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The Difference Between Outsourcing and Delegating

Lesson 3 from: 10 Days to a Virtual Assistant

Ari Meisel

The Difference Between Outsourcing and Delegating

Lesson 3 from: 10 Days to a Virtual Assistant

Ari Meisel

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3. The Difference Between Outsourcing and Delegating

Lesson Info

The Difference Between Outsourcing and Delegating

The difference between delegating and outsourcing. With delegation, we're really talking about a form of leadership, where you are communicating your needs in a way that somebody else can take that sort of, football, and run with it, and overcome any obstacles that might come along the way without having to come back to you to manage what they're doing. Outsourcing is a little bit more technical, where it's just, I need this done and I'm gonna give it to somebody to do it. And you can outsource things to people in your organization and you can delegate things to people outside of your organization, so that doesn't necessarily make a difference, but there are certainly going to be things that you simply need to get done. And that's really what I think about with outsourcing. Ideally, we want to get to a place where we're delegating, and those are not the things that are just gonna get done, those are the things where strategy will come into play, where you're going to have a partner in ...

what you're doing, and they can actually provide you with a feedback loop and give you criticism on the things you're doing so that we can make the overall process better, and quite honestly the whole chain of optimized, automated outsourced benefits from that. So start this lesson by looking at the processes in your life and your business, the things that you're doing on a regular basis, whether it's daily or weekly or monthly, it doesn't matter, but just look at those processes, whatever they could be, it could be hiring people, it could be how you use social media, how you pay a bill, it doesn't really matter. But start to identify what those processes are, see how we can apply the optimized automated outsource methodology to it, and ideally lets look at how we can delegate those things to not just get them done but get them done better.

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ubaid rehman


a Creativelive Student

'Layers of Delegation' was really insightful part of this course, never thought about it as that

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