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Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: 10 Days to a Virtual Assistant

Ari Meisel

Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: 10 Days to a Virtual Assistant

Ari Meisel

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1. Class Introduction

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Class Introduction

Welcome to Creative Live. My name is Ari Meisel, and this is 10 Days to a Virtual Assistant. What we're gonna be talking about today, is how you can take advantage of outsourcing to a virtual talent so that in the ever-changing global marketplace, you don't have to be limited by your lack of time or skill sets in order to take your business to the next level or bring ideas to fruition. I have to start by making sure that everybody knows what a virtual assistant is. I find that that sometimes requires some explanation. A virtual assistant is a real person. It's a person who may be sitting in a building next door to yours. They could be across town, or they could be across an ocean. And that person may be a generalist that can do things like booking travel or making a dinner reservation or doing research. And it could be a specialist, somebody who is a skilled web developer or graphic designer or marketing strategist. Now this course is for anybody who's ever felt overwhelmed or felt lik...

e you couldn't take advantage of certain opportunities in your business. Whether you're a small team that simply needs just more time in the day, or you're a large organization with assistants that will use virtual assistants for their overflow. Because any one person is just gonna have so many hours in the day, and so many things that they know how to do. That is the barrier that a virtual assistant can help you break through. Now we're gonna have 10 lessons, that ... You can do these one day at a time and take a half an hour each to figure out how to get to that place where you can effectively outsource. Or, if you're really ambitious, you can go through this all at once, and go through each exercise to get yourself in a place where you can actually start to outsource tiny little tasks like looking up a cool new restaurant in town, to a medium task like doing your financial reporting on a weekly or monthly basis, to really, really big projects like writing a book and marketing it to the world.

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ubaid rehman


a Creativelive Student

'Layers of Delegation' was really insightful part of this course, never thought about it as that

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