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Night Photography Week

Multi-Class Bundle

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  • 6 complete classes
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Streaming and downloadable files
  • Available on desktop and mobile browsers
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee

CreativeLive makes inspiring creative classes accessible to everyone.

The solar system and the magic within it can be seen with more than just a telescope.  

Capturing the colors and celestial phenomenons takes time, practice and little sleep.  

CreativeLive is excited to bring you the learnings of Night Photography in one week.  With five experts teaching a wide range of techniques and learnings; every photographer will be inspired to go nocturnal to capture some amazing images.  

Gabriel Biderman will be teaching a Night Photography Fundamentals course for all the beginners out there, exploring the fundamentals of night photography, how to catch the stars and the dynamic landscapes when photographing in national parks, and how to capture an urban setting.  

Chris Nicholson, the author of Photographing National Parks, will help all photographers plan their shoots from what parks to photograph in during what seasons, and how to safely explore and set your shot in his class Night Photography Toolkit.  

Lance Keimig will cover how to capture truly out of this world imagery, while teaching how to capture the milky way and star trails in the course Astro Photography.

Timothy Cooper will take the creatives another step, by introducing Light Painting into your tricks and adding a dynamic element to your landscapes with light writing or accenting different elements of your photograph.

And Lastly Matt Hill will introduce Portraits at Night.  Using your friends, or models, discover how you can capture amazing portraits in urban environments and national parks, without losing the amazing sky as a background.

Included classes