Day 1
1Class Introduction
28:01 2Branding Your Business
23:45 3What is Your Message?
26:02 4Growing Your Online Presence
19:44 5Get Social: Finding Customers Needs
30:07 6Finding Trigger Events
13:49 7Building Relationships
24:35Get Customers You Want
33:09 9The Value of Your Business
24:29 10Build a Team That Lasts
24:29 11Managing Virtual Employees
32:33 12The Generation Gap & Risks
24:49 13Increase Your Productivity by 100%
28:46 14Finding the Right Mentor
20:13 15Folding Time: Getting More Done
33:39 16Get Wealthy: Know Your Numbers
25:22 17Break Down: Profit & Loss Statement
40:42 18The Number Forecast
39:22 19Build Value in Your Business
27:03 20Reducing Your Overhead
15:08 21Customer Service: The New Marketing
23:28 22Technology & Customer Service
20:54 23The Change in Customer Service
31:30Day 2
Lesson Info
Growing Your Online Presence
well, we want to continue our conversation by talking about. It's wonderful if you have a great product, any great service. But if a customer prospects looking for you and they can't find you, what your chances of getting chosen, Karen Slim to none. Well, I would say probably zero, right? So that's what we talk about is telling. Make sure that you get found. You get found in many different areas, right? You can do advertising print online mobile. You could have some retail store. The most interesting part about the Internet today. Remember that joke that says, I know that 50% of my marketing is working? I just don't know which 50%. And now with Internet marketing, everything is 100% traceable and trackable, so you can try small things and see if they're really working out for you. One of the ways people do that is through search engine marketing, and people are very familiar with how this might show up. This is creative live right, and you might look at this is the advertising part of ...
this is search engine marketing these parts here in these organic search and we all know if you come up on the first page, you have more of a chance to be able to be chosen by that Mobile is of critical importance. You know, I always think that that movie the graduate, right? Does anybody watch that movie? The Graduate? What was that? Who watched the Graduate? All right, Our host? Definitely. All right, So So Kristen Sally got Ask this question. Is one keyword where Benjamin Braddock is in the pool and come down. What? One of his friends, fathers, friends says what? Plus plastics, right? And so, of course, today, the word wouldn't be plastics. It would be mobile, right? Finally, their arm or mobile searches done today. Then there are tablets, searches. I'm sorry, then desktop searches. That's the first time. And what's interesting? About 90% of small business websites don't show up natively on a mobile device. Now what? I mean, it may show up, but I may have to be doing a lot of pinching and poking and things like that. What you want to do is just be a couple taps away. The reason that's a problem and you can testers right now go to your Web site on your mobile device and see how it comes up Is that from all those searches? 40% of these people leave in frustration and go to your competitors. So being showing up on mobile is really of critical. As I said before, 50% of all searches air done and then off all those mobile searches, 70% actually lead to some kind of purchase. So go out there and test yourself. Test your website to see if it is really easy to calm. Mobile. Remember, with your online presence, content is king and you have to think about what kind of content can I post in the last section We're talking about that we have staying. Customers stay in touch with customers by giving them something of value. The problem people have is where am I gonna constantly get that content? They say. You know, Barry, it's easy for you. You write 15 articles a month, you send emails every single week, but there's a lot of ways that you can add content to your website. Now. The 1st 1 is photos, right? And I know that we have a lot of great classes here on how to take photos, photos of our critical importance because, remember, people connect with images more than they connect with words. So let's let's go out to our studio audience here. What kind of images do you have on your website that really can connect with people? So, Carol, what do you have on yogi Stream dot tv? We've done a couple different ones that have gotten some good response. That's that's kind of funny. We ended up with an elephant trying to balance on a ball that was entertaining, but we try to find different yoga poses that have neat little sayings that people can really respond to and connect with, with the Peacefulness and the serenity in the picture and all of that. One of things we're talking about in the last segment is it is also important to have pictures of your employees pictures of your customers. Remember all one family miracle. What kind of pictures do you have? I have a picture of me and my family, my dog, and also on the financial inside section. I have picture of kind of just what questions to ask for annuity. Just a simple graphic that tells what the article is about. It's excellent. And, Shannon, your you could have people actually using your products and things like that because again people are gonna connect not only with