Single & Double Fold Binding
Lesson 22 from: 10 Ways to Love Improvisational QuiltingMalka Dubrawsky

Single & Double Fold Binding
Lesson 22 from: 10 Ways to Love Improvisational QuiltingMalka Dubrawsky
Lesson Info
22. Single & Double Fold Binding
Day 1
1Ways to Love Improvisational Quilting
21:40 2Building a Square with the Rotary Cutter
30:58 3Building a Square with Scissors
30:03 4Nate Quilt: Simple Log Cabin
36:43 5Building the Cabin: Adding More Rows
18:15 6Building Housetop Blocks - Part 1
31:14 7Building Housetop Blocks - Part 2
34:54Log Cabin Variations: Courthouse Steps
23:00 9Improvising with Triangles
33:40 10Using Triangles: Zig Zag
17:26 11Using Triangles: Star
26:43Day 2
12Improvising with Triangles: Flying Geese
33:18 13More Triangle Fun: Pyramids
26:09 14Creatively Combining Blocks
25:42 15Piecing Curves: Drunkard's Path
33:54 16Circle Variations: Half Moon Rising
23:58 17Improv Lines & Stripes Block
28:36 18Piecing the Stripe Blocks Together
17:46 19Improv String Diamond
32:33 20Finishing Your Quilt
22:03 21Basting & Binding Your Quilt
32:45 22Single & Double Fold Binding
26:51Lesson Info
Single & Double Fold Binding
I'm gonna go ahead and pretend like my quilt is all tied all ready to go and take out my basting pins and then talk to y'all about making binding now they're two two ways to make binding there's double by double face binding and single face finding and I make single full of single fold binding I make single hold binding so I'm sure there are people out there will tell you that that is, you know, the worst thing that you could possibly do but I've never had a problem with it either and that was a way I learned was to make single full of finding and um that's what I'm gonna teach you but if you would prefer to learn double fold binding than by all means there are so many tutorials online that will teach you just that um um so they're the same except one is one though with of the fabric has doubled up and in one it's not in the other it's. So if I was gonna select binding for this quilt since it's not you know, a circular quilt I just make it on the strait of grain I'm going to show you a...
ll two different ways to make binding both, uh straight of grain and bias um and you can decide you know which version you want to use it's entirely up to you um to determine how much binding it doesn't take a math genius to determine how much binding you're going to need for a quilt it's going to go around the perimeter of your quilt so if this is about eight inches let's just assume it's eight inches all around so it's eight times four is thirty to give myself a little extra go ahead and make it forty two inches okay, so I'm going to need a strip of fabric that's forty two inches by one and a half inches okay um and so I'm just gonna pick I'd like to pick something kind of fun but yeah, I'll pick this okay, now I'm gonna have to make my strip of fabric forty two inches but I want half inches and to do that I'm gonna have tio make several strips and then sew them sew them together and I'm going to sew them together using a specific kind of seem it's called a diagonal seem and that is actually really important it's important that you not use straight scene for a binding because again there's all this pull and if you use a straight seem it's easy for that binding to start coming apart but if you stretch out the poll across the diagonal it's gonna last a lot longer so I'm going to cut down I'm gonna square up my fabric so that it's nice and I'm working with nice straight edges on I'm gonna cut myself a few scripts one and a half inches and usually when I cut binding as I'm cutting the binding, I'll lay them out ah across the quilt so that I can see how many like I can tell that I could just cut for these and I'll have more than enough you know and you want more than enough you don't want just enough write this one last one okay, I can put the rest of this aside from them so now I want to put my binding strips together using these diagonal strips I'm gonna work with two strips at a time so I'm going to take one strip I'm gonna late no think about this is it's parallel to my body okay, I'm going to take another strip it's very important that you think this is done exactly as I'm telling you you're going too late so it's perpendicular on the right side of the strip that's currently parallel to my body I'm going to take some kind of measuring tool ok? And I'm going to draw a line from the two diagonal corners okay, I'm gonna pin you could pin on either side you can pin on one side, okay? And then I'm gonna so that strip together using that diagonal seem and all that time you know I didn't so anything because I was out of bob oh, no, I didn't know didn't sell all the way and only so part of it ok, so I've got I could take my pins out and I'm gonna trim pass my scene a quarter inch and I've made a diagonal seem you can press it to one side you can press it open I don't I don't know that I don't personally think they're pressing this kind of same open it's such a hot idea um I think that that could stress the scene but there are a lot of people who press it open s o I'm going to keep you know I'm going now I've got my my length is a little bit