Essential classes to boost your life and business.

The Science of People Bundle
$496 / ${{ VvePriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Vanessa Van Edwards is a published author and behavioral investigator. In this 3-class bundle set, Vanessa will teach you how to find ultimate happiness, how to master your people skills and how to use non-verbal communication to become the most memorable person in any room.See Bundle Details

Get Your Life In Order Bundle
$327 / ${{ LifePriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Not sure what you want to do with your life and don't know which direction to head? In this 3-class bundle, you'll learn how to leverage design thinking principles used by leading companies like Apple to make big life decisions, how to build and maintain healthy habits, and how to get results that match your ambition.See Bundle Details

Write & Publish Your Memoir
$451 / ${{ MemoirPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
If your dream is to write a book and get it published, then this 9-course bundle is for you. Our exceptional group of authors, editors and book coaches will take you through every step of the process, from telling your story to proofing your work to landing an agent to securing a publisher.See Bundle Details

Grow Your Instagram Account
$136 / ${{ IGPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social marketing platforms. This 4-class bundle will teach you how to grow you instagram account and engage with your target audience to to boost your brand and business.See Bundle Details

Start a Healthy Lifestyle Now
$176 / ${{ HealthPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
We all want to live a healthy lifestyle, but making big changes to our way of life can feel overwhelming. This 4-class bundle will get you started with tried and true methods that are easy to implement and provide immediate results.See Bundle Details

Writing For Business
$232 / ${{ WritingPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
What are the secrets to writing effective and engaging business copy? Find out with this incredibly informative 8-course bundle. You’ll learn how to write captivating commercials and promos, binge-worthy proposals, addictive content, blog posts that drive traffic, and copy that compels and sells.See Bundle Details

Design Thinking Bundle
$87 / ${{ DesignPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Want to know the secret to business innovation and relevancy? In this 3-class bundle Lee-Sean Huang, co-founder of Foossa will show you how to use design thinking to frame and solve problems to address human and business needs.See Bundle Details

Present Your Best Self Bundle
$127 / ${{ SelfPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Learn from a few of CreativeLive's best instructors and finally nail on presenting your best self. This 3-class bundle will guide you on how to connect with an audience to get and keep their attention, incorporate humor into your speeches to make people laugh, and how to set yourself apart to maximize your networking potential.See Bundle Details

Create a Standout Business Bundle
$544 / ${{ StandoutPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Ever wonder how to create a plan that will grow your business? Tara Gentile will guide you step-by-step on how to create and set goals that will help you grow a standout business, plus show you how to get proactive with your marketing plan so your business does not get lost in the crowd.See Bundle Details

The Complete Branding & PR Bundle
$247 / ${{ PRPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Learn to build your brand and presence, get the right kind of attention, and how to effectively market and grow your business. From positioning yourself in the market to make a rock solid impression, to building effective PR and marketing campaigns, you'll learn to master the essentials to successfully stand out from the crowd.See Bundle Details

30 Days of Genius Bundle
$545 / ${{ ThirtyPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Featuring some of the best of the best from our 30 Days of Genius interview series’ lineup, this bundle includes an unprecedented range of topics and experts - from Tim Ferriss and Ramit Sethi. Each class dives deeper into actionable insights and lessons to help you live the life you want.See Bundle Details