photos, but with all sorts of content Here. These are all the possible ways you have content. You have quizzes and games, community forms and press releases and guides and demos and webinars and checklists and calculators. There's all sorts of things you can dio. My advice to you is the focus on a single area. Don't try to get too broad. Try to update your content in one single area. Now remember, customers find you because you have relative content. That's the way the search is going to find you. And then make sure that and we don't teach this in this class but teeth learn about tagging your website using S E. O to make sure that specific terms come up and then test it out. See, actually, what happens on the various search engines based on location Now, videos are critical importance of people wanna watch. Look at pictures, Sally. They definitely want to watch videos. Right? So what? What kind of video that we have on site? Because some people are saying No, I don't have the kind of business that could have a video look. I mean, it's easy for Yogi Stream to have a video, but let's say in your business where it's Ah, it's a music store, Right? What kind of videos could you have? We have instructional demonstrations of sweating products. We can show little clips of people that are open mic nights or jam nights, student recital clips with parents permission, of course. Um, but a lot of demonstrations of product cause that's how people go. Oh, that's really a cool thing. I want to buy that an arena. Your business. NPR is perfect for that because you could show perhaps good interviews and bad interviews right at the jet war before it. After what kinds of things have you been doing? The video area. I've been doing videos with rocks that I've tested for green and organic businesses. I have done my own kind of very authentic, you know, tests of like one side of my face with the different types of things. Interviews with online businesses in person, businesses, people who travel around the world and teach about different types of things that are doing that the people are doing to help the world a better place. There's so much content that's really out there that you can utilize. Just make sure you keep putting out there. Now, remember, and I always love this. I took this picture of Whole Foods is a wonderful franchise, and on the back of their shirts, this one was taken in Chicago. It said Local is the new black right because people would much rather buy locally. So you have to think about how can I connect my business with which locally going on in your area? Because location is a critical importance. If you have any kind of consumer presence or retail presence, make sure that you show up on Google places and Yahoo local, and you could just fill out your profile there. Now, remember, location is whether people are I travel a lot. So I love the folks that advertising the bottom of the TSA shoe bins, right, because that's where we're really looking. So think about where are your customers gonna be looking? Because reputation now is really very important, because again, we still tell 10 people. Now we can tell a 1,000,000 people. And remember Google and Yahoo, they never go away right? They're very, very long memory. And people buy who from they know, like and trust. And the way that people used to buy was through celebrity endorsements. Now I know you think the celebrity, but this is just my son and his friend going to his high school prom. But I thought it looked like kind of like celebrity. The way we used to buy things was if Brad Pitt was selling Chanel number five, right with God, we gotta have that. Or Danica Patrick. She's selling. Go, Daddy, right? We believe them. But now who do we believe when we're going searching for products? What we believe? Who each other, Right? So talk about that for a second, Rina. Yeah, well, that's part of you know, my whole branding. I'm kind of position myself as the go to girl for for green and ego conscious, you know, lifestyle design and and find people out there who were doing good things for the planet and get my hands dirty, dig with them and work with them and get involved in what it is they're doing and become part of the experience of it. And through that people get inspired to go and, you know, support these businesses or non profit organisations or whatever it ISS. One of the special guest we have coming up. Who is John Jan's? He talks about that 72% of the time that we go read a review online of some we don't know we believe it. And that's compared to 90% percent of time. Someone we actually do know. So those kind of referrals and testimonies of critical importance and that's really the big shift. I say that the trust the meter really has changed here. Those statistics here, 92% from who you know seven from you trust from people you don't even know. We're reading those Amazon reviews or those eBay reviews or yelp reviews or Trip Advisor. And the trust factor is only 58% from branded website in 33% on from various advertisements. So we really have to stress all those peer to peer reviews are of critical importance. And remember, reputation really is forever, and the important thing is to show consistency in what have you ever you're posting on content I wrote a book several years