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Adobe Photoshop: The Complete Guide with Ben Willmore

Multi-Class Bundle

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  • 19 complete classes
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Streaming and downloadable files
  • Available on desktop and mobile browsers
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
Adobe Photoshop photo & video Beginner Fundamentals

CreativeLive makes inspiring creative classes accessible to everyone.

This bundle can also be purchased as a one large bootcamp class: Adobe Photoshop 2020: The Complete Guide Bootcamp with Ben Willmore

Adobe® Photoshop® is a huge, unwieldy program with tons of features and capabilities perfect for photo editing. But with the right instruction and a little perseverance, you can master it and create next-level images that will wow your audience.

Ben Willmore is the perfect guide for your journey through Adobe Photoshop. His easy-going, straightforward style takes the mystery out of this powerful program and makes you feel like you can tackle anything. Ben divides this course into easy-to-manage, bite-size chunks, so you can master each skill one at a time and gradually build your confidence.

For students who’ve only been using Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Illustrator, this is a great way to learn about the many advantages of Photoshop and its new features. Ben will instruct you in everything from retouching to compositing to masking to troubleshooting, all the while giving you helpful examples and visual aids to drive home each lesson. By the end of this intensive course, you’ll be ready to make some serious magic with Photoshop 2020.


Adobe Photoshop 2020 (V21)

Included classes