bigger but it's still I'm dealing with two pieces of two strips of fabric same thing I'm going toe place it so it's parallel to my body place the opposing strip face down perpendicular on the right side draw, draw that line market upended and stitch that together. Milka yes, why wouldn't you cut a bice binding on the bias of forty five degree yeah, I'm going to cut it some bias but he was just great a great I don't think the need bias binding for this particular kind of quilt, but a lot of people feel differently they feel that you do need by spine ng so I'm gonna show you how to get started yeah, okay now we have the quick questions the clarification from something earlier malka aboutthe spray base there saying did you say you do spray the floor first and then the layers back on doesn't that make the floor super sticky that's why you washing afterwards it does make the floor super sticky all right, I got one more there's a lot of people who say they don't like the smell of the spray basting stuff um I don't find it to be too noxious but don't exactly smell like perfume either so you know you don't wantto you I haven't found it to be toxic but I could see that somebody especially somebody is more sensitive to smells could be bothered by it and it's possible that there is a spray based product on the market that is maybe odorless I don't know I don't know what I've got is not over over list okay, so now I have plenty of binding and now I think you attach it to my quote and I'll tell you something else jenny the one disadvantage to using bias finding is when you get to the end of the tennessee and you want to attack those too parts of two loose parts bias finding has a lot of stretch and so it's a little harder to get it together in fact I tend to use a different technique for getting those two bindings together and I often do circular items you know if that stretch sometimes can be a disadvantage if bonuses very fiddly yeah yeah so ok so I'm going to miter these corners um and so it too is a technique and it's it's a really important technique to learn um I'm going to leave a really long tail when I start you know I like to leave you know ah exceptionally long tail better longer than shorter because you don't want to deal with a teeny tiny tail at the end all right so I'm going to start I'm leaving this really long tail I'm going to start I'm going to so to about a quarter inch from the corner of my quilt ok so I'm going to stop at that point so let's just go through step one okay I'm going toe pull my piece away from the machine but I'm not necessarily I'm not going to cut away all right then I'm going to take my finger my pointer finger of my left ten and I'm going to kind of cup some of the fabric from from the right side and position it so that fold that cupped fold is now aligned with that edge that I just sewed okay and then I'm going to reposition the strip so that now it's aligned with my newedge the edge it's perpendicular teo the edge I was sewing just a minute ago I'm gonna put it under the head of my machine on and sew it on the way it again to the to a quarter inch from the next quarter how do you know a quarter? And she just got just got I it is best you can and this is whether you're an improv coulter or otherwise you just have to buy it so again going to kind of create that that cupping underneath to create a fold that I then position alongside the edge I just stitched turn it ninety degrees so I can align my fabric along my the edge that I want to stitch my new egg on start stitching I've got two more corners to miter align my fold position my fabric turned my work ninety degrees and starts and then this is the last corner I'm not going to sew very much but I want a long tail at end as well in the beginning paul stop here and now I will cut away I'm actually gonna cut the excess you know I only need so much extra tale here okay? So there's a couple different ways that I can deal with this I can and this will be the one time that I use a straight stitch in my binding I can come and position it kind of market this way and market again this way so pushing back both tale ends pushing them back on themselves and then creasing that firmly with my fingernails now I have ah guideline I could then put the based on the guidelines I could then position the fabrics the strips right sides together and so them along that guideline a little trickier way and I'm actually gonna uh iron them so they don't have marks from before is to actually create a diagonal seem here so I'm gonna I'm gonna fold this guy down maybe not even that much so I want to make sure that's no more than a quarter inch I wanted a little triangle too to bisect at a quarter inch ok again I'm gonna crease it really really firmly I'm gonna fold this guy up and again using my fingernails to really increase them firmly and then move over the machine you could even pin it at this point which would not be a bad idea move over the machines sew them together and that's why you want lots of lots of uh wiggle room on your on your tails on the tails and you create both at the beginning and at the end you're gonna trim that down and then stitch it the rest of the way you're going to start