booth on a deejay mixer. So, yeah, you just play something, and you'll hear it over your head phones. Cool. There'll be a lot easier for you to play with it, then for me to demonstrate it in this moment. Awesome.
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Malcolm King
Hello, Firstly gotta thank you for your great tutorials, and sharing the knowledge of making music; then I wanna say, I bought the Ableton Live 9 tutorial package, but I didn't heard or better say understand some of Mr. Cotec's words; that's why I wonder would you please send me an English subtitle of his excellent teaching? I will be much grateful for this. Best Regards, Malc
Casey Dart
Isaac is the man! He is such a great teacher and you can tell has full control over the information. I already feel like I am many steps above friends who have used ableton for years because of this course setting a foundation for me to learn and experiment. Thank you Isaac and crew!
Claudio Martins
Great start course! And Isaac is a super-teacher. Many lessons and great tips. This the first time Im really learned how to handle Ableton!
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