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Day 7: Take the Day Off and Reflect

Lesson 7 from: 28 to Make

Kate Bingaman-Burt, Erik Marinovich, Ryan Putnam, Lara McCormick

Day 7: Take the Day Off and Reflect

Lesson 7 from: 28 to Make

Kate Bingaman-Burt, Erik Marinovich, Ryan Putnam, Lara McCormick

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7. Day 7: Take the Day Off and Reflect

Next Lesson: Day 8: 30 Circles

Lesson Info

Day 7: Take the Day Off and Reflect

(upbeat music) Hello. I'm Brooks Chambers, and this is 28 to make. Also I'm on a roof. You may notice because it's just kind of awesome that I have access to one. So I'm sitting on it because I like to come here to relax. And that's exactly what we're going to do today. Your exercise today is just to go somewhere and just chill out. Don't make anything. You can, I'm not the boss of you. But just take in what's around you. Go somewhere nice with someone nice. And just be yourself. It's really important especially if you're trying to be more productive and more prolific as a creator to build in a rhythm of rest. It's so important to how we work and how we grow and how we develop. It also gives you a great chance to look back on the week and reflect on what you made that you thought was awesome, what you made that you would do totally differently if you could do it over again, and what was something that, God, I wish I had three more hours to work on that thing. I loved it. Maybe that's...

a really cool project that you need to blow out and drop out of 28 to make right now, and just make that big thing. It'd be so cool. Do whatever you want. If it's helpful for you, we have in the bonus materials for this course, you can download them. We have some questions that you can look at, maybe to prompt reflection or whatever. It's not an assignment. Do whatever you want with whoever you want. Not really anything you need to share in terms of hashtaging or whatever. If you want to take a picture of where you went to relax, I'm sure that would be cool for other people to see. But if it's stressful for you, it's another social medial thing, and you're trying to rack up the lights or whatever, please just turn off your phone and go relax. Have a great day. (upbeat music)

Class Materials

Sunday Reflection Questions

Sunday Reflect Questions


Day 8 - 30 Circles



Visualizing Sound

Visualize Sound

Postcard Templates

4x6 Postcard Hard Copy template
4x6 Postcard digital template

Ratings and Reviews

Margaret Agnew

I just loved the way this was presented and the immediate connection of the videos and their content which helped me discover and try things I would not have thought I could do. The affirmations from others doing the same thing and being able to gather ideas from the 'sharing' bit was also important for me. I have gained a lot creatively and it has fired parts of my imagination that lay hidden. I am just sorry it is formally over. I missed the last x3 sessions and the portfolio bit due to illness but will complete the other tasks and will continue explore developing those that really opened a creative slot for me. Above all thanks to the tutors - each of you - I loved the content you chose and the enthusiasm and creative energy you conveyed in just a few moments and the generous attitude of the skills share. That's it - Thank you, would recommend to anyone not to miss this opportunity.

LAra TAmalunas

I was looking for a way to get back into the habit of creating. The class has some fun ideas for projects that are easy to work on, which is super helpful. Every day I was excited to see what my new project was! But...a few seemed to not be what I considered sketching or drawing and didn't seem to fit the description. Overall, very helpful though :)


Best course ever on Creative Live. It's the foundation for doing anything or everything creative. Even if you think your only creative interest is say photography ...and you're not a drawer, maker or artist of any kind ...think again. This course will open up your mind and you will discover that actually you are a creative and you can pick up a pencil and draw... and it doesn't take up much time... 10-20 minutes a day. In the beginning it's not about the end result, it's about the doing and how it sets something off in your brain. It will make a huge difference to everything else you put your hands and mind to in life.

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Day 7: Take the Day Off and Reflect

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Lesson Info

7. Day 7: Take the Day Off and Reflect

Next Lesson: Day 8: 30 Circles

Lessons (29)

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Kate Bingaman-Burt

Kate Bingaman-Burt makes work about the things we buy and the feelings we feel. The building blocks of her work include: bright colors, hand lettering, inventories of illustrated objects, and input and interaction from the communities of awesome people who contribute to her crowd-sourced projects. Her dual roles as commercial illustrator, full-time educator, and project-based artist overlap inform an intricate creative practice. She is the Associate Director of the School of Art+Design at Portland State University and an Associate Professor of Graphic Design. Her role as both leader and collaborator with her students is an integral part of her creative practice.

Erik Marinovich

Erik Marinovich is a San Francisco based lettering artist and designer, and is a co-founder of Friends of Type. Since 2009 he has drawn letters, logos and type for nice folks like: Nike, Target, Google, Hilton, Facebook, Sonos, Sharpie, The Criterion Collection, Air Canada, Gap, Ford Motor Company. In 2012 he co-founded Title Case, a creative work space that conducts workshops and lectures. Between client work, teaching, and side-projects, you’ll find him on the road promoting Keep Fresh Stay Rad and Let’s Go Letter Hunting, two new releases from Friends of Type published by Princeton Architectural Press.

Ryan Putnam

Putnam's approach to his work is fun, personal, and always forward-looking. His goal is to combine craft functionality with fine art integrity and the exacting principles of design. What he begins with his pencil and moleskine, he brings to life in forms ranging from letterpress to musical instruments, textiles to stickers, logos to coffee cups. When he is not crafting, he can be seen trekking across the woods with his son Cyan on his back and wife at his side.

Lara McCormick

Lara McCormick is a nationally recognized designer and educator, and the former Head of Design Education at CreativeLive in San Francisco, CA. She is the author of ‘Playing with Type: 50 Graphic Experiments forExploring Typographic Design Principles’ published by Rockport Press.Lara is