where you stopped you could even back backtrack a little bit and stitch it so that the you kind of closed closed that circle so you want to secure the remainder of the binding to hear okay now you get the binding security the front of the quilt got a lot of threads here you want to turn to the back side and turn it under a quarter inch impress that go around turning it under a quarter inch impressing a lot of people like to use a tool called binding clips these little tiny clips that kind of hold this in place while you hand stitch it um I find that if you just press it it's enough but if you want to use pins or clips that that works too so keep tucking it under that quarter inch and pressing it and now it's ready to hand so I will tell you that if you're pressed for time um you can just go ahead and zigzag stitch he's a kind of matching or coordinating threatened just zigzag stitch the binding teo the quilt and that works to um it doesn't I think that you know as much as I'm not that much of a traditionalist I really like hand stitching binding and I think it's a nice touch and not to be gift so but if you're you know like I said, if you're pressed for time or you know suddenly have to make you know, fifteen hundred quilts then yeah by all means go ahead and ah zigzag stitch that binding to the to the fabric so I'm going to secure my my needle my thread rather I want to leave a little tale I'll trim this tail off later when we'll secure the thread and it's basically a slip stitch again I catch some of the binding and some of the fabric of the backing I don't want to go all the way through to the front of the quilt and I'll tell you what I really actually love hand stitching the binding on it's like a you know you've made everything else via the machine and it's a nice way to kind of reconnect with the piece and I really like it and even though I make a lot of these you know his commission pieces and it's not you know, maybe financially the smartest thing to do I I always hand stitch binding I feel like I owe it to my customers hand stitching and she seems really quick they're malco as well yeah, it doesn't it's not you know super slow it's on his fast is using machine but yeah um before we run out of time, I do want to make sure that I show you all how to make the bias binding or at least how to cut bias finding five finding strips um so that for those of you who want to do that you can't I'm not going to sew it on tio um a uh uh you know, one of our little quilt samples but I'm a least going to make this trip I do know that you could make continuous bias finding, but I usually don't, um so I want to work from the fold, ok? And this is I usually work from a figure piece of fabric than this and these, uh, these clear rulers conveniently enough have forty five degree marks on them, so I'm going to see where it says forty five and it's got a line, I'm gonna line that up with the fold of my or if I had a straight ege, if I knew that this edge, for instance, was straight, I could do that that way to in fact, I can't do it that way because I do, I just cut it, so I do know it's straight, I'm just gonna iron, and so I don't have this crease to deal with. I'm gonna line it up with that forty five line right there and then I'm going to cut I call this my guideline, ok there's my guideline from this point on, I'm going to measure out an inch and a half from my guideline and make enough finding strips enough bias binding strips to find the perimeter of my quote and you'll see these strips are a lot stretch here because they've been cut on the bias and that's really all the trick there is to bias finding, but that part of the end where we did the we overlapped it to do the diagonal seem for the final kind of closure uh that becomes difficult when you've got bias binding when I used bias pining I'll never do that kind of diagonal seem I always do just the the kind of where they meet together and I saw them together it's just too much too much wiggling going on so um so that's uh that's what we're going to do we're going toe if it makes him binding strips and use the time we've got left to finish finding one of our quotes that some local students have done because I've been working really, really hard today I think awesome great things naturally you've you've finished your, uh quills here and it's beautiful what you've done oh wow, that looks great and that's what great unlike a large table matt coaster something like that really beautiful I did use the yellow stitch threat there was that white it is why, yeah, yeah very nice now, holly you've been working hard here too. Oh, nice. Are you tying it? You do a great job that looks so good. I think you mentioned earlier time was something you I don't like, but it was so rough and ready and I was like, I'm not going to sew in between the lines and I don't I have a hard time knowing what kind of pattern to put not to mess up all the nice work you've done in both so I don't know how you choose the stitching because it kind of really changes the whole look of the quilt quite a bit it seems you can make it a subtle is you want there's even invisible threat they could use in the top um and so it won't you know there won't be any color there's some tension issues with invisible threat but they're certainly not insurmountable right and so and I've used it before you can definitely use invisible threat in that way you don't feel like oh jeez you know the first thing that people see is quilting but the cool thing is supposed to accent I just wanted to put the right exit e then and also I would also there's lots of resource is books an online resource is for different kind of quoting patterns that you might look at and see if one of them speaks to you you know I go I'm going to use this pattern next time I have a call to finish and sara what have you been working on? You went back to your diamonds yeah oh rate iss I'm just I'm plowing through but I'm staring too much a good look somewhere else for them and stare at it again because it is a lot of time and very long lines are you doing I'm trying to go and way ralph yeah wow that's a lot of work it looks beautiful and alison how are you coping well so I called her the one that we did with like the pillow method on and then I started to tie this one and I don't like the tying at all so I quoted the other half that looks really good and I'm going to bind it in orange and maybe I'll go back and take out the ties later yeah they're really easy to turn on for me well actually I think with the way you wanna hold that up again I think with the circle there those wavy lines really good this is fun to me yeah it's just really relaxing and it's easy to d'oh with the even this regular foot I shall be curious how did you create the waves in the line because I've seen the machine automatically direct drive straight on the street but I just twisted this like a little bit gently yeah you can a little bit a little bit you know each one probably only goes off of the straight line about three eighths of an inch so well you've all done really really well beautiful world thank you for sharing that with you passing by the moon or just so you know whatever yeah yeah I didn't see that it's a beautiful all right I'm not getting towards the end of today we'll sort of closing final force would you like to leave our students and indeed our online audience um, I guess I want to know from them. What are you going to make? Well, what are you going toe? What, are you going to improvise? You know, um, I'm really excited. I mean, based on what I've seen today, I'm really excited to see what people make um, so I guess, you know, I want them to trust their intuition because every person here I did and they made amazing stuff, so I know that they can do that. And teo, just have a lot of fun because that's that's the whole point of this? Absolutely. I think our students have had fun today. They demonstrated as well that the techniques that you pay showing could really be developed very, very quickly. Yeah, we've got some wonderful finished products here in just two sessions is being contested. It's amazing it's really blown me away. Yeah, we'll definitely share your images in the galleries. Anything that you've worked on today, that milk has been inspiring you to create. Take a picture uploaded to the gallery click that I shared it worked, I share, share it button and we love to see your your work they're fantastic.
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Ratings and Reviews
Me F
Another great class. I love the approach that encourages spontaneity and decision-making throughout the process! I was not at all put off by Malka's speaking style -- I found her informative, articulate, thoughtful and funny. I would, however, have appreciated much less time watching her sew, although I realize she likely did that in this class to allow her in-person students to have time as well. A bit tedious, however, when it's not live or you're not sewing along. I loved the idea from another reviewer to have samples of Malka's quilts hanging in the studio throughout all the sessions so we could refer to a finished piece that demonstrated the skill she was teaching. I would recommend this course to anyone who loves quilting or wants to learn.
It was interesting to see how Malka goes about improv piecing and making her design choices. She makes visually interesting quilts with wonderful use of color. On the down side: 1.Technical issues need to be worked out. Chat did not work for me. I use Apple products. 2.Malka needs to find alternatives to "um" and "kind of". The course was too long. We do not need to watch Malka sewing so much...some is ok. More samples partially done would cut way down on sewing time. I would prefer to see examples of Malka's work hanging on the walls behind her, so we could see where she was going with her demos and give us some fabulous quilts to admire. I believe the sewers on the set would also have benefited from seeing samples hanging on the walls.
Sarah H
I have only watched one session, as I live in the UK and I did not watch it live. I have a busy schedule at present so will take awhile to work though them, initial thoughts were very good, I do like Malka's engery and free use of pallet. I look forward to watching them over the coming weeks and get back to you. I do like the concept of these classes and find them very useful. Thanks