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Podcasting Week 2018

Multi-Class Bundle

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  • 19 complete classes
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Streaming and downloadable files
  • Available on desktop and mobile browsers
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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CreativeLive makes inspiring creative classes accessible to everyone.

The podcast is revolutionizing storytelling, and you want to be a part of it all. But do you have what it takes? First off, where will you find the time and money to pull it off? Do you have the technical know-how to record, edit and get your podcast out there? And how will you tell compelling stories that grab listeners attention and keep them coming back for more?

This first-ever CreativeLive Podcasting Week is designed to help you find success in this growing sphere. You’ll spend five days with some of the most accomplished podcasters in the business, learning everything you need to know to create and produce fascinating stories that people want to hear.

Each day will cover a different theme, with instructors guiding you through every step of the process— from pre-production to building an audience — to ensure your success. Over the course of the week, you’ll learn how to:

  • Understand the podcasting landscape and where you fit in.
  • Figure out your budget and ways to monetize your efforts.
  • Come up with interesting topics to cover and guests to interview.
  • Tell your story in a compelling way to get people hooked.
  • Mix and edit your audio for maximum impact.
  • Get your podcast on the air and sustain it as a weekly podcast.
  • Find a reliable audience through advertising, PR and social media.

Included classes