old called Small Town Rules, where I talked about how we all really live in a small town. Right, because now every customer can talk to every other customer first. They like you. You have a discussion with them, you give them advice, you build a relationship and then they really buy from you. So the question is, if you build it, will they really, really come? And a lot of folks think if I just put it out there on the World Wide Web, people come. But they don't because we know, Let's face it, the World Wide Web can be a worldwide waste of time and share. So many of us, you know, we get up every single morning and we go on Facebook. And 30 minutes later, after looking to see what our girlfriend or boyfriend was doing that we knew in college, it's like, Oh my God, where we're really am I So we have to be careful, really, in this area, and many of us are stock in social media for many different reasons. People think that well, we don't need social media. It's just a fad, right or social media is just for selling. Or when you do postings on social media, you're talking at them. You're not really talking with them or you're talking to the wrong people or this is my favorite one you're obsessed with. How many followers do have? How many friends do you have, Right? We just really care about that. And that's really a problem. You don't monitor what people are saying about you. I'll talk to you about how you do that. You end up the leading negative comments. Could you can't stand. Remember the quiz right and your employees have no social media policy. Do what they want. And many of us are addicted to social media, right? Because when we check social media, it's also physiological thing, right, because we get that little shot of dopamine, right? Well, when someone say about us that they common about it where someone posted right, so we have to be very, very careful. There is a lot of wasting of time on social media. Here's some facts, which I found unbelievable. 65% of all streaming content is watched during the day. Two billion YouTube videos are watched during the work day. So what kind of work are we actually really, really doing? Remember if you went to marketing school? There was those four pieces. They remember those four peas, the four peas, product placement. Help me with this product placement, promotion and price. Right? And social media is just really part of promotion. The goal here is that have some kind of consistency, right? And you really have to choose a tool and stick with it. The problem is, people think that they have to be on Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and gentlemen and all these other kinds of things. But you don't. If you confined one tool where most your customers or some of your customers having conversations become part of those conversations, listen to what they say and then post. The key thing here is the imposed Have two way conversations because remember, if you're not having to wait conversations, you're not having conversation at all. Now I know with our girlfriends or boyfriends spouses. Sometimes we're having conversations with just one way. But that's not how it works on social media. Does size really matter? It doesn't matter that I have 50,000 followers. It's what 50, followers. Do I have? And are they really engaging with me? So everyone also needs toe have some kind of social media policy, right? How are you gonna guide people on how to use social media now? I know Milko works with Merrill Lynch. I'm sure you have a big social media policy. So tell us about that Miyoko. Very strict. Very strict, right? Yeah. And so, what kinds of things can you doing? What can't you do? Uh, we just opened up the lengthen so that our compliance can review that inked in. But we do have, I don't know, policies on just and disk raining that it's my opinion because you're not going to stop anybody working with you from posting on very social media things. The thing is that say, it's their opinion. And if it's not their opinion, if they're representing your brand, it really has to be consistent with with that brand. So the same thing goes with pictures and videos. How should I do that? We are a visual communication world. And you have to think when I see that picture or I see that video. What kind of emotion do I really want to be able to generate. What do I want that person to feel? And I want to see customers and employees because I want to make sure that when some another prospect looks, can I relate to that person in the video? So I want to really be there. You know it. Is it their problem? And how many of you use selfies on your social media? I know Sally does itself Sally's. So tell us about that. What do you selfies and everyone Course knows what selfies are. I think right now, ever since Ellen DeGeneres did that right with a at the Oscars. So how do you selfies with new products that show myself with a new product? That I'm excited about it myself, that I would use it? And what do you use selfies cause a lot of people are kind of self conscious. But why do you think using selfies are important? Well, for us, it's because it's just me and my partner. That's really the base of the whole, you know, business you represent your brand exactly were the only two. So most people that come in the door they either know him or they know me. And they associate my face with, you know, with the business a lot of times because I'm running pretty much every facet of it. And so and we know what about you? Well, for me, it's It's just letting people know my journey and the journey that have taken from, you know, having no experience with anything in media, to getting on shows like this and and other social events and, um, live television events and things like that. So it's basically they're following me on a journey that I'm taking and seeing how I've gotten to where I am so far and where I continue to press forward. And that's really important because memos, your custom and prospects do want to follow you on your journey, right? And that selfies air one. The wasted to do that to you selfies Karen Milko. Yes, and I think that's very true. I think people like toe live vicariously as they watch what other people are doing. And so we started today with a selfie outfront. Did you posted? Yes, we did, uh, excellent. So these kinds of things again going back to what Judy Carter said it is very important to really share who you are because people really buy into the stories. The other thing is, you've got to make sure that you respond to people when they post comments on Facebook or your blogged or Twitter. There are a lot of people out there that are lazy, and they have what I call automated post. Now there's nothing wrong with automated posts out there. But what happens when something like MH 3 70 without missing airliner happens? And everybody is talking about that and you're talking about something totally different, right? That doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense. So you've got to really be careful in that area. And I'm also very much opposed to automated responding robots and things like that because that's really not with social media is really all about. It's about making that connection to not wasting your time. Now, Hashtags, we have a hashtag going on here, right? Our hashtag here is jumpstart Live is that right way. Have a number of them. That's the beauty of Hashtags. So whatever hashtags now just become very multi live. We've been using very moles live everyone's been using very melts life, but maybe it's jumps out live. What shot? Let's go to. But the keys trained about Hashtags is they really should be for some kind of event or some that's going on so people can search for one of the problems that people have is that they use Hashtags for everything, right? You know, my first daily post. I'm excited for the day, my first cup of coffee. It really can get overly used. But the way Hashtags really used is the followers certain conversation, an event or about ah, certain kind of ah kind of subject. Social media really needs to be used to engage your audience, right? There's nothing wrong with every once in while making people aware that you're selling something, but it really should be helpful and really have them listen first. So let's talk about that for a moment. So, Karen, how do you use social media in your business way? Have Twitter that we use Facebook is the opportunity to engage the people, let him know when the classes air coming up because they get the emails that Telma classes coming. We also post it on Facebook, then when the class is currently live than if I'm filming, I'll get right on and say it. Currently we're live coming. Come and watch Carmen do or class or in trying to engage people that way and do kind of an excitement, we had one get a really good hit last week. We took a photo of the whole class before it started and then posted it, and we got a lot of response to that one. After absolutely. Who else that holds uses social media effectively. They don't use it as much as I should write again. The should thing is very interesting because the guidelines here is be consistent. You choose one tool because remember in your mind we have to make sure that we have a systematic marking approach. Because remember these numbers that we were talking about before, right? We're talking about the numbers seven and 21 right? What what were those numbers, What those mean, what those numbers mean, right, because it used to be before the Internet that someone had an understand give explosive seven times. Now it's 21 in a great way. To be able to accomplish one of those touches on Facebook is really the like right? Because then I think of you. We talked about that same thing with the retweet, right? Or a comment on linked in or on Pinterest or things things in those areas. So think about the one change that you want to make to make sure that your mawr productive in social media.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jay Rodriguez
Best business course out of the bunch. Highly recommended. I like how focused on the course material he was and how well he stayed on point without straying or rambling. He provides the needed to the point info that he has put together from other sources.
I love Barry's energy. He gave so much insights. This is also a great course for anyone starting the business also. I viewed the course a few times and implementing his ideas one at a time.
Great combination of ideas and wisdom, and delivered very well. I would definitely listen to more of